Honor and Memorial Gifts
After traveling through a challenging journey with our caring staff and volunteers, many people ask what they can do to help Haven. Frequently, families and friends choose to give memorial gifts to the Haven Foundation to honor their loved ones. Many families ask that charitable gifts be made “in lieu of flowers” or “in addition to flowers,” and we greatly appreciate their contributions.
All charitable gifts are vital in helping Haven continue to provide the vast array of programs and services available to our patients and their families.
You can make a gift online or call 800.727.1889 and ask for the Haven Foundation.
- Gift(s) given in memory of Estelle Aden
- Vicki Santello
- Gift(s) given in memory of Harold Agles
- Gloria Agles
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bette Albert
- Erin Brewer
- Peggy Pooser and John Pooser
- Gift(s) given in memory of Barbara Alderman
- Harry Alderman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Susan Alexander
- Richard Alexander
- Ray Pratt
- Gift(s) given in memory of Edward Allaire. Jr.
- Christine Allaire
- Gift(s) given in memory of Claude Allen
- Linda Allen
- Gift(s) given in memory of Naomi Allen
- Earl Allen
- Gift(s) given in memory of Margaret Almeida
- Kim Findley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Alvin Alsobrook
- Buzz and Ann Boyd
- Cynthia Brown
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Dr. and Mrs. S. Seluck Erenguc
- James and Peggy Henderson
- Bill and Betty Petty
- Larry and Bonnye Roose
- Joan Shewbrooks
- The Earle Taylor Family
- Patricia Young
- Savell & LLP
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kenneth Amato
- Linda Ross
- Gift(s) given in memory of Emily Anderson
- Estes and Frances Altman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marie Andrew
- Denise Chandler
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gerldean Angleton
- Laurel Angleton
- Gift(s) given in memory of Evangaline Arbogast
- Ned Arbogast
- Gift(s) given in memory of Frances Austin
- Lester Austin
- Gift(s) given in memory of Philip Austin
- Susan Netzel
- Gift(s) given in memory of Shirley A. Avila
- Kim Kazimour
- Steven Noll
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lillie Avrett
- Joyce Oliver
- Gift(s) given in memory of Judith Ayers
- Eric Ayers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Bache
- Paul and Margaret Kidd
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Bailey
- Mabel E. Bailey
- Gift(s) given in memory of Geneva Baisden
- Bob and Vikteriya Epling
- Gift(s) given in memory of Johnny Baladez
- Cathy Akins
- Gift(s) given in memory of Samuel III
- Toni Tregear
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marilyn Barnes
- Mary Ann Myrand
- Gift(s) given in memory of Rita Barry
- Maria Butts
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Barry. Jr.
- Maria Butts
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mary Bass
- Muchelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) given in memory of Becky L. Bauer
- Bernie Fitzgerald
- Gift(s) given in memory of Susan Beardsley
- Bob and Melissa Turner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Diana Beatty
- Owen and Allyson Beatty
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Beaty
- Barbara Beaty
- Gift(s) given in memory of Annetta Beazlie
- WAHVE Team
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dorothy “Lois” Beck
- Josie Brill
- Thomas Brooks
- Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Burbach
- Janet Childers
- Joy Dollar
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Beckum
- Buddy and Harriet Wise
- Gift(s) given in memory of Earnest A. Bell
- Lucille Bell
- Gift(s) given in memory of Frank Berryhill
- Terry and Karen Owens
- Gift(s) given in memory of Nancy Berryhill
- Terry and Karen Owens
- Gift(s) given in memory of Nathaniel Bethea
- Isaac and Gloria Bethea
- Gift(s) given in memory of William Jr
- Ann Thomas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Bijesse
- Mary E. Bijesse
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carl Binder
- Carol Binder
- Gift(s) given in memory of Margaret Bird
- Dot Bird
- Jerald Bird
- Gift(s) given in memory of Amy Blackwell
- Taylor and Isabell Blackwell
- Gift(s) given in memory of Alphonso Blandino
- Gary Blandino
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ruth Blandino
- Gary Blandino
- Gift(s) given in memory of Augie Bleich
- Georgia Knopff
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Bloodworth
- Ricky Mott
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas Bloodworth
- Barbara Moberly
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dorothy Blount
- Richard and Donna Mark
- Gift(s) given in memory of Josephine Bobo
- Curtis Bobo
- Gift(s) given in memory of Evelyn Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gift(s) given in memory of Fremont Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sharie Bourque
- Kevin Bourque
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gerard Bouthillet
- Marilyn Bouthillet
- Gift(s) given in memory of Willie Bowden
- Karen Baker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Iris Boyan
- Carolyn Raymond
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marie Bradley
- Janice Harrell
- Judy Hurst
- Gift(s) given in memory of C. Branam
- Gary Branam
- Linda Wallace
- Gift(s) given in memory of Billy Brannan
- Ernestine Brannan
- Bob and Frances McGranahan
- Melissa and Darryl Snodgrass
- Live Oak Pest Inc.
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Brantley
- David and Debra Brantley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Terrence Brauneck. DDS
- David and Debra Brantley
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Britt, Sr.
- Sandra Britt
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Brooker
- Northwestern Mutual
- Gift(s) given in memory of Laura Brookins
- Irvin Keen
- Norman and Anita Scoggins
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bruce Brooks
- Pamela Barton
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dorothy Brooks
- Anita Tonetti
- Gift(s) given in memory of Elaine H. Brooks
- Pamela Barton
- Gift(s) given in memory of Adele Brotz
- Martin Engineering
- Gift(s) given in memory of Donna Brown
- Larry Elshoff
- Gift(s) given in memory of Linda Brown
- Gale Adkins
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mary Brown
- Nann Heath
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sandra Brown
- Susan Singletary
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carol Bryan
- John Bryan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dora Lee Bryan
- Joan Ricks
- Town of Tioga
- Gift(s) given in memory of Raymond Bryan, Jr.
- Tim and Diana Weddington
- Gift(s) given in memory of Hildegard Bryant
- Raymond Bryant
- Gift(s) given in memory of David Buchan
- Rena Buchan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wanda Budner
- Judith James
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marilyn L. Buehne
- James Buehne
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jeff Burkhart
- Rick and Mary Ann Hammond
- Rick Hammond and Mary Ann Whitley Hammond
- Gift(s) given in memory of Janet Burleson
- Bill Burleson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gladys Burrell
- Ronalee Ifowitz
- Gift(s) given in memory of Scottie Butzer
- Elizabeth Vinson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Barbara Campbell
- Howard Campbell
- Gift(s) given in memory of Tiny Campbell
- Lisa Justice
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wallace Cannon
- Larry and Madaline Brown
- Hazel Richardson & Family
- Kathy Spears
- Rosa Carols Welch
- John and Linda Zubke
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mary Carlisle
- Alto and Patrecia Straughn
- Gainesville Regional Utilities
- Gift(s) given in memory of Rose Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gift(s) given in memory of Geneva Cason
- The Williams Sisters: Roxanne, Rachael, Regina, Jacqueline
- Irvin Keen
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joe Caudill
- Glenna Caudill
- Gift(s) given in memory of Craig P. Cellon
- M. and Mildred Cellon
- Gift(s) given in memory of Rosa Cheshire
- W. Cheshire
- Gift(s) given in memory of Melvin Childress
- Pete and Sharon Breitinger
- Charlie Williams
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Christy
- Marianne Christy
- Gift(s) given in memory of Simonne Clark
- Audrey Clark
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joan Cobia
- SallyAnn Rogers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sheffield Cobia
- SallyAnn Rogers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ronald Coleman
- Carole Coleman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Raymond Colley
- Suzanne Melton
- Gift(s) given in memory of Patricia Collins
- Mike Collins
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kervie H. Combass
- Glynis Day
- Marshall and Gayle Donaldson
- Thomas and Theresa Glenn
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bill Conner
- Emily Conner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wayne F. Cook
- Kelly Smith and Carol Cook
- Gift(s) given in memory of Fred Cooper
- Kathleen Cooper
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paul L. Copeland
- Julie Copeland, Mark Copeland and Dana Vaughn
- Gift(s) given in memory of William Copeland
- Robert and Corla Niesen
- Gift(s) given in memory of Connie Ann Cotterman
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Braswell
- Gift(s) given in memory of Tom Crankshaw
- Henry and Judy Crews
- Gift(s) given in memory of Neil “Bill” Crawford
- Mary Joyce Crawford
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gordon Cregg
- Hazel Fleming
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sharon Crenshaw
- Reid Ward
- Gift(s) given in memory of Noreen Crews
- Ethelia Perry
- Gift(s) given in memory of Willian Crews
- Eddie and Sue Jones
- Gift(s) given in memory of Brenda Cronin
- Ann Beach
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lacy Crosby
- Sandra Crosby
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sharon Crosby
- Robert and Susan Wilson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ruth Crouse
- Frank Sodek, III
- Gift(s) given in memory of James R. Crowe
- Mary Crowe
- Gift(s) given in memory of Maria Cruz
- Jim and Sally Judycki
- Gift(s) given in memory of Addis Currie
- William and Shirley Buck
- Gift(s) given in memory of Leota Daniels
- Ralph Daniels
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Dare
- Julie Dare
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carolyn Davis
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) given in memory of Louise Davis
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) given in memory of Hardy Dean
- Marjorie Dimmick
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gladys Dees
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thetis Dees
- Irene Calhoun and Gladys Dees
- Gift(s) given in memory of Linda Mary DeJonge Tynan
- Jeffery Tynan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Frances DeLaCuesta
- Celeste and Laurence Kroll
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Walter Deloach
- Linda Deloach
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Denney
- Rhonda Mashburn
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ana deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joan Donahue
- Thomas and Kathleen Cox
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jim Donaldson
- Doris Donaldson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Burcell Donohoo
- Brenda Strybosch
- Gift(s) given in memory of Nancy Donovan
- Edward Donovan and Timothy E. Donovan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Roberta Dunn
- Sammy Dunn
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bailous Dykes
- Gloria Dykes
- Gift(s) given in memory of Nadine Dyle
- Kim Dyle
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jewel Ebling
- Denise Nakanski
- Gift(s) given in memory of Anthony Ecker
- Robin Ecker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sally Edwards
- Julie Dare
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sara Elkins
- Tim and Diana Weddington
- Gift(s) given in memory of Edith Ellett
- Betty Owens
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Ellett
- Betty Owens
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jimmy Ellis
- Susan Ellis
- Gift(s) given in memory of Calvin Elshoff
- Larry Elshoff
- Gift(s) given in memory of Vivian Elshoff
- Larry Elshoff
- Gift(s) given in memory of William Evans
- Wayne and Alice Tharp
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paul H. Everett
- Rita Everett
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kathryn Fink
- Joseph Fink
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mary Fitzgerald
- Robert Fitzgerald,
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph Flanagan, Jr.
- Bernadette Flanagan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mary Flinchum
- Richard and Donna Mark
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jerome Flunker
- Linda Flunker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Betty Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dave Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Forester
- Catherine Forester
- Gift(s) given in memory of Alberta Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Freeman, Jr., MD
- Dr. and Mrs. John W. Andrews
- Robert Freeman
- Dr. and Mrs. Ocie Harris
- Sharon Jones
- Juanita Miller
- Harry and Amy Sauers
- The Streit Family – Kay, Kim, Kyle, Garrett and Jim
- Alleen C. Stringer
- Thomas Zavelson and Mrs. Gail Zalveson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Richard Fries
- Rosemarie Fries
- Gift(s) given in memory of Libby Furlow
- Leonard Furlow, Jr.
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lance Futch, Sr.
- Shirley Futch
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ronald Gainer
- Patricia Gainer
- Gift(s) given in memory of Flora Galli
- Fran Pepis
- Pepis Enterprise,
- Gift(s) given in memory of Alek Galoustian
- Rozita Galoustian
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Gamble
- Michael Gamble & Family
- Steven Noll
- David and Carole Silverman
- Reid Ward
- Howard Bishop Middle School
- Gift(s) given in memory of Earl Gaugler
- Joan Gaugler
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph Gibbons
- Dennis Gannon
- Gift(s) given in memory of Clarence Gibson, Sr.
- Joyce Gibson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Albert Giovanetti
- Theresa Morgan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bertrand Girard
- Marguerite Girard
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bronna Godwin
- Patsy Templeton
- Gift(s) given in memory of Judy Golden
- Stan and Terri Golden
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bernard Goldstein
- Pete and Fran Silver
- Gift(s) given in memory of David Goolsby, Sr
- Terry and Sarah Hogan
- Gretchen Hunter
- Lawrence and Imogene Miller
- Johnny and Carole Peterson
- Ralph and Debbie Reid
- Lamar and Hazel Royals
- Marlene Shaw
- The Levy Law Firm
- Gift(s) given in memory of Hilma Gracy
- William Gracy, III
- Gift(s) given in memory of Francis Granit
- Annamarie Granit
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gerald Greene
- Peggy Greene
- Gift(s) given in memory of Katherine Groggel
- David Groggel
- The Hubbard Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Terry Gruver
- Anne Clark
- Cecelia Conner
- Christine Dann
- George Duke, III and Laura A. Duke
- James Rawl, Jr.
- Alto and Patrecia Straughn
- Gift(s) given in memory of Oneil Guidry
- The Xides Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kenneth Guilbeau
- Sue Guilbeau
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ernest Gulley,
- Florence Gulley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Gwisdalla
- David Lemanski
- Gift(s) given in memory of Helen Hahn
- Kelly Oneil
- Gift(s) given in memory of Roy Haines
- Nan Haines
- Gift(s) given in memory of Annie Hall
- Gene King
- Gift(s) given in memory of Nancy Hall
- David Hall
- Gift(s) given in memory of William Hall
- Donna and William Hall
- Gift(s) given in memory of Julianne Hamwey
- Kathy Hamwey Driggers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Julia Louise Hanson
- Charles and Judy Norris
- Gift(s) given in memory of Harold Harper
- Vicky LeForge
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gary Harris
- Selma Harris
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kenneth Harris
- David and Holly Williams
- Gift(s) given in memory of Billy Harthcock
- Rose Cordray
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Harthcrock
- Rose Cordray
- Gift(s) given in memory of Charles Hatcher
- Betty Hatcher
- Gift(s) given in memory of Leonard Hawk
- Emily Hawk
- Gift(s) given in memory of David Henderson
- Elizabeth Steinberg
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas Hess
- Gerald Hess & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Henry Hines
- Newberry Garden Club
- Gift(s) given in memory of Frederick Hoenickle
- Evelyn Hoenickle and Danean Ermentrout
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jane Hoffman
- Cathy Carlsten
- Terri Colburn
- Janice Evans
- Sarah Kohn, David, Karen, Nancy & Family
- Linda Mills
- Team XAT
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kenneth Hohmann
- Jeanne Hohmann
- Gift(s) given in memory of Owen Hoover
- Larry Elshoff
- Gift(s) given in memory of Arthur Hornsby
- Kathleen Hornsby
- Gift(s) given in memory of Billy Howland
- Patti Goodson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Guangling Huang
- Baixi Lin
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lawrence Huddle
- Doris Huddle
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sam Hughes
- Jan McDonald
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wilard Hunter
- Judith Hunter
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jack Hurse
- Joel and Nan Islam
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lois Ivanko
- Miroslav Ivanko
- Gift(s) given in memory of Diana Jenkins
- John Hammond
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bobbie Jones
- Jean Landsdowne
- ET York Care Center Team
- Gift(s) given in memory of Harry Jones
- Maxine Jones
- Gift(s) given in memory of Linda Jones
- Paul Jones
- Gift(s) given in memory of Noralyn Jones
- Bill and Sandi Harrill
- Carey Jones
- Phill and Pam Mehling
- Bill and Ann Preston
- Don and Betty Ann Puckett
- Connie Quincey
- The Sturdivant Family
- Diann Vaughn & Family
- Gainesville Wellness and Performance
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paula Jones
- Bob and Dottie Mounts
- Gift(s) given in memory of Julian Jucha
- Pat DeFilippo
- Gift(s) given in memory of Charlotte Junker
- Bluegrass Care Navigators
- Gift(s) given in memory of Evelyn Justice
- Lisa Justice
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Justice
- Lisa Justice
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marilyn Hamann
- Thompson Construction Group,
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lloyd Kellenberger
- Elizabeth Hoppe
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph Kelley
- Philip Payne, III
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Kelly
- Betty Rouse
- Gift(s) given in memory of Perry Kemp
- Floyd Kemp
- Gift(s) given in memory of Betty Kenny
- Mr. and Mrs. David Kenny
- Gift(s) given in memory of Betty Kilgore
- Helen Glover
- Gift(s) given in memory of Louise Kimmel
- Renae Shea
- Gift(s) given in memory of Harry M. Kimmel
- Renae Shea
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Kinard,
- Sandra Weaver
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gladys Kirkland
- Larry Elshoff
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sur Kirmse
- Mike and Rachel Leach
- Gift(s) given in memory of Willie Knopff
- Georgia Knopff
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bobbie Knowles
- Joy Langston
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bobby Koon
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thelma Koski
- Melvin Koski
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jeanne J. Krieck
- Marge Cannon
- Jim and Dorothy Henderson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert L. Krumm,
- Betty Cox Krumm
- Gift(s) given in memory of Trudy Kuchareck
- Tom Kucharek
- Gift(s) given in memory of Josephine M. Labella
- Cathy Diaz
- Gift(s) given in memory of Walter Lackey
- Jane Finney
- Gift(s) given in memory of Doris Lacy
- Richard Lacy
- Karen Murphree
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mildred C. Lamm
- George and Ginny Greene
- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Leonard
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lewis Lange
- Laura Barclay
- Gift(s) given in memory of Michael Larick
- June and Sonny Martin
- Sharon Rees
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jackie E. Larkan
- Mary Larkan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jack Larr
- Roland and Joanne
- Dale and Suzie Campbell
- Ramey Juers
- David Larr
- Delores Larr
- Duane and Sharon Larr
- David and Leanna Liabenow
- Gift(s) given in memory of Toby Larsen
- Ingeborg Larsen
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph Latella
- Pat DeCarlis
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gerald Law
- Hattie Law
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Lindfors
- Sandra Lindfors
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas Locke
- Gail Stuckey
- Gift(s) given in memory of Norman Lucas
- Rebecca Ann Lucas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Consuelo Lucero
- Eloy Lucero
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Mackintosh
- Nancy Mackintosh
- Gift(s) given in memory of Susan MacLean
- Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Adel
- Chris Austin
- Peggy Bear
- Pete and Sharon Breitinger
- Oksana Bull
- Kim Elixson & Family
- Kayser Enneking
- Kristen Hamlet
- Joen and Nan Islam
- Shatercia Jenkins
- Gillian Johnson
- Jalaini Johnson
- Karen Lawler
- Robery McManaway
- Basma Mohamed
- Robert Nappo
- Lynne E. Roy
- Josh Sappenfield
- Jennifer Swinderman & Family
- Kim Taylor Natalia Valais
- Jamie Warren
- Anesthesia Pre-Op Clinic
- Navitect Consulting
- Gift(s) given in memory of Shena MacLeod
- Murdo MacLeod
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lloyd L. Macy
- Ann Macy
- Gift(s) given in memory of Neera Malik
- Sarita Bhatheja
- Joanne LaFarmenta
- Greg Ross
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yellen
- Machan International , Ltd.
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jim Manley
- Jerlene Manley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marie Maone
- Joann Laudadio and Patty Waltz
- Gift(s) given in memory of Charles Martin
- Sandra and Barry Murphey
- Gift(s) given in memory of Evelyn Martin
- Jack W. Martin
- Gift(s) given in memory of Helen Martin
- Sandra and Barry Murphy
- Gift(s) given in memory of William Martin, Sr.
- William Martin, Jr.
- Gift(s) given in memory of Antonio Martinez
- Carmen Escudero-Martinez
- Gift(s) given in memory of Catherine G. Martinez
- Chrystii Cocco
- Jackie and David Cochrane
- Randy and Cindy Curtis
- Claudia Davis
- Clay Dzioba
- Beverly B. Gilmore
- Tom and Neia Gwaltney
- Fritz and Mary Jo Holzgrefe
- Sharon A. Jones
- Pauline Leary
- The Family of David A. Martinez
- Joel D. Mathis
- Joyce A. Oliver
- Mike and Shann Purinton
- Sandra W. Roberts
- Les and Gina Sims
- Marc and Linda Spalding
- Raymond H. Taylor
- Steve Thibault
- Terry and Laura Turner
- Marc Spalding Real Estate
- North Florida Council – Boy Scouts of America
- Rodeheaver Boys Ranch Directors
- Rotary Club of Palatka
- Thibaults Electrical Service, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in memory of Harold M. Mashburn
- Rhonda D. Mashburn
- Gift(s) given in memory of Stephen Mate
- The Owens Family
- Paul Theiss
- Mary A. Thiede
- Gift(s) given in memory of Russell L. Matheny
- Wanda Eschman
- James Fayard
- Jerry S. Mosley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Helen M. Matthews
- June M. Sullivan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Mazza
- The Family of Barbie Sabo
- Gift(s) given in memory of James Mazzei
- Diane Mazzei Warner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ethel L. McCall
- Pamela K. Brazier
- Celeste W. Rosenau
- Gift(s) given in memory of Peter T. McCal
- John and Sandy Roscow
- Gift(s) given in memory of Anthony McCallister
- Chuck and Sherry Adams
- Paul and Reda Waters
- Gift(s) given in memory of Will McCarty
- Michele-Renee Karahalios
- Gift(s) given in memory of Martha McClung
- Greg and Nancy Williamson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bernard McCole
- Rachel Humphrey
- Gift(s) given in memory of Edward L. McCusker
- Elizabeth McCusker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lloyd McElroy
- Jewel McElroy
- Gift(s) given in memory of Warren E. McGonigal
- Sandra M. McGonigal
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jack L. McKinley
- Rebecca McKinley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Susan J. McKinnon
- Ruth B. Hooper
- Rayburn and Liz Joyner
- Ronald McMillan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Meliti
- Delphine Meliti
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert J. Mello
- Kedra Mello
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carolyn K. Mayrick
- Denise D. Brazelle
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph Mickesh
- Deborah and Robert Spereno
- Gift(s) given in memory of Donald R. Miller
- Donna and William Hall
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ionia J. Miller
- Donna and William Hall
- Gift(s) given in memory of Royal E. Minerva, Sr.
- Mildred Minerva
- Gift(s) given in memory of Viola C. Mishler
- Ray and Sherry Avery
- Mary Sharon Cribbs
- Greg and Lecia Wooten
- Gift(s) given in memory of Betty Rose Posivio Mitchell
- Carolyn Brown
- Joanna Brown
- Beverly A. Hudgins
- Rose L. Jones
- Kitty Poston
- Gift(s) given in memory of Cleveland D. Moore
- The Jody Cannon Family
- Warren and Arlene Conley
- Sam and Judith Evangelista
- Mary Jane Fletcher
- Mary C. Henderson
- Deborah Love
- Louetta Moore
- Barbara C. Newell
- Ruth C. Trainor
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ida Moore
- Dallas Moore
- James Moore
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paul Moore
- Mr. and Mrs. David Kenny
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph L. Mora
- Barbara E. Mora
- Gift(s) given in memory of Albert “Junior” Morris
- Dawn Sherman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thelma Morrow
- Linda and Perry & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of William A. Motes
- Denise Nakanski
- Gift(s) given in memory of Hugh Anson Moye
- Alto and Patrecia Straughn
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mullen Family
- Carole and Roger Taylor
- Roger and Carole Taylor
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wanda Mullersman
- Family of Andrew Coffey
- Jan T. LeDuc
- Janet Matthews
- Mr. and Mrs. James Sarisky
- Hubert von der Lippe
- Gift(s) given in memory of Judy Musgrove
- Scottie Law
- Gift(s) given in memory of Edward W. Nelson
- Cynthia Machupa
- Gift(s) given in memory of Phillip Nemeth
- Sarah Nemeth
- Gift(s) given in memory of Garry G. Nicholas
- Paula Brooks
- Richard Neiberger
- Archer Elementary School
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paul T. Niland
- Greg and Joann Guyan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Allan Norden
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carroll Norden
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gift(s) given in memory of Emmett Norden
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gift(s) given in memory of David Normand
- Debra Hamel
- Cynthia Luppi
- Gift(s) given in memory of John E. Norris
- Guy and Suzanne Norris
- Gift(s) given in memory of Polly N. Norton
- Debbie Lentz and Lisa Butler
- Gift(s) given in memory of Edward W. Oliva
- Nancy Hagey
- Gift(s) given in memory of Shanon M. O’Neill
- Stephen and Elizabeth O’Neill
- Gift(s) given in memory of Deborah Ormes
- Gwen May
- Gift(s) given in memory of Martha Ormes
- Gwen May
- Gift(s) given in memory of Peggy Ormes
- Gwen May
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bonita Oswalt
- Phillip Taylor
- Gift(s) given in memory of Anthony G. Otero
- Karen Otero and Dennis Otero
- Gift(s) given in memory of Donald Owen
- The Danny Berryhill Family: Chris, Sherri, Cyndi and Danielle
- Trina Bowden
- Leslie Morrison
- James F. Owen
- Fred and Sandi Pirkle
- Teresa Whitley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Warren Owens
- Terry and Karen Owens
- Gift(s) given in memory of Angel S. Padron
- Gladys Padron
- Gift(s) given in memory of Norma Panasiti
- Joan Gauglar
- Gift(s) given in memory of Catherine D. Patten
- Diane Creaven
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mattie L. Pearson
- Patricia Turner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Darby Peek
- Jane Ward Gault
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joseph R. Pelletier
- Donna P. DiNardo
- Deb Frick
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gray Perdue
- Leslie A. Knapp
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mario Perez
- Maria E. Radelat
- Gift(s) given in memory of Leo J. Perrault
- Patricia Perrault
- Gift(s) given in memory of Samuel Pesner
- Mary Pesner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sonja Petersen-Richards
- Tom Richards
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lilian Petrecca
- Joseph and Paula Petrecca
- Gift(s) given in memory of Silvio Petrecca
- Joseph and Paula Petrecca
- Gift(s) given in memory of Pauline Phillips
- Caesar Turner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ann Polhemus
- Jan and Dion Cole
- Gift(s) given in memory of W.C. Polhemus
- Jan and Dion Cole
- Gift(s) given in memory of Belinda S. Polk
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ronald E. Polk
- Marge Polk
- Gift(s) given in memory of Betty C. Powell
- David B. Powell
- Gift(s) given in memory of James H. Powell
- Wilma P. Harris
- Gift(s) given in memory of Cora Presha
- Pamela Jenkins
- Tracey Jenkins
- Gift(s) given in memory of Denise Pretty
- Iris E. Garrett
- Gift(s) given in memory of James L. Price
- The Senior Adult Class II
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jim Pritchett
- Deborah Y. Johnson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dean Pruitt
- Jodi Pruitt
- Gift(s) given in memory of William D. Pruitt
- Jo Ann Pruitt
- Gift(s) given in memory of Virginia M. Purcifull
- Dan and Marcia Purcifull
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marilyn Rabin
- Carol R. Bleichfeld
- Philip Jones
- Gift(s) given in memory of Beverly Radez
- Susanne Tenney
- Gift(s) given in memory of Henry Radez
- Susanne Tenney
- Gift(s) given in memory of Theodora T. Rancourt
- Maurice Rancourt
- Mary F. Thomson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Caspar Rappenecker
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jesse C. Reddish
- Juanita Reddish
- Gift(s) given in memory of Delphine M. Reich
- Bo (Delphine) Reich & Dennis Brooks
- Gift(s) given in memory of William Reich
- Bo (Delphine) Reich & Dennis Brooks
- Gift(s) given in memory of Harry E. Reidling
- Marie Reidling
- Gift(s) given in memory of Julia B. Reiskind
- Roxane Bleiweis
- Jon Reiskind
- Gift(s) given in memory of Verna H. Renninger
- Joan Gauglar
- Gift(s) given in memory of James B. Reynolds
- Vivian Reynolds
- Gift(s) given in memory of Virginia C. Riley Renshaw
- Charles Renshaw
- Gift(s) given in memory of Clara E. Rittenhouse
- George and Dale Anderson
- Thomas and Hazel Bryant
- Mildred E. Reeves
- Gift(s) given in memory of Glenda Rogers
- Bert B. Rogers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ruby L. Rogers
- Florence Van Arnam & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Charles M. Rogers, Jr.
- O’Dell and Delia Rogers
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Romans
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gina Romero
- Paul Knapp
- Gift(s) given in memory of Murray James Ross
- Linda R. Deloach
- Gift(s) given in memory of Connie Rousch
- Lyann Wolford
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ronald E. Russell
- Janet Russell
- Gift(s) given in memory of M. Dorothy Ryan
- Sarah E. Vander Griend
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marian Ryland
- Joel and Nan Islam
- Gift(s) given in memory of Louella Salhanick
- David Salhanick
- Gift(s) given in memory of Craig Salley
- Sharon A. Jones
- George and Maryse Szydlowski
- Scherer Construction of North Florida, LLC
- Gift(s) given in memory of Herbert S. Schwartz
- Ray Morgenstern
- Gift(s) given in memory of Richard D. Schwartz
- Alice Schwartz
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carl R. Scully
- Ruth Scully
- Gift(s) given in memory of Deborah D. Sendax
- Reily Hendrickson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Bonnie Sue Shaffer
- Shirley A. Marsiglia
- Gift(s) given in memory of Goldia L. Shanahan
- Peggy Pooser and John Pooser
- Gift(s) given in memory of Linda Shelton
- Joseph Shelton
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wendell Shepard
- Denise Nakanski
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert T. Sheridan
- Carol Sheridan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Patricia B. Shivery
- Jim and Patti Shivery
- Gift(s) given in memory of Donald W. Shuey
- Pauline Shuey
- Linda Wirtz
- Gift(s) given in memory of Eugene Shuey
- Pauline Shuey
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sonja L. Silver
- Dan Silver
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gary Simmons
- Nancy Loveland
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mamie Lee Simmons
- Gail Stout
- Gift(s) given in memory of William C. Simpson
- Jean Simpson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Iris Singletary
- Linda R. Deloach
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kenneth Slaughter
- Richard A. Phelps
- Gift(s) given in memory of Shelia A. Sluis
- Bob Sluis
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lucille W. Smith
- Joyce H. Cherry
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert E. Smith
- Amanda Smith
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wilmer Smith
- Shirley Futch
- Gift(s) given in memory of Charles Sneed
- Jacquelyn Sneed-Magwood
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carolyn Snyder
- Lloyd Snyder, III
- Gift(s) given in memory of Alex J. Soled
- Ingrid Soled
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Sparrow
- Eros Belliveau and Kara Belliveau
- Gift(s) given in memory of Toni Sparrow
- Eros Belliveau and Kara Belliveau
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wendell Spears
- Tim and Sandy Matthews
- Gift(s) given in memory of Howard B. Speelman
- Edward C. Toner and Donna J. Toner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Edward A. Staley
- Diane Bragg
- Gift(s) given in memory of Linda W. Stallings
- Louise O. Stallings
- Gift(s) given in memory of Peter Staskivtch
- Judith M. Staskivtch
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas Stemp
- Michael and Terese Comar
- Brandi Dayhaw
- Ann M. Piper
- Gift(s) given in memory of James R. Stevens
- Ann Bormolini and Art Hutchison
- Howard and Roberta Whitaker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Benjamin H. Stewart, Jr.
- Victoria S. Lewis
- Gift(s) given in memory of Pauline “Jane” Stoltzfus Morgan
- Ruth S. Wilson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joel G. Stuart
- Cristina I. Stuart
- Gift(s) given in memory of Janice R. Sullivan
- James M. Sullivan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Richard Swan
- Doris Swan
- Gift(s) given in memory of Troyce Swann
- Eileen Swann
- Gift(s) given in memory of Maynard F. Swanson, Jr.
- Ruthann Swanson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Chester E. Swendsen
- Judy Swendsen
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jesse Tatum, Jr.
- Debra Tatum
- Gift(s) given in memory of Dorothy M. Taylor
- Darlene M. Sweatt
- Gift(s) given in memory of John B. Taylor
- Theron F. Carman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Kenneth D. Taylor
- Phyllis D. Taylor
- Gift(s) given in memory of Louise M. Taylor
- Martha S. Funkhouser
- Gift(s) given in memory of Nelson M. Taylor
- Martha S. Funkhouser
- Gift(s) given in memory of Richard C. Taylor
- Darlene M. Sweatt
- Gift(s) given in memory of Tylor Family
- Carole and Roger Taylor
- Roger and Carole Taylor
- Gift(s) given in memory of Earle A. Taylor, Jr.
- Elizabeth P. Alsobrook
- The Bill Andrews Family
- Bob and Wilma Braun
- Marge Cannon
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Tom and Susan Spain
- Roy Tabor
- Gift(s) given in memory of Barbara P. Thomas
- Valerie Johnson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Douglas L. Thomas
- Helen Thomas and Elizabeth Smith
- Gift(s) given in memory of JoAnn Thomas
- Denise D. Brazelle
- Gift(s) given in memory of Tana Thomas
- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Charles E. Thomas, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Brenda J. Thompson
- Harold V. Thompson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Pamela W. Thrift
- Emery W. Thrift
- Gift(s) given in memory of John C. Tiernan
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gift(s) given in memory of Janice G. Tietge
- Mary Jane Green
- Gift(s) given in memory of Norman W. Timberman
- Mary Coleman
- Mr. and Mrs. Dean Papas
- Art and Mary Reeves
- Gift(s) given in memory of Laura Toews
- Irene Toews
- Gift(s) given in memory of Rodney G. Toews
- Irene Toews
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ruben Toews
- Irene Toews
- Gift(s) given in memory of Robert Tozzi
- Rebecca Tozzi & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marilyn J. Travers
- Richard Travers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paul Troszak
- Terry McKenzie
- Gift(s) given in memory of Patricia H. Trullender
- Frank Trullender
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gift(s) given in memory of James D. Turner
- Leta Turner
- Gift(s) given in memory of Maureen L. Uhrie
- Rick Uhrie
- Gift(s) given in memory of Carl E. Van Arnam
- Florence Van Arnam & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mattie L. Varnes
- Elaine Carter
- Gift(s) given in memory of Roxie Vickers
- Roy Vickers
- Gift(s) given in memory of Judith Vlasic
- Patience Vlasic
- Gift(s) given in memory of George Vuidema
- Sarah Kohl, David, Karen, Nancy & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Joan Vuidema
- Sarah Kohl, David, Karen, Nancy & Family
- Gift(s) given in memory of Russell A. Wade, Jr.
- Jerry and Fay Coffey
- Ron and Janet Shifflett
- Gift(s) given in memory of Paul A. Wahlstrom
- Lanette Wahlstrom
- Gift(s) given in memory of Henrietta Waitcus
- John Waitcus
- Gift(s) given in memory of Donna L. Walker
- Ron and Judi Bouchard
- Mahala B. Chafin
- Men’s League – Mountain Harbour Golf Club
- Gift(s) given in memory of Corine Wallace
- Donald Wallace
- Gift(s) given in memory of Evelyn Wallace
- John Wallace
- William Wallace
- Gift(s) given in memory of Frances P. Ward
- Jane Ward Gault
- Gift(s) given in memory of Maggie Waters
- Catherine Boon
- Gift(s) given in memory of Atlee O. Watson
- Atlee E. Watson-Hill
- Gift(s) given in memory of Gloria Watson
- Frank and Mary Kate Colson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ida Mae Watson
- Jack and Prentice Spann
- Gift(s) given in memory of Myron S. Watson
- Jack and Prentice Spann
- Gift(s) given in memory of Patty Watson
- Gene Watson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wendelyn Watts
- DeLoris J. Watts
- Gift(s) given in memory of Frances T. Weatherby
- Dan and Marcia Purcifull
- Gift(s) given in memory of Larry Wells
- Carol A. Wells
- Gift(s) given in memory of Phyllis J. Wells
- Dennis and Joyce Blocker
- Jeanne B. Brockman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Lewis E. Weygandt
- Patricia Weygandt
- Gift(s) given in memory of Becky Wheeler
- Rebecca Ann Lucas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas T. Wheeler
- Rebecca Ann Lucas
- Gift(s) given in memory of Inman L. White
- Judy and Butch Smith
- Gift(s) given in memory of Maryann J. White
- Judy and Butch Smith
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ruth A. White
- Wellborn Baptist Church – Senior Ladies Ministries
- Gift(s) given in memory of Ellinor Wiggins
- Norman and Myrtle Ann McElroy
- Gift(s) given in memory of John Wiggins
- Norman and Myrtle Ann McElroy
- Gift(s) given in memory of Shirley V. Wiggins
- Irene Hundley
- Gift(s) given in memory of Brenda C. Williams
- Larry Williams
- Gift(s) given in memory of Eula Williamson
- Greg and Nancy Williamson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Glenn Williamson
- Greg and Nancy Williamson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Evie D. Wilson
- DCHS Class of 1963
- Gift(s) given in memory of Hattie K. Wilson
- Mary Alderman
- Gift(s) given in memory of Irene J. Wilson
- Tommy and Jean Cotchaleovitch
- Gift(s) given in memory of Jacqueline M. Wilson
- Bobby Ray Wilson
- Gift(s) given in memory of Theresa A. Wilson
- Linda and James Voiles
- Gift(s) given in memory of Wayne Wisenbaker
- Shelby Wisenbaker
- Gift(s) given in memory of Marion R. Wolfe
- Becky Persing
- Gift(s) given in memory of Thomas M. Woodle
- Jeanine Woodle and Sue Schlia
- Gift(s) given in memory of Linda Wotton
- Lawrence Wotton, Sr.
- Gift(s) given in memory of Earl Wyche
- Nealie Acree
- Gift(s) given in memory of Mary Elizabeth Todd Yokem
- Gary Branam
- Linda B. Wallace
- Gift(s) given in memory of Sandra Fox Zappini
- Dan Zappini
- Gift(s) given in memory of Li Zhang
- Yun-Ju He
- Gift(s) given in memory of Michael Zory
- Barbara A. Zory
- Gift(s) given in memory of Peter S. Zory
- Barbara A. Zory
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Alvin V. Alsobrook
- Lorraine Barber
- John and Nancy Carswell
- Emylen Davis Collins
- Carolyn Fouts
- Dr. and Mrs. Ocie Harris
- Nita Nell Hurse
- Sharon A. Jones
- Ron and Carol Kalapp
- Kerry and Mary Kelly
- Jay Nordqvist
- Patty Sullivan
- Tom and Karen Whalen
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Kelly Brothers, LLC
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Phyllis D. Amundson
- Eric and Sherri Amundson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of William C. Andrews
- George Andrews
- The Earle Taylor Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Carlton J. Annis
- Mary J. Young
- Baker Correctional Institution Employees Benefit Trust Fund
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Pearl S. Barber
- Milton Barber
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Charles C. Bartley
- Gracemarie A. Bartley
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of James L. Barton
- Diana L. Barton
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Diana B. Beatty
- Owen and Allyson Beatty
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of John T. Beckum
- Catherine E. Ayers
- Kay and David Ayers
- Elaine W. Beckum
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Debra Bellin
- Bellin Bee Honey Farms, LLC
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of John A. Belluscio
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Florentina Betancourt
- Olga Lugo-Knott
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Gregory T. Bishop
- Kimberly Bishop
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Walter R. Blanton
- Mary Jane Fletcher
- Eleanor B. Koehmstedt
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Bessie J. Blocker
- Bonnie Jones & John and Mary Carlson
- Henry and Margaret Sanders
- Brenda Strybosch
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Betty W. Bocz
- Scott O’Briant
- Glenda Woodward
- Ascend Area 2 Operations
- Ascent Perf. Materials Ops, LLC
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Evelyn R. Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Fremont Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Martha B. Brown
- Pat Kohlhepp
- Norman and Myrtle Ann McElroy
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Inez Brunson
- Katie Richardson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Raymond C. Bryan, Jr.
- Jimmie Turner Hall
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ray Buchanan
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Pamela Burt
- Jennifer D. Davis
- J.T. and Marsha Mahoney
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Janice E. Campbell
- Marilyn Lewerenz
- Courtney Moore
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Denton Carmichael
- Marjorie Carmichael
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Joanne C. Carnevale
- Charles and Linda Gamba
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Anna M. Cecchini
- Lori Berman
- George Nash
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Robert M. Cecchini
- Lori Berman
- Julie Cress & Family
- Yadankush Getinet
- Kimberly Glynn
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ann J. Chomko
- Darlene A. Burgess
- Barbara A. Chomko
- Stephanie and Christine Pasquel
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Warren R. Clark
- Denny and Diana Christensen
- Gwendy Cohen
- Debra Kuhnly
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nelson
- Douglas and Beth Peacock
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sosnoski
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Richard D. Clayton
- Richard and Anne Burt
- Charles R. Cason
- Peggy Clayton
- Rivero Gordimer & Company, P.A.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Phyllis Cline
- Randy and Debbie Saunders
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Roger D. Clingan
- Donna Clingan & Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Matilda H. Cockrell
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of William S. Copeland
- Eva M. Copeland
- Chet Norman
- Jay and Gwen Poole
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Betty Jean Daughtry
- The Daughtry Children and Grandchildren
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Olan Palmer Daughtry, Jr.
- The Daughtry Children and Grandchildren
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of James E. Davis
- John L. Davis
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of MaryJo Davis
- Willy McGrew
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Gary Day
- Marjorie Carmichael
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Mary Ann DeCarlis
- Bunny Blood
- Vinny and Christine Boccabella
- John and Patricia Carlson
- John and Suzanne Cerrone
- Linda Cirulli-Burton
- Kevan Cramer
- Sandra, David, Felicia and Christian Fallo
- Benjamin French
- Joel and Nan Islam
- Mary B. Koss
- Dianne Lauco
- Karen M. Seabury
- Jeffrey and Victoria Stockham
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Katherine H. Dicks
- Yvonne Cole & Family
- Katherine Dicks Family
- Quinelle C. Ryan & Family
- Dorcas Sunday School Class-Hopeful Baptist Church
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jean D. Dixon
- David and Don Ames Families
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Joseph D. Doran
- J. Thomas and Deborah Doran
- Scott and Mickey Doran
- Ron Guzzetta
- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Miller
- Joseph E. Miller
- Tom and J.B. Pike
- Joseph E. & Ronda B. Miller Foundation, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Bailous E. Dykes
- Steve McEachin
- Shirley S. Motes & Connie Motes Eilbeck
- Edward and Lesley Myers
- Perry-McCall Construction, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Dixie Daisy G. Eddy
- Doug Galloway
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Emma H. Edwards
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Gerald H. Eidson
- Joan M. Eidson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Elena Etter
- Eileen and Larry Pederson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of John Fazio
- Stephani Russell
- Patricia A. Weiss
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Barbara J. FitzSimmons
- Nancy Detweiler
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jerome J. Flunker
- Linda Flunker
- Joyce Rychnovsky
- Ed Thompson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Judith O. Foreman
- Chuck and Sharl Turner
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Alberta L. Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Michelle Freeborn-Miller
- Mike and Elaine Freeborn
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Mavis Garrett
- Libby Maginness & Linda Coker
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Monique Gauthier
- Sue Gauthier and Kathy Coyle
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Rosa Lee Genovar
- Georgian Roycik
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Shelly M. Goldie
- Mark and Marian Garber
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Betsy A. Goodman
- Joseph Armstrong
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Curtis H. Goodwin
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Marie Scaff Goolsby
- Missy Ruthardt and Tammy
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of James F. Greene
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Oneil J. Guidry
- Ellen Benson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Gerald E. Hale
- Patricia Hale
- Jean Norton and Larry Woodfin
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Harold I. Hale, Jr.
- Sue LuQuire
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Richard B. Hammond
- Norma L. Emond
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Linda Harpe
- Woodlawn Baptist Church
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Henry C. (Spanky) Harrell
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of John Harthcock
- Rose Cordray
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Joshua Blake Hartley
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Georgette E. Hastings
- James Hastings
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Haven – ET York Team
- Lassie Patterson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Haig and Gaylynne Der-Houssikian
- Name
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Henry A. Hines
- Renotia Hines
- Ted Yoho, DVM
- Hobo Tractor Co, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of William Wells Hood, Jr.
- Stephen Lind
- Catherine R. Merril
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Mary Anne Houston
- Joe and Chris Bumgardner
- Shayne and Cindy Edge & Family
- Joe and Henrietta Kirkland
- Lawrence and Imogene Miller
- North Florida Daylily Society, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Elvedita Hudson
- Dwight and Glenda Stansel
- Dwight Stansel Farm & Nursery
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of James H. Hudson
- Steve and Mary Bird
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Mildred Huguley
- Margaret J. Huguley
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Noralyn C. Jones
- Helen Hardee
- Mary H. Jones
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jaquelyn R. Kent
- Peggy B. Lyerly
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Eleanor (Mickey) L. Kientz
- Charlotte M. Hermann
- Randolph C. Kientz
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jacqueline Kite
- Wanda R. Barker
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Walter Komssi
- Michael and Penny Maurer
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Charles G. Koon
- Gail E. Buchanan & Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Elizabeth Kopp
- Sally Kopp
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Julia A. Kurtz
- Mary Lou Bruce
- Roy D. Kurtz
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Robert R. Lacroix
- Roz and Izzy Shever
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Doris A. Lacy
- Fred and Donna Dunphy
- Bob and Winnie Windsor
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Edith R. Lamberto
- William and Patricia Marino
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Mildred C. Lamm
- Evelyn Heath
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Barbara B. Lauer
- Sara (Saly) Brandt, PhD
- Jo Petzold
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Dinah Lechner
- Liz McGrath Circle
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Thomas Lee
- Sound Ideas Stereo, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Terry B. Long
- Shirley M. Robertson
- Oak Ridge Chapel Baptist Church
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Shena M. MacLeod
- Murdo J. MacLeod
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Leonard Manuel
- The Manuel Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Dale Marshall
- Anne Alley
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Cynthia A. Martin
- Robert T. Hedrick
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Teresia R. Mash
- Deirdre Edwards
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Helen M. Matthews
- June M. Sullivan
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Kenneth B. Matthews
- Luther White, Jr. and Karen Usher White
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Robert Mazza
- Mark Robinson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Fred McAfee
- Ann Thompson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ethel L. McCall
- Connie May
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Anthony McCallister
- Barbara L. Burgener
- Bill and Kathy Courtney
- Beth Davis
- Greg and Mary Terese Huffman
- Bill and Marianna McElroy
- Susan Prewitt
- Bob and Marilyn Shaw
- Terry and Ruth Ann Trice
- Gary and Donna Weseman
- Robinson Family Charitable Trust
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Joyce Bernadette McDonald Bender
- Bette and Rick Simpson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Edith B. McElroy
- Gatorland Kubota
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Elva M. Mistler
- John and Karen Ross & Children of Eugene & Eula Smith
- Diann Ward
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Bascom F. Mizell, Jr
- Betty A. Bashaw
- The Craig-Miller Families
- James M. Rabb
- Edgar Watson
- Keystone United Methodist Church – Men’s Prayer Group
- Torode Family Enterprises, LLC
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Melvin E. Mock
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Cleveland D. Moore
- George and Dale Anderson
- The Francis Beach Family: Francis, Billie, Julianne & Andy, Chris & Shelly
- Thomas and Hazel Bryant
- Paula Marczynski
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Elizabeth Ann Moore
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Eginhard Muth, PhD
- Richard and Maryann Walker
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Helen M. Myers
- Vicki Brown
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Margaret (Peg) Nattress
- Sara (Saly) Brandt, PhD
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Kenneth R. Neff
- Darlene Burns
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ada D. Nelson
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Gene L. Newton, Sr.
- The Newton Sisters
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Patricia A. O’Day
- Peggy Dickenson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Billy L. O’Hara
- Linda J. Blasky
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Nezhat Ourmazd
- Nancy O. Jenab
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Charles T. Ozaki
- Lassie Patterson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Meena Pathi
- Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Barai
- Lalitha Ganesh and Thangavelu Ganesh
- Dr. Uma Iyer
- Nili Jha
- Jeevan Jyot
- Sujatha and Durg Kumar, Gopal and Vasantha Gururagan, Raghu and Gayu Gururangan
- Prabhakar Rajagopal
- Mira Sankar
- Heather and Bruce Spiess
- Swapna Surabhi
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Marilyn A. Pavela
- Glorida J. Stanich
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Thomas Pearson
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Marjorie G. Pendley
- Scott and Barbie Pendley
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of William G. Pendley
- Scott and Barbie Pendley
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Sylvia Perlowski
- Kenneth Perlowski, David and Sybil Stillwell
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Shirley E. Petronis
- Bill and Donna Colman
- Elisabeth Groth
- Larry and Ruth Hill
- Sherry Walker
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Mary Lou Polla
- The Family of Mary Lou Polla
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Eric Pomeranz
- Betty A. Dunckel
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Rita Lyn Rabon
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Sammie C. Rackley
- George and Mari-Lou Jensen
- Charlene and Dale Pringle
- Salisbury-Rowan Newcomers Saturday Night Bridge Group
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Kirby C. Rainsberger
- Mary J. Young
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Athena Randolph
- Dr. Tommy Randolph
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Tammy Ratliff
- Tiffany Coleman
- Richard and Tracey Daniel
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Pauline D. Reid
- Louis and Mary Zarrilli
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of David P. Richards
- Melisa A. Jeffers
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Laure B. (Sam) Roberson
- Marjorie Carmichael
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of William D. Roberson, Jr
- Jerry and Melinda Dudley & The Family of Imogene Farmer Coates
- Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Kaletyo M. Rogers
- Richard A. Rogers
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of John Romans
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Carol Ropp
- Bruce and Rhonda Cease
- Dorothy Fillmer
- Tom and Dana Fillmer
- Carol A. Smull
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jane F. Rose
- CJ Burrell
- Donna M. Hayes
- Michael P. Hill
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Albert Rossi
- Cynthia R. Dazevedo
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Beulah E. Sapp
- Sam and Nora Weeks
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Sally M. Sapp
- Mary Sue Adams
- Gynelle Lundy
- Debbie and Ralph Reid
- Lamar and Hazel Royals
- Sharon Wetherington
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Luetta F. Scott
- Edie King
- Charity Sunday School Class – Hopeful Baptist Church
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Virginia L. Shepherd
- Beth, Tricia, Angie and Mark Page
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Luke Sifford
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Hoopes
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Charlene J. Sigler
- Justin Connell
- Marilyn Egle
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Lydia Simpelo
- Noreen Settipani
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Kenneth Slaughter
- Buddy and Denise Dillingham
- Peggy T. Williams
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Robert E. Smith
- Ms. Violet B. Ritchie & Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Pat Snelgrove’s Sister
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Allan J. Sobanski
- Douglas Ohlstrom
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ed Stettner
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Claudia Stirling
- Irene Voorhees
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Virginia Ann Stockham
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Alan Struckmeyer
- Linda Struckmeyer
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Troyce Swann
- Randee Gibson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Andrew J. Taylor
- Betty P. Taylor
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of John B. Taylor
- Barbara Sherwood
- Futchs Landscaping, Inc.
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Helen S. Tenney
- Bill and Nancy Thompson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Wilma J. Terrel
- Woodlawn Baptist Church
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Willard B. Thomas
- Lee Cooper
- Tracy Cummins
- Sean Gerrits
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Donna L. Thompson
- The Wisser Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ruth Thompson
- Peyton Gonzales
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Gene Thursby
- Barbara Heinly
- Kim Hickman
- John Puckett and Karin Schaller
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Martin V. Tilley
- Diana Owens & Family
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of James E. Tippett
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gaffney
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Judy J. Tison
- Amy Schultz
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Laura Toews
- Irene Toews
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ruben Toews
- Irene Toews
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Paula J. Tyre
- Maryalice Nelson
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Roxie Vickers
- Roy Vickers
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Donald J. Waddell
- Mary Lou Waddell
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Dorothy I. Waldeck
- Dan and Katherine Waldeck
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Thomas P. Warlow, III
- The Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation, Inc
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Henry A. Weech
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Phyllis J. Wells
- Mary Anne Smith
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Edwin Wheeler
- Priscilla Wheeler
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Chad A. Williams
- Edith Hardee Family
- Ronnie and Jane Robinson
- Susan and Rick Wood
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Milta M. Williams
- Richard A. Rogers
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Hattie K. Wilson
- Mary Alderman
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jean D. Wilson
- Charles and Moselle Freund
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Loretta Wood
- Bill and Peg Vroman
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Shirley A. Wood
- Marjorie Carmichael
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Ira J. Wood, Jr.
- Marjorie Carmichael
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Virginia E. Worthington
- Jess and Mary Shackleford
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Van L. Zetrouer
- Connie M. Eilbeck
- Kimberly Holter
- Gift(s) given in honor/memory of Jewell L. Zihal
- VEMO Auto Auctions
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gerardo V. Achas
- The Achas Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marvin A. Acree, Jr.
- Robert and Angela Mills
- Gift(s) received in memory of Estelle Aden
- Vicki Santello
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joan E. Adkins
- Mark Adkins
- Gift(s) received in memory of Peter L. Alberts
- Mollie Alberts
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marie A. Alford
- Arty and Jackie Hart
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pearl A. Alkire
- Barbara A. Imwold
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edward J. Allaire, Jr.
- Christine Allaire
- Gift(s) received in memory of John R. Allen
- Linda M. Allen
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nancy Rose Alvarado Amay
- Mack and Cheryl Forehand
- Gift(s) received in memory of Paul J. Andel
- Ann Marie Andel
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edith L. Anderson
- Eula H. McFalls
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marvin Anderson
- Helen H. Anderson
- Judy D. McNeal
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nan M. Andrews
- Elizabeth Harlow
- Gift(s) received in memory of Evangaline F. Arbogast
- Ned Arbogast
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruby H. Arnall
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Braswell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Johnny L. Arnette
- Susan Nazworth
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frances Arnould
- Philip and Laura Dean
- Gift(s) received in memory of Julio Avael
- RaiEtte Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Tracey S. Ayotte
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilman G. Aoytte
- Gift(s) received in memory of Larry O. Bagnall
- Shirley Bagnall
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jared Bailey
- Jim and Lori Bailey
- Gift(s) received in memory of Johnny Baladez
- Cathy S. Akins
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pearl S. Barber
- Gerald and Connie Ward
- Gift(s) received in memory of Thomas J. Barker
- Judy Barker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Homer H. Barron
- Jane Deem Barron
- Gift(s) received in memory of Evertice M. Bass
- Wayne and Alice Tharp
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary Bass
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Diana B. Beatty
- Owen and Allyson Beatty
- Gift(s) received in memory of Zachary Beckenbach
- Jay and Jan Beckenbach
- Gift(s) received in memory of Janie L. Bedenbaugh
- Deborah H. Sutherland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jerry H. Bedenbaugh
- Toby Bedenbaugh
- Gift(s) received in memory of Daniel M. Bell
- Joanne Bell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lawrence T. Bellucci
- Tom and Kathie Bellucci
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara R. Bennett
- John and Lynn Bennett
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gary A. Benson
- George Adams & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara Bergin
- Michael Bergin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nathaniel Bethea
- Isaac and Gloria Bethea
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carl E. Binder
- Carol A. Binder
- Gift(s) received in memory of Margaret S. Bird
- Dot Bird
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gregory T. Bishop
- Kimberly Bishop
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rodney Bishop
- Tom and Jean Brady
- Gift(s) received in memory of Garland E. Blackmon
- Shirley W. Blackmon
- Gift(s) received in memory of Paul E. Blake
- Marion Blake
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harold R. Blalack
- Mrs. Harold Blalack
- Gift(s) received in memory of Karen Blatt
- Patricia Blatt
- Gift(s) received in memory of Margaret W. Blitch
- Riley M. Blitch
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nancy Jane (Darby) Bloodgood
- Karen P. Nelson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betty C. Bordeaux
- Philip and Kelly Wagner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rhesa B. Bostick
- Paul D. and Margaret Kidd
- Gift(s) received in memory of John B. Boudrot
- Mary Boudrot
- Gift(s) received in memory of Teresa Boudrot
- Mary Boudrot
- Gift(s) received in memory of Melvin M. Bowden, Sr.
- Haven – Access Department
- Gift(s) received in memory of Katharine H. Bowers
- Susan Bowers Crist
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jacqueline Bowles
- Doug Bowles
- Gift(s) received in memory of Albert V. Bratt, Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Sawyer
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruth C. Breier
- Beverly McBride
- Gift(s) received in memory of Denver M. Brewer
- Theresa Brewer
- Gift(s) received in memory of Brian P. Brofft
- Lauren Ferguson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Cheri Brofft
- Lauren Ferguson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Montie C. Brofft
- Lauren Ferguson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Adele J. Brotz
- Bonnie Fletcher
- Joan and Mark Maute
- Gift(s) received in memory of Judy Broward
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dolores Helen Brown
- Margaret and John McLean
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donna Brown
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Michael Brown
- Bernie Fitzgerald
- Gift(s) received in memory of Millard C. Brown
- Applean M. Brown
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruth S. Brown
- William S. Brown
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert A. Bryan
- Lyla Bryan King
- Gift(s) received in memory of Shirley Ann Kropp Bryan
- Sharon C. Valley
- Gift(s) received in memory of Hildegard Bryant
- Raymond Bryant
- Gift(s) received in memory of David R. Buchan
- Barbara J. Buchan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Louise Buchanan
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Stanley “Scott” Burgess
- Barbara Burgess
- Gift(s) received in memory of James D. Burnsed
- Dianne Burnsed
- Gift(s) received in memory of Erna Burr
- Edward C. Burr
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary L. Burr
- Edward C. Burr
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert Burr
- Edward C. Burr
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pamela Burt
- Daryl and Julie Amstutz
- George and Dale Anderson
- Van and Denise Bosco
- Thomas and Hazel Bryant
- Dana Day
- Becky Field
- Carolyn Wilson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Maxine G. Burton
- Jeanne B. Karably
- Gift(s) received in memory of Scottie J. Butler
- Sue Butler
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara Campbell
- Howard Campbell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald S. Campbell
- John and Marsha Capinera
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jean Campbell
- John and Marsha Capinera
- Gift(s) received in memory of Amelia C. Cannon
- Ellison and Mary Alice Hardee
- Gift(s) received in memory of James E. Cannon
- Marge Cannon
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ernest G. Carlow
- Jim and Lori Bailey
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carl G. Carlson
- Terri Milikin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Regina B. Carlson
- Terri Milikin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara M. Carlton
- Nancy and Dolly Vause
- Gift(s) received in memory of George H. Carlyon
- Carol A. Pearson
- Gift(s) received in memory of John J. Carman, Jr.
- Tim and Geri Holler
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jean Cason
- Bob and Christine DeMoss
- Gift(s) received in memory of P.D. Cason
- William B. Brannon, Jr.
- Audrey S. Bullard
- The Family of Dick Cochran
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Carole C. Williams
- Etheridge Furniture
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elizabeth A. Castner
- Sharon Castner
- Lorraine DeMauex
- Gift(s) received in memory of Franklyn Castner
- Sharon Castner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Michael V. Catena
- Marcia Richardson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Virginia L. Cawley
- Jack K. Cawley
- Gift(s) received in memory of Anna M. Cecchini
- Michelle O’Neill
- Gift(s) received in memory of Craig P. Cellon
- D.M. and Mildred Cellon
- Gift(s) received in memory of John T. Cerezo
- Janet Bell and Nancy Cerezo
- Gift(s) received in memory of Christopher B. Chaffey
- Jenifer Chaffey
- Gift(s) received in memory of David Chandler
- Edite V. Vickers
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ann J. Chomko
- Dave and Debby Kruger
- Gift(s) received in memory of Benjamin F. Christie
- Alease Christie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lorie Hoeltzel Clark
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gift(s) received in memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Roger D. Clingan
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pauline Cobb Fillyaw
- White Springs Presbyterian Church
- Gift(s) received in memory of Matilda H. Cockrell
- Eric and Sherri Amundson
- Susan Bader
- Harvey Goldstein
- Donald and Sue Graetz
- Anna LeMaster
- Patricia Schmidt
- Katharine and Ted Speltz
- Gift(s) received in memory of David F. Cohen
- Tom and Nora Merrill, Ray Merrill and Kristin Reynolds
- John Merrill, Inc.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dr. Maurice F. Cole
- Sally Cole
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gene I. Cole
- Family of Gene I. Cole
- Gift(s) received in memory of Hilda G. Collier
- Linda Collier Cason
- Gift(s) received in memory of Paul L. Collier
- Linda Collier Cason
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruby Colson
- Elvin S. Colson
- Kelli Colson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald Eugene Conrad
- Richard Conrad
- Gift(s) received in memory of Karol J. Conway
- JoAnna Cron
- Ernest and Sharon Renfroe
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marion Conway
- Carol M. Hazy
- Gift(s) received in memory of Francis Coogan, Jr.
- Susan Dwyer
- Gift(s) received in memory of Patricia J. Cooper
- Maurice Cooper & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carol Costantini
- Marie Broling
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frank Costantini
- Marie Broling
- Gift(s) received in memory of Connie Ann Cotterman
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Braswell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary Coursey
- William P. Coursey, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Deborah Rene Crawford
- Michael Horning
- Gift(s) received in memory of Christine Creel
- The Voss Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Shirley C. Cromwell
- Seletta Henry
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lacy O. Crosby
- Sandra Crosby
- Michelle Davenport
- Dewayne McRae
- Wood Group – Work Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alfonzy Cross
- Doris W. Cross
- Gift(s) received in memory of William (Bill) L. Crouse
- William W. Crouse
- Gift(s) received in memory of James R. Crowe
- Mary D. Crowe
- Gift(s) received in memory of Addis Currie
- William and Shirley Buck
- Gift(s) received in memory of Grace E. Curry
- Clymertean Choice, LaVada Curry, Corene Moultrie and LaQuela Jones
- Gift(s) received in memory of Vernon Daniel
- Alma R. Daniel
- Gift(s) received in memory of Leota Daniels
- Ralph H. Daniels
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elizabeth Y. Davey
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clara Davies
- Fred and Lisa Davies
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betty A. Davis
- Janet Allerding
- Patty R. Keusch
- Patricia Pringle
- Martha B. Hanna
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carolyn Davis
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Claudia C. Davis
- Brian K. Davis
- Gift(s) received in memory of Louise Davis
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) received in memory of MaryJo Davis
- Leeann Allen
- Rose M. Blackmon
- Patti D. Brown Traylor
- Sloane T. Geiger
- Cheryl Huggins
- Evelyn Laster-Maddox
- Sandra C. Lovvorn
- Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. McCutcheon
- Willy McGrew
- Diane McLendon
- Steve and Sharon McLendon
- Alston & Leslie Taylor’s Family
- Delores Y. O’Neill
- Janet G. Spencer
- Mitzi D. Thompson
- Brenda G. Tyson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Susan Marie Davis
- Robert Battaglia
- Gift(s) received in memory of Beman G. Dawes
- David and Martha Rader
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dorothy W. Deaux
- Rebecca O. Deaux
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary Ann DeCarlis
- Rose M. Baccaro
- Ralph Bowden, Jr.
- Mark F. Cacozza
- Michael and Nadia Caleo
- Holly Capps
- Yoly Carbia
- Larry Cumbaa
- Butch and Kay Custodero
- Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Dean
- Nick DeCarlis
- Pasquale DeCarlis
- DECA Design, Inc.
- Margie DeCesare
- Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Federico, Jr.
- Tina Federico
- Danielle M. Fernandez
- David Hendryx
- John and Kathy Kish
- The Laura Stewart Bridge Group
- Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lazzaro
- Douglas Leslie
- Patricia Maris
- Mary Miller
- Vincent and Gloria Palmiero
- Michael and Tobi Potapow
- Anthony and Sandra Showa
- Hedy Stathes
- Jo Stathes
- Mary J. Young
- Joseph and Maria Zegarelli
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gladys Dees
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Thetis Dees
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Arthur J. Degnan
- Diane Anding
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rosemarie Degnan
- Diane Anding
- Gift(s) received in memory of Linda M. DeJonge
- Jeffery Tynan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gioconda DeMarco
- Lorena Aguilar
- Gift(s) received in memory of June Delores Trent Dennis
- William Baker, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Davey Desautels
- David and Carol Desautels
- Gift(s) received in memory of James R. Desjardin
- Kirk Lewis
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clara F. Dicks
- Donna Kay Dicks
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nita K. Dobbs
- Jessie Bunn Tew
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jim K. Donaldson
- Doris J. Donaldson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary Frances Donohoe
- Cleve and Donna Cooper
- Gift(s) received in memory of Eleanor P. Donohoo
- Brenda Strybosch
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dorothy J. Ducksworth
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carland H. Dukes
- Lisa Thigpen
- Gift(s) received in memory of Milton Dukes
- Lisa Thigpen
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joe G. Dunlap
- Roger and Carole Taylor
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carolyn Dyal
- Anneta M. Andrews
- Gift(s) received in memory of Laverne Dyal
- Anneta M. Andrews
- Gift(s) received in memory of John C. Dykes
- Ray, Pat, Jost, Jeff Dykes & Family
- Mattox Ward and Marnie Ward
- Gift(s) received in memory of Theda M. Eadie
- Robert and Linda Eadie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Erma J. Edinger
- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newberg
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elnora Edmonson
- Gwen A. Johnson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeffrey Bernard Edwards
- Beverly Edwards
- Gift(s) received in memory of Peter J. Eliazar
- Marilyn P. Santos
- Gift(s) received in memory of Henri Claude Elie
- Marie-Carmelle Elie and Newton Turenne
- Gift(s) received in memory of Calvin G. Elshoff
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Vivian E. Elshoff
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marion English
- Charles L. Corbett
- Gift(s) received in memory of James N. Entrekin
- Carol S. Anderson
- Joey and Melissa Arnold
- Joe and Beverly Arnold
- Michelle Carroll
- David and Sarah Decker & Family
- Mary A. Entrekin
- Catherine Hargreaves
- Michael and Jennifer McAneny
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Michael Pipech
- Scott and Wanda Robinson
- Brant and Jill Turman
- Linda Winn & Mary and Dave Nordstedt
- Mike Winn & Family
- Lake Brantley Varsity & JV Baseball Teams
- Tommy Waters Custom Homes Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara L. Eubanks
- Bennie R. Eubanks
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ginger Rae Eustice
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Francesca Fabrizio
- Harvey and Diane Steiner
- Gift(s) received in memory of William Fabrizio
- Harvey and Diane Steiner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dianne M. Felts
- Thomas E. Felts
- Gift(s) received in memory of John H. Fenton
- Hedy S. Fenton
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joseph E. Flanagan, Jr.
- Bernadette Flanagan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jerome J. Flunker
- Vickie Deen & Family
- David Doner
- Angel Hubaykah
- Judy Rembert
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jennie Fly
- Juanita Yates
- Gift(s) received in memory of Micah L. Folsom
- Felinda Renee Folsom
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald W. Fone
- Annie Knowles and Christine Funderburk
- H.B. and Linda Lee
- Miriam L. Pettigrew
- Barry and Carolyn Pruette
- Elizabeth P. Wilson
- Gift(s) received in memory of James A. Forester
- Catherine F. Foerster
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frank T. Forney, Jr.
- Tim Forney
- Gift(s) received in memory of Craig France
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alberta L. Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gift(s) received in memory of James Steven Franklin
- James S. Franklin
- Gift(s) received in memory of William A. Franklin
- Cindy Franklin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gina L. Frazee
- Applean M. Brown
- Gift(s) received in memory of Herbert D. Frazier, Jr.
- Jane Frazier
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard F. Fries
- Rosemarie Fries
- Gift(s) received in memory of Milton Fritschle
- Dr. Andrea Fritschle
- Gift(s) received in memory of Libby Furlow
- Leonard T. Furlow, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ronald L. Gagne
- Deborah A. DeNike
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frances Gainey
- Rodger and Lou Gainey
- Gift(s) received in memory of Flora Galli
- Fran Pepis
- Pepis Enterprise, Inc.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna L. Gandy
- Tom and Joyce O’hara
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeniece P. Gardiner
- Diane Adams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary F. Garner
- John L. Garner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Susan Garten
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bernard Gay
- Kathleen A. Goff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruth S. Gay-Crosier
- Raymond Gay-Crosier
- Gift(s) received in memory of William F. Genovar
- Nancy Genovar Clayton
- Gift(s) received in memory of John F. Gerber
- Bea Gerber
- Gift(s) received in memory of Patricia A. Gilboe
- Bob and Julie Gilboe
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dale W. Glenn
- Elaine Coxworth
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joyce A. Glenn
- Elaine Coxworth
- Gift(s) received in memory of William A. Glover
- Helen K. Glover
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alan H. Goforth
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gift(s) received in memory of Shelly M. Goldie
- Ed and Norma Muller
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bernard Goldstein
- Pete and Fran Silver
- Gift(s) received in memory of Amber Goodbred
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betsy A. Goodman
- Joe and Lucy Bruckner
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bussiere
- Sherry Deist
- Jane Ditzler
- Ed and Marcia Ellett
- Marge and Mel DiPietro
- Suzanne Gable
- Sharon A. Jones
- Margaret Kone
- Jayashree Mahajan
- Mr. and Mrs. George Mazzeo
- Tony and Renee McDonald
- Robb Stokes
- Naomi R. Williams
- Phi Delta Theta Florida Alpha
- Gift(s) received in memory of Emma L. Gore
- Aaron and Julie Robinson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Michael R. Gorman
- Rosalie M. Gorman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marilyn Govreau
- Teresa G. Rowand
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alice J. Green
- Larry D. Parham
- Gift(s) received in memory of Susan C. Green
- Travis and Heather Green
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dale Griffin
- Jackie Griffin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elizabeth Griffis
- Connie Griffis
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert A. Grimes
- Kathy Grimes
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wendy Guenette
- Thomas Guenette
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kenneth M. Guilbeau
- Garrett L. Polhemus
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gustavo
- Ken and Ana Cusi
- Gift(s) received in memory of Irvin L. Hadden
- Louise A. Hadden
- Gift(s) received in memory of Phillip S. Haisley
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jack C. Haldeman
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lorena Haldeman
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harold I. Hale, Jr.
- JoAnn R. Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ray M. Hall
- Dell Hall Malcolm
- Gift(s) received in memory of Warren Hallman
- The Hallman, Jones and Smith Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Julianne Hamwey
- Kathy Hamwey Driggers
- Gift(s) received in memory of Violet A. Hancock
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lynn M. Harden
- Jan and Ron Hall
- Lorne and Joy Sims
- Gift(s) received in memory of John M. Harmon, III
- Jay and Daphne Shipowitz
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harold Harper
- John and Vicky LeForge
- Gift(s) received in memory of Deborah Harris
- Renee Speisman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gary K. Harris
- Therese Blake
- Barbara Howard
- Amy Leu
- Theresa Oakley Graham
- Linda Paradise
- Karen Swint
- Donna Zerbato and Judy Stanfield
- Gift(s) received in memory of Maxine Harris
- Wanda Drexel
- Dr. and Mrs. William Renner
- James S. Zaleski
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara Hart
- John and Jane Moore
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betty R. Hart
- Troy R. Hart
- Gift(s) received in memory of Fred Hart
- Arty and Jackie Hart
- Gift(s) received in memory of Inez Hart
- Arty and Jackie Hart
- Gift(s) received in memory of Teresa W. Hart
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Leon D. Hatch
- David and Shirley Campbell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lamar Hatcher, Sr.
- Lamar Hatcher, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Larry J. Hayes
- University of Tennessee
- Gift(s) received in memory of O.L. Haynes
- Anne Haynes
- Gift(s) received in memory of Linda F. Hayward
- Wood Creek Neighborhood Association
- Gift(s) received in memory of Victor Hazy, Jr.
- Carol M. Hazy
- Gift(s) received in memory of Patricia W. Head
- Jane Head and Charlie Davidson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert Head
- Jane Head and Charlie Davidson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Arnold Heggestad
- Stan and Peggy Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betsy Heller
- Chandler and Kathy Jones
- Gift(s) received in memory of Josephine “Jo Ann” Hemond
- JoAnn Sampson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Suzanne P. Hench
- Harold and Mona Anderson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Martha Ruth Gibbs Henderson
- The Henderson Family – William, Tracy, Greg, Kelsey and Ozzy
- Dawn M. Olszewski
- Lamar and Hazel Royals
- Sharon Wetherington
- IBEW Fifth District
- Gift(s) received in memory of James D. Henry
- Hill Brannon, Jr.
- Robert and Lila Brannon
- Stephen Lind
- Fitzhugh K. Powell
- Mary S. Walker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Helen Gray “Kitty” Hice
- Larry Hice
- Gift(s) received in memory of Thelma T. Hilliard
- Charmaine Gibson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elizabeth Hinman
- Susan E. Park
- Gift(s) received in memory of Hubert H. Hinman
- Susan E. Park
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles Hodge
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Emil Hoeltzel, III
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gift(s) received in memory of Emil W. Hoeltzel, Jr.
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frederick Hoenicke
- Evelyn Hoenicke and Danean Ermentrout
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeanette R. Hoffon
- Marco and Bonnie Castillo
- Gift(s) received in memory of Roger Hoffon
- Marco and Bonnie Castillo
- Gift(s) received in memory of Karalee Holden
- Polly H. Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wilma R. Holmes
- Rebecca Knight
- Gift(s) received in memory of William W. Hood, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Al Alsobrook
- Gift(s) received in memory of Owen A. Hoover
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joan Horn
- Jeff and Lori Schleede
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert Horter
- Martha Horter & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carla Hotvedt
- Pennie Delmond
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary L. Houk
- Eddie and Lois Houk
- Gift(s) received in memory of Billy Howland
- Bill and Pam Yanossy
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lawrence F. Huddle
- Doris Huddle and Sharon Huddle
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald L. Humphrey
- Julie G. Humphrey
- Gift(s) received in memory of Remmie Humphries Davidson
- Ivoree R. Cheney & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dorothy M. Hurley
- Howard and Marie Blankenship & Family
- Fred and Wilma Doak & Family
- Jim and Donna Doak & Family
- Stanley and Sandy Doak & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edward H. Hyslop
- Tanya and Vernon Ferris
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joan Islam
- Joel and Nan Islam
- S. J. Islam
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dr. Leonard Jackson
- Steven and Elizabeth Stark
- Gift(s) received in memory of Faye N. Jackson
- Steven and Elizabeth Stark
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nancy L. Jackson
- Thomas and Winnie Russ
- Gift(s) received in memory of Deborah L. Jacobs
- Sammy L. Jacobs
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna Janowski
- John and Lisa Kneedler
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ann H. Jarvis
- Grace Overfield
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles E. Jenkins
- The Family of Charles Jenkins
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jayamma John
- Joseph John and Roshni Mathew
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kelton L. Johns
- H. Eileen Johns
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lucila Johnson
- Lucille Harris
- Gift(s) received in memory of Roy L. Johnson, Sr.
- Mattox Ward
- Marnie Ward
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dorothy E. Jones
- John C. Jones
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harry E. Jones
- Rubye Jones
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rudy Kalcich
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gift(s) received in memory of Louis P. Kalivoda, Jr.
- Sharon A. Jones
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lawrence Kassebaum
- Georgina Kassebaum
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kevin Allen Kelber
- Gerald and Sharon Kelber
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kenneth R. Kellner
- Family of Irene Kellner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Brandon Kershner
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alece A. Key
- Barbara W. Wiles
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gary F. Keys, Sr.
- Beverly W. Keys
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard D. Kimerling
- Peggy A. Kimerling
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harry M. Kimmel
- Renae Shea
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clyde W. King
- Mary Ann Nabywaniec
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna H. King
- Jerry L. King
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jean King
- Mary Ann Nabywaniec
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joan I. King
- Linda Royal
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gladys L. Kirkland
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ira Kitts
- Connie D. Cimino-Brown
- Gift(s) received in memory of John Klein
- Ron DeFilippo
- Gift(s) received in memory of Michael Klein
- Gerald and Ulla Benny
- Gift(s) received in memory of Willie H. Knopff
- Georgia Knopff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ben E. Koon
- Joy Koon
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles G. Koon
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Isabelle Koon
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald Z. Koons
- Kay Koons
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sara Kosboth
- David and Sharon Kosboth
- Gift(s) received in memory of Albina Krishon
- Geraldine J. Parmental
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald J. Krogstad, MD
- Frances Krogstad
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elvira E. Kultzow
- Susan Kane
- Gift(s) received in memory of Walter R. Lackey
- Jane Finney
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carmen L. Laguna
- Marcos Laguna
- Gift(s) received in memory of Poppy LaRoche
- Jackie LaRoche
- Gift(s) received in memory of Toby Larsen
- Ingeborg Larsen
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gerald W. Law
- Hattie Law
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clyde R. Leaphart
- Betty H. Leaphart
- Gift(s) received in memory of Amos Lee
- Mike and Becky Lee
- Gift(s) received in memory of Billie Jean Lee
- Christy and Tom Hallquest
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frederick G. Lee
- Bernadette Cesar-Lee
- Gift(s) received in memory of Cheryl D. Leonard
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lydia Lerner
- Howard Lerner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Linda T. Lewis
- Franklin, Sharon and Kandace Frye
- Donald T. Gibson
- Gift(s) received in memory of W. Buckner Lewis
- Anneta M. Andrews
- Gift(s) received in memory of Erik Rune Lindgren
- Joan, Jan, Lisa and MajorLindgren
- Gift(s) received in memory of Finley J. Little
- Earl Nettles
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nathalie Lizell-Bennett
- Thomas D. Sutton
- Gift(s) received in memory of Stanley & Edith Lloyd
- Vern and Maureen Lloyd
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lorraine A. Losch
- Albert Losch, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary M. Lovely
- Chris P. Kelly
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lorina D. Lucas
- Judy Weeks-Malhotra
- Gift(s) received in memory of Norman W. Lucas
- Rebecca Ann Lucas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Stanley J. Lucas
- Patricia Hoequist and Michael Lucas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles S. MacIntyre
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Braswell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Erma H. MacIntyre
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Braswell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Shena M. MacLeod
- Murdo J. MacLeod
- Gift(s) received in memory of Timothy MacMichael
- Mark and Debbie MacMichael
- Gift(s) received in memory of Cynthia A. Martin
- Robert T. Hedrick
- Gift(s) received in memory of Karolyn K. Martin
- Deane W. Martin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Margaret E. Martin
- Freda and Kay Yoho
- Gift(s) received in memory of Agnes M. Martinsen
- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davy
- Amelia Martinsen
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harriet B. May
- Anne Bryans
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara McCall
- Charles and Linda Moatz
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles M. McCallum
- Mary Helen McCallum
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joyce S. McCallum
- David and Nan Burnsed
- Rie Burton
- Vickie Deen & Family
- Marc Gale
- The McCallum Family: Lois, Eddy, Betty and Tiffany
- Mary Helen McCallum
- Katherine F. O’Quinn
- Jerl Surratt
- Theodore White
- Gift(s) received in memory of Duane McClellan
- Devonia L. Andrew
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nancy C. McCurdy
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edward L. McCusker
- Elizabeth McCusker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Earl McDonald
- Margaret Anna McDonald, Brad McDonald and Curt McDonald
- Gift(s) received in memory of Walter C. McDuffie
- Doris McDuffie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lloyd McElroy
- Jewel McElroy
- Gift(s) received in memory of Warren E. McGonigal
- Sandra M. McGonigal
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lee O. McKay
- Susan McKay
- Gift(s) received in memory of William R. McLemore
- Judy R. McLemore
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nancy L. McNeely
- Hans Shanks
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dennis McQuay
- James Beard
- Gift(s) received in memory of Phyllis N. Medeiros
- Richard and Joanne Medeiros
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jesus Andres Mejia – Rios
- Robert B. Jenkins
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert Meliti
- Ken and Suzanne Wurtemberg
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert J. Mello
- Kedra Mello
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alan S. Mencher
- Sherry S. Mencher
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elizabeth Merrill
- Tom and Nora Merrill, Ray Merrill and Kristin Reynolds
- Merrill Investments, LLC
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald C. Michael
- Donna Jones
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeffrey L. Michael
- Sharon Michael
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert D. Mickley
- Carolyn Mickley
- Gift(s) received in memory of Beverly Jean Millard
- William, Jason and Justin Millard
- Gift(s) received in memory of Shirley Millender
- Edward and Beverly Gilbert
- Gift(s) received in memory of Arden Miller
- Jane Deem Barron
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wilma Miller
- Dr. Andrea Fritschle
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gladys Milligan
- Rosalie Marks
- Gift(s) received in memory of Margaret K. Mills
- Johnson-Overturf Funeral Homes
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dorothy R. Mims
- Jerry and Debbie Callens
- Gift(s) received in memory of Houston S. Mims
- Jerry and Debbie Callens
- Gift(s) received in memory of Doris Mitchell
- Rex Mitchell and Pam Snyder
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joe Mitchell
- Rex Mitchell and Pam Snyder
- Gift(s) received in memory of Helen Moll
- The Family of Helen Moll
- Gift(s) received in memory of Everett D. Montgomery
- Jeanelle Montgomery
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joseph L. Mora
- Barbara E. Mora
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kirby D. Morgan
- Dorothy J. Morgan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jerry M. Morris
- David and Susan Sutliff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rachel Morris
- David and Susan Sutliff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sally W. Morris
- William E. Morris
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert E. Morris, Jr.
- Carolyn M. Meyer
- Gift(s) received in memory of Thelma Morrow
- Linda Perry & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert A. Morse
- Catherine Morse
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kenneth Mott
- Anneta M. Andrews
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mullen Family
- Roger and Carole Taylor
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeanette Mullins
- Greg and Mary Terese Huffman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sylvia P. Murphy
- Timothy Brady
- Gift(s) received in memory of Helen M. Myers
- Vicki Brown
- Gift(s) received in memory of Luther Myers
- Fran Myers
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sarah A. Myrand
- Mary Ann Myrand
- Gift(s) received in memory of Julius W. Nabors
- Doris Nabors
- Gift(s) received in memory of Margaret (Peg) Nattress
- Leslie Chappell
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Ann Emerson
- Wayne and Nancy Griffin
- Jo Petzold
- Gift(s) received in memory of Domingo Navarro
- Dalys Avila
- Gift(s) received in memory of William “Beau” Nelson, Jr
- Patricia M. Nelson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Virginia Nettles
- Sophia Wood
- Gift(s) received in memory of Doreen Newman
- Desmond and Pauline Taylor
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lindsay Newman
- Heather Newman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Martha M. Newton
- David A. Pope
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard Philip Nichols
- Anneta M. Andrews
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Paul T. Niland
- Greg and Joann Guyan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Alice Nippes
- Lori and Chad Critcher
- E. Gary Nippes
- Lana Young
- Gift(s) received in memory of Emmett Norden
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lois Norden
- Donna Romara
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betty M. Norris
- Jim and Laurece Poole
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kenneth E. Oettle
- Roberta Oettle
- Gift(s) received in memory of Essie M. Ogburn
- Audrey S. Bullard
- Mattie Fouraker
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Carolyn Pickering
- Debbie and Ralph Reid
- Katie Richardson
- Marlene H. Shaw
- North Florida Glass
- Watertown Congregational Methodist Church
- Gift(s) received in memory of Stephan E. Oosterman, M.D.
- Julie L. Oosterman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Margaret S. Orr
- Gloria Goodwin
- Brenda Quirk
- Dan and Judith Solwod
- Gift(s) received in memory of James R. Osteen
- Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boatright
- Shelley, Jill and David Boatright
- The Jaffee Family
- Chuck and Julie Smithers
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nezhat Ourmazd
- Nancy O. Jenab
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lucus C. Page
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Salvatore F. Pallante
- Debbie and Tyndall Jackson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles J. Paresi
- Galen and Joanne Connell
- Gift(s) received in memory of David T. Patmore
- Sandra Patmore
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mattie L. Pearson
- Patricia Turner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Norman Pearson
- Carroll Pearson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Timothy L. Pearson
- Gail E. Buchanan & Family
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Darby Peek
- Jane Ward Gault
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marjorie G. Pendley
- Laura B. Pierce
- Gift(s) received in memory of William G. Pendley
- Laura B. Pierce
- Gift(s) received in memory of John Penkunas
- Mary Ann Penkunas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mario Perez
- Maria E. Radelat
- Gift(s) received in memory of David R. Perrin
- Gladys J. Perrin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Samuel Pesner
- Mary Pesner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edwardine C. Petersen
- Rose Hanzook
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lilian Petrecca
- Joseph and Paula Petrecca
- Gift(s) received in memory of Silvio Petrecca
- Joseph and Paula Petrecca
- Gift(s) received in memory of Curtis W. Phillips
- Jennette Thomas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert V. Phillips
- Dawn Phillips
- Gift(s) received in memory of William R. Phillips
- Ann Jessop
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marjorie Philpot
- Allen M. and Debbie P. Stalvey
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruby Philpot
- David and Carol Desautels
- Gift(s) received in memory of Doris R. Pickett
- Barbara Pickett
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harold Pierce
- Alice Pierce
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harold Pike
- Joyce Wilson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Thomas Pinkard
- Lucille Pinkard
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert Plavier
- Dr. Karen L. Laauwe
- Gift(s) received in memory of Belinda S. Polk
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betty C. Powell
- David B. Powell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Myron C. Prevatt, Jr.
- Ann V. Prevatt
- Gift(s) received in memory of Eleanor J. Pulcini
- Mickey and Janice Pulcini
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary E. Raab-Daly
- Ryan Mackey
- Liane McConnell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Brian S. Rafferty
- Mrs. Lynn Rafferty
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles Rallis
- Shari Nye and Ed Nye
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kathryn B. Rallis
- Shari Nye and Ed Nye
- Gift(s) received in memory of Theodora T. Rancourt
- Maurice Rancourt
- Gift(s) received in memory of Caspar Rappenecker
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Virginia Rappenecker
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara Raquet
- Bruce L. Raquet
- Gift(s) received in memory of LaVern Raquet
- Bruce L. Raquet
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nancy C. Rasmussen
- Brent and Susan Rasmussen
- Gift(s) received in memory of Tammy Ratliff
- Jodi Carroll
- Gift(s) received in memory of Elizabeth I. Reams
- George Reams and Leslee Collins
- Gift(s) received in memory of Walter Reaves
- Shirley Reaves
- Gift(s) received in memory of Keely Lynn Rees
- Chris and Katina Rees
- Gift(s) received in memory of Madge Reid
- Ellison and Mary Alice Hardee
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harry E. Reidling
- Marie Reidling
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ernest Reighard
- Judy R. McLemore
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruth Reighard
- Judy R. McLemore
- Gift(s) received in memory of Verna H. Renninger
- Joan Gauglar
- Gift(s) received in memory of Grethel L. Rentz
- Bardick and Hope McGuire
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lee G. Rhodes
- Judy Harden & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Theresa G. Rhodes
- Judy Harden & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of David P. Richards
- Barbara Allgeier
- Wanda Bennewitz
- Melisa A. Jeffers
- Ramona Quinn
- Michael B. Thomas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jean A. Richardson
- Henry and Kathy Barrow
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kyle Ridaught, Sr.
- Kyle Y. Ridaught, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Roy S. Ridenour, Sr.
- Roy Ridenour, Jr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Myrtice Riner
- Myrtle and Edward Womble
- Gift(s) received in memory of Henley R. Roberts
- Sonia Roberts
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clayton H. Roberts, Jr
- Gladys Ayer and Vonda Ayer
- Vonda Kay Ayers
- Virginia Boyette & Family
- Jerry and Carolyn Ogburn
- Gift(s) received in memory of John L. Roberts, Jr.
- Caye Roberts
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gail P. Robertson
- Earl J. Robertson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Julianne Rogers
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rita Rollinson
- Lakes Eagles Aerie No. 4355
- Gift(s) received in memory of John Romans
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lorraine A. Romero
- Shauna Standing
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joan Ropicki
- James Ropicki
- Gift(s) received in memory of Steve Ropicki
- James Ropicki
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jane F. Rose
- Laurel Del Rosso
- Gift(s) received in memory of Theresa Rubbico
- Richard and Joanne Medeiros
- Gift(s) received in memory of O. Charles Ruelke
- Tim and Kathie Ruelke
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sandra K. Rupp
- Mark Bazer
- Judy Ebeling
- Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Hall
- Jack and Margee Hall
- Ms. Higgins
- Wendie Highsmith
- Sarah Olson
- Judy Smith
- Lynne M. Webster
- Jenny Whaley
- Lois Wilcox
- Greg and Hobbie Williams
- Nancy Wilson and Marianne Easton
- Girl Scout Trop 131 (Ret)
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles Rush
- Thom and Donna Duncan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald Rush
- Thom and Donna Duncan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard H. Russell
- Norma J. Russell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Samuel Russell
- Judith C. Russell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Marian Ryland
- Joel and Nan Islam
- Gift(s) received in memory of D. Gregory Sanders
- Brenda Kalaman
- Eagle Appraisals, Inc.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frances Santilli
- Kathryn Shepard
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sarnt Sarntinorano
- Malee Sarntinorano
- Gift(s) received in memory of Leo M. Savage
- Jacqueline Savage
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jack E. Scheall
- Diane Scheall
- Gift(s) received in memory of Howard F. Schindler
- Edward and June Schindler
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wesley L. Schneider
- Susie F. Gilson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gertrude (Trudy) Schon
- Linda L. Stevens
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard D. Schwartz
- Anne Nolan
- Alice Schwartz
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mae Scott
- Shirley Whitesides
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nellie M. Scott
- Teresa Martin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gilbert R. Seidman
- Children of Gilbert R. Seidman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Denise J. Sexton
- Tesa Shelby
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bonnie Sue Shaffer
- Shirley A. Marsiglia
- Gift(s) received in memory of Eva Jane Sharpe
- Debbie Brake
- Tom and Suzanne Edwards
- Mr. & Mrs. John Greer
- Ellen C. Sackett
- Gift(s) received in memory of Linda Shelton
- Mike and Shari Bruce
- Jody and Lee Lloyd & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Esther Sherrod
- Audrey S. Bullard
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeffrey Ryan Shoucair
- John and Kathy Shoucair
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bill Shows
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bruce S. Siegel
- Kevin and Jennifer Siegel
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rhonda Siegel
- Edward and Beverly Gilbert
- Gift(s) received in memory of Sonja L. Silver
- Dan Silver
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gary Simmons
- Nancy Loveland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charlotte Sindelar
- Paul Sindelar and Alyson Adams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Larry M. Sluder
- Shirley Henderson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Hiroko Smith
- George H. Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Judy K. Smith
- John M. Coleman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Harvey L. Smith, Jr.
- Lisa Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jack J. Smith, Jr.
- Sondra Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Solomon Solomon
- Meaza Solomon
- Gift(s) received in memory of James W. Somerville
- Judith Somerville
- Gift(s) received in memory of Otto M. Spangler
- Harriet Spangler
- Gift(s) received in memory of James Spears
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mildred B. Spears
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gift(s) received in memory of Francis P. Spena
- Jess and Mary Shackleford
- Gift(s) received in memory of Cherlie Springette-Grant
- Desmond and Pauline Taylor
- Gift(s) received in memory of Cyrilla I. Sroka
- Linda Chambless
- Gift(s) received in memory of Anna T. Stark
- Thomas and Margaret Stark
- Gift(s) received in memory of Herman H. Stark
- Thomas and Margaret Stark
- Gift(s) received in memory of Vivian Stark
- Susan Kane
- Gift(s) received in memory of David Leroy Starling
- Mavis Starling
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard C. Starling
- David McDonough
- Gainesville Electrical JATC
- IBEW Local 1205
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joshua Dylan Steiner
- Harvey and Diane Steiner
- Gift(s) received in memory of Burton I. Steinman
- Tim and Kathie Ruelke
- Gift(s) received in memory of John F. Stetson
- David W. Berelsman
- Ruby V. Brembs
- Ted and Betty Irvine
- Sharon A. Jones
- Patricia Maris
- Charles Terry and Patricia Morrow
- Ilene Silverman-Budd and Harvey Budd
- Marlene Udell
- Dr. Thomas Zavelson and Mrs. Gail Zavelson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jack N. Stevens
- Linda L. Stevens
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert R. Stoeffler
- Howard and Barbara Cox
- Wayne and Diane Stoeffler’s Children
- Mary F. White
- Gift(s) received in memory of Cephus Stokes
- Richard Stokes and Karen Orr Stokes
- Gift(s) received in memory of Tommie C. Stowell
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jean R. Strickland
- Rev. Bruce L. Strickland
- Gift(s) received in memory of James L. Stringfellow
- Jennie Stringfellow
- Gift(s) received in memory of Peri A. Stump
- Janet L. Christie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pansy R. Suggs
- Bret and Pam Plemmons
- Gift(s) received in memory of Paul Suggs
- Bret and Pam Plemmons
- Gift(s) received in memory of Daniel Sullivan
- Denise and Ron Miller
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jennie Sullivan
- Denise and Ron Miller
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dwanda Sullivan Faircloth
- Leona Sullivan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carol Holloway Sussman
- Lewis Sussman and Martha Brane
- Gift(s) received in memory of Betty Sutliff
- David and Susan Sutliff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lester David Sutliff
- David and Susan Sutliff
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard Swan
- Doris Swan and George Swan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Maynard F. Swanson, Jr.
- Ruthann Swanson & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Andrew Sweeney
- Janet S. Campbell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Arthur H. Swett
- Gary and Carol Swett
- TJW Management Company, Inc.
- Gift(s) received in memory of James L. Talbert
- Alice Talbert
- Gift(s) received in memory of Thomas J. Tappy
- Candice Brown
- Mallory Callans
- Your Friends in Radiation Oncology
- Brice and Beth Keith
- Marc and Rebecca Masio
- Jennifer Revoyr
- Steve and Lorraine Ritz
- Ken and Linda Stolting
- Gift(s) received in memory of Armen C. Tarjan
- Alan C. Tarjan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary A. Tarjan
- Alan C. Tarjan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edith M. Taylor
- Charmaine Gibson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Taylor Family
- Roger and Carole Taylor
- Gift(s) received in memory of John T. Telford
- Eileen Telford Maloy
- Gift(s) received in memory of LeeAnn Termin
- Paula Ann (Treaster) Ross
- Gift(s) received in memory of William Thigpin
- Brett and Carolyn Waters
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara P. Thomas
- Valerie Johnson
- Gift(s) received in memory of Carolyn R. Thomas
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- Thomas O. Hale, Inc.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Douglas L. Thomas
- Helen Thomas and Elizabeth Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jane Thomas
- David and Carol Desautels
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dr. William C. Thomas, Jr.
- Brenda W. Thomas
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frances M. Thompson
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lamar Thompson
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary E. Thompson
- Sharon Cole
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pamela W. Thrift
- Emery W. Thrift
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna H. Todd
- Alma H. Potter
- Gift(s) received in memory of Richard E. Tomac
- Shirley Tomac
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ruth V. Torrence
- Terry A. Torrence
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ileen C. Tow
- Martha Horter & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Herman D. Tow, Jr.
- Martha Horter & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Robert Tozzi
- Rebecca Tozzi & Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Eugene Tretheway
- Yvette Tretheway
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rene L. Trudeau
- Jacqueline A. Trudeau
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mercy Trujillo
- Ms. Charlotte Hermann
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna B. Tsacrios
- Barnell and Coula Freeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Nicky Tsacrios
- Barnell and Coula Freeman
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ann B. Tuten
- Bill and Gail Batey
- Dot Bird
- Cecile S. Feagle
- Frances Helpling
- Gift(s) received in memory of Maureen L. Uhrie
- Rick Uhrie
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles M. Unkrick, II
- Santa Fe High School
- Gift(s) received in memory of Maria K. VanWicklin
- Warren A. VanWicklin
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frances J. Varner
- Teresa Varner Arellano
- Gift(s) received in memory of Denver L. Vaughan
- Martha Goodin
- Denver and Penny Vaughan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Roxie Vickers
- Roy Vickers
- Gift(s) received in memory of William T. Vickers
- Edite V. Vickers
- Gift(s) received in memory of William G. Wagner
- Gwen Wagner and David Grusser
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wilmeth N. Wagner
- Gwen Wagner and David Grusser
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna Waldo
- Eddie and Lois Houk
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joseph L. Walker, Jr.
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Gladys E. Wallace
- The Family of Gladys Elinor Wallace
- Gift(s) received in memory of Homer E. Walter
- Hazel A. Walter
- Gift(s) received in memory of Frances P. Ward
- Jane Ward Gault
- Gift(s) received in memory of Edna Jane Warren
- Robert Warren
- Gift(s) received in memory of Linda Warrington
- Jack and Ann Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Allice “Patsy” D. Waters
- Karen Cherney
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clayton V. Watson
- Paul and Etsie Brock
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ida Mae Watson
- Jack and Prentice Spann
- Gift(s) received in memory of Myron S. Watson
- Jack and Prentice Spann
- Gift(s) received in memory of Pete Watson
- Deborah Bulzan
- Gift(s) received in memory of Daniel J. Webber
- Tim and Melissa Webber
- Gift(s) received in memory of John P. Weidler
- Shirley Weidler
- Gift(s) received in memory of Mary Weinstein
- Mark and Pat Cole
- Gift(s) received in memory of Larry Wells
- Joyce Leader
- Sherry A. Lees
- Dr. Linda J. Lemmon
- Carol A. Wells
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bernadine M. Wetherington
- Wayne Wetherington
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wayne E. Wetzel
- Fred and Lisa Davies
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wendell W. Wheeler
- Class of 1960
- Gift(s) received in memory of Bill White
- Susette Andrews
- Gift(s) received in memory of Hilda G. White
- Judith E. James
- Gift(s) received in memory of Kenneth M. White
- Rose W. White
- Gift(s) received in memory of Donald G. Wilhoite
- Kathy Wilhoite
- Gift(s) received in memory of James R. Wilkes
- Denise B. Bell
- Gift(s) received in memory of Barbara F. Wilkie
- Ann Carolyn Queen Rexrode
- Gift(s) received in memory of Billy Williams
- Doris W. Cross
- Gift(s) received in memory of Chad A. Williams
- Laura Andrew
- Steven Brust
- James Cummings
- Jewel O. Knowles
- Desare Littles & Family
- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ricci
- Danny and Jenean Sasser
- AVA Engineeers. Inc.
- Carlton Construction
- England-Thims & Miller, Inc.
- Jeff’s Excavating, Inc.
- Matthews Design Group, Inc.
- Strong Foundations Behavior Services
- Universal Engineering Sciences – Jacksonville Office
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jeanne S. Williams
- Mike Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jed Hampton Williams
- RaiEtte Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of John Williams
- Doris W. Cross
- Gift(s) received in memory of Leon D. Williams
- Martha Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Raymond L. Williams
- RaiEtte Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Clyde W. Willis
- Charles and Laurie Smith
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wilma Jean Willis
- Deborah Mancini
- Sleep Lab
- Gift(s) received in memory of Irene J. Wilson
- Rachel W. Edwards
- Gift(s) received in memory of Victoria H. Wilson
- J & P Weadock
- Gift(s) received in memory of Dorothy L. Winans
- Jack and Vicki Jenkins
- Gift(s) received in memory of Charles Wingfield
- Jim and Janice Adkinson
- Scott and Jaynie Taylor
- Barbara Sue Wingfield
- Gift(s) received in memory of Wayne Wisenbaker
- Shelby Wisenbaker
- Gift(s) received in memory of Joyce S. Witt
- Colleen Witt
- Gift(s) received in memory of Rickey L. Wolfe
- Rachel Hilgenberg, Tracy Allen and Cathy Cornett
- Nicole Williams
- Gift(s) received in memory of Jessie Womble
- Myrtle and Edward Womble
- Gift(s) received in memory of Ira J. Wood, Jr.
- Shirley Wood
- Gift(s) received in memory of Russell D. Woodard
- Berneice A. Woodard
- Gift(s) received in memory of John Woods
- Johnnie Woods
- Gift(s) received in memory of Lillian Woods
- Johnnie Woods
- Gift(s) received in memory of Linda Wotton
- Lawrence Wotton, Sr.
- Gift(s) received in memory of Judith R. Wroath
- The Wroath Family
- Gift(s) received in memory of Your Sister Ann
- Irene Calhoun and Michael Calhoun
- Gift(s) received in memory of Li Zhang
- Yun-Ju He
- Gift(s) received in memory of Michael Zory
- Barbara A. Zory
- Gift(s) received in memory of Peter S. Zory
- Barbara A. Zory
- Gift Received in Memory of Denise Ahlberg
- John Mitterko
- Gift Received in Memory of Barb Alesch
- Ann Thompson
- Gift Received in Memory of Carmen Algarin
- John and Margie Check
- Gift Received in Memory of Fred Allen
- Mayo Fertilizer, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Naomi V. Allen
- The Board of Directors of Meridian Behavioral Healthcare
- The Staff of Meridian Behavioral Healthcare
- Earl J. Allen
- Brian and DeAnna Beverly
- Elizabeth Burr
- Mr. and Mrs. Todd Engel
- Julie Fonteyn
- Edna Granger
- Gerry Jesk
- Sharon A. Jones
- Desmond Knight
- Larry and Barbara Merritt
- Norma Santiago Rivera
- Gift Received in Memory of Madeline I. Altman
- Greg and Rachel Cutrer
- Gift Received in Memory of Beatriz A. Alvarez
- Patty Konnick
- Gift Received in Memory of Pedro S. Alvarez
- Patty Konnick
- Gift Received in Memory of Priscilla Appleton
- Hamilton and Linda Hicks
- Gift Received in Memory of Johnny L. Arnette
- Dan and Marcia Purcifull
- Gift Received in Memory of Warren Austin
- Jill Hirsh
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas R. Auvil
- Jim Auvil
- Gift Received in Memory of Lillie M. Avrett
- Joyce A. Oliver
- Gift Received in Memory of Marjorie V. Ayo
- Johnny and Cynthia Ayo
- Gift Received in Memory of Gertrude Bailey
- George Bailey
- Gift Received in Memory of Kelley Bailey
- Norma Bailey Muller
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary A. Bailey
- Norma Bailey Muller
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert E. Barrett
- Mary Palmour Barrett
- Gift Received in Memory of John A. Batlle, Jr.
- The Batlle Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Lois H. Beach
- Jess and Mary Shackleford
- Gift Received in Memory of Diana B. Beatty
- Owen and Allyson Beatty
- Gift Received in Memory of Barbara E. Beck
- B of A GBAM Company & HR Team
- Robert Boissoneault Oncology Institute
- Victoria DiPalo
- Cathy Jonas
- Kevin Kalbaugh
- Melissa Padgett
- Carol Stephens
- Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Thomas
- The White Family – Sheila L. White and Thomas and Becky White
- Gift Received in Memory of Janie L. Bedenbaugh
- Hal Jones Contractor/Vecellio & Grogan
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Randy and Theresa Sutherland
- Gift Received in Memory of Margaret S. Bird
- Jerald C. Bird
- Gift Received in Memory of James L. Bolton
- CHS Class of 1960
- Gift Received in Memory of Beverly Bowman
- Don Bowman
- Gift Received in Memory of Wylene T. Brandies
- Cecelia Andrews & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Constance P. Brennan
- George Brennan
- Gift Received in Memory of Dolores Helen Brown
- Margaret McLean
- Gift Received in Memory of Glen M. Brown
- Larry and Catherine Herrington
- Gift Received in Memory of Horace E. Brown
- Bill and Gail Batey
- Jerry G. Smith
- Peggy and Willie Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Marcia J. Brown
- Bruce Brown
- Herb and Lorraine Freitag
- Cheryl Minnick
- Gift Received in Memory of Marie Brown
- Dawn N. Miller
- Gift Received in Memory of Jason T. Byrd
- Tony and Jan Melvin
- Gift Received in Memory of Karen A. Campbell
- Larry and Martha Anderson
- John Campbell
- Saundra Huddleston
- Gift Received in Memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gift Received in Memory of Anna M. Cecchini
- Julie Cress & Family
- Lynn Cruser
- Tim and Ellen Foster
- Kimberly Glynn
- James Nash
- Patrick Nash & Family
- Scott and Mimi Somerville
- Gift Received in Memory of Evalee Church
- Wayne Church
- Gift Received in Memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Joan Cobia
- C. Richard Foote
- Colleen Maffett
- George and Martha Maxwell
- Don and Dawn Pope
- Clover L. Rogers
- Gift Received in Memory of Dr. Maurice F. Cole
- Sally Cole
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia Collins
- Ron and Judy Baughn
- Gift Received in Memory of Sylvester Comer
- Church of the Heights
- Chad Comer
- Christopher and Heather Cutrer
- Greg and Rachel Cutrer
- Martin H. May & Family
- Myrtle Mullins
- James F. Orand
- Michael and Dawn Orand
- Robbie and Michelle Sanders
- Martin and Diane Wilkinson
- Carolyn Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Millie Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Norman Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Joseph F. Corbett
- Shirley Corbett
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruth K. Corwine
- Margaret Anderson
- Gift Received in Memory of Everette L. Crews, Jr.
- TRC Leasing, Inc.
- Welcome Congregational Holiness Church
- Gift Received in Memory of Brenda Cronin
- Al and Ann Beach
- Gift Received in Memory of Howard P. Crowder
- Cheryl Thomas
- Gift Received in Memory of Johnnie L. Daniels
- Annie Daniels
- Gift Received in Memory of Eddie Davis
- Don and Susan Balloon
- Gary and Donna Weseman
- Gift Received in Memory of Kathryn J. Davis
- Campus Planning Projects & Operations @ Mayo Clinic
- Ladies Auxiliary of the Hackettstown Fire Department
- Gift Received in Memory of Dolores Denina
- Catherine Baldoza
- Susan Brewer
- Nimfa Denina
- The Nierva Family
- Cary Grinold
- Lanie Harms
- Deborah Lapierre
- Mr. & Mrs. Thad Moyseowicz
- Fe Regala
- Mr. & Mrs. Ranor Relatores
- Cleora and Joseph Shunkamolah
- Maria Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of June Delores Trent Dennis
- Linda Horne
- Rebecca E. Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gift Received in Memory of Piet Doordiun
- Dawn N. Miller
- Gift Received in Memory of Joan L. Drew
- Florida Peanut Federation
- Gift Received in Memory of Norma J. Dulaney
- Daniel V. Arrington
- Rebecca Meyer Charlet
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas E. Durham
- Sandra Durham
- Gift Received in Memory of Anthony Ecker
- Robin Ecker
- Gift Received in Memory of Jeffrey Bernard Edwards
- The Loved Ones and Friends of The Edwards Family
- Gift Received in Memory of James P. Ellard
- Dale and Connie Patton
- Gift Received in Memory of Paul H. Everett
- Rita C. Everett
- Gift Received in Memory of Wallace B. Farley
- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hughes
- Gift Received in Memory of Billie A. Fender
- Live Oak Pest Control, Inc.
- Bob and Frances McGranahan
- Melissa and Darryl Snodgrass
- Gift Received in Memory of June L. Fleming
- Vincent and Barbara Dunn
- Gift Received in Memory of Bradley E. Folds
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Gift Received in Memory of Dewey F. Fowler
- ‘Steve and Vanessa Carraway & Family, Otice & Demetra Vail, Rhonda Hester
- Gift Received in Memory of Elizabeth A. Fox
- Cadillac Products Packaging Company
- Debbie Fox Hart
- Gift Received in Memory of Sandra L. Francis
- Palatka Duplicate Bridge Club
- Gift Received in Memory of Kathy Gaff
- Mike Gaff
- Gift Received in Memory of Charlotte Gambel
- Ethel T. Johnson
- Gift Received in Memory of Marshall Garmon, Jr.
- Rand and Brenda Garmon
- Mary Kestner
- Gift Received in Memory of Margaret Goard
- Lynn Rogers
- Gift Received in Memory of Paul E. Goard
- Lynn Rogers
- Gift Received in Memory of Douglas A. Graham
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Gift Received in Memory of Wiley G. Grantham
- Donna R. Jacomin
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy D. Hadsock
- Alix L. Baxter MD, PA
- Gift Received in Memory of Arthur L. Hall
- Suna Hall
- Gift Received in Memory of Ray M. Hall
- Dell Hall Malcolm
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty Hallman
- Hammock First Baptist Church, Inc.
- Joyce Clark
- Gift Received in Memory of Harold Harper
- John and Vicky LeForge
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles M. Hatcher
- Betty Hatcher
- Gift Received in Memory of Chaplain Dale Hatfield
- Wanda M. Erwin
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia W. Head
- Jane Head and Charlie Davidson
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Head
- Jane Head and Charlie Davidson
- Gift Received in Memory of Millard E. Heiner
- Diane M. Nelson
- Gift Received in Memory of Edward W. Henderson
- Irene Calhoun
- Kenneth and Amy Jackson
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert G. Hethcoat
- Naomi Cheely Petteway
- Gene Prince
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard Higham, Sr.
- Cindy Cole
- Gift Received in Memory of Herbert L. Hirsh
- Marlene Hirsh
- Gift Received in Memory of Lester Clark Hodge, Jr.
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Gift Received in Memory of Rhoda Carole Hollingsworth
- Linda H. Sodek
- Gift Received in Memory of Leo Horne
- Ron and Judy Baughn
- Gift Received in Memory of Harold Hostetler
- Saliwanchik, Lloyd & Eisenschenk A Professional Association
- The Master’s Lawn Care Families
- West High School – Class of 1959
- Frank Eisenschenk
- Sherry Loke
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard Houghton, Jr.
- Donna Houghton
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Howes
- Martha B. Cheek
- Anna and David Montgomery
- Gift Received in Memory of Marjorie A. Hoy
- Dr. Alice Reakes
- Gift Received in Memory of Lawrence F. Huddle
- Linda Huddle
- Gift Received in Memory of Glenda Hughes
- Barbara Bramble & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Gordon M. Hurst
- Mayo Fertilizer, Inc.
- Teddy and Susan Payne
- Rollie and Gloria Slade
- Gift Received in Memory of Faye N. Jackson
- Mark and Patti Goodson
- Jan T. LeDuc
- Cean Norris
- Gift Received in Memory of Nancy L. Jackson
- Doreen Dami
- Jim and Judy DeArman
- John and Debbie Pierce
- The Family of Tim Stover
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Widdows
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard A. Jackson
- Sharon Jackson
- Gift Received in Memory of Joyce Jacobs
- Lisa More
- Gift Received in Memory of Jayamma John
- Joseph John and Roshni Mathew
- Gift Received in Memory of Virginia H. Johnson
- Francis and Jo Ward
- Gift Received in Memory of Hazel E. Jones
- Bradford County Solid Waste Department
- Ursula Patch
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia R. Kahle
- Dr. Maria Samarkos
- Gift Received in Memory of Dolores E. Keaton
- John and Pamela Ring
- Gift Received in Memory of William M. Keohane
- Cheryl Kennedy
- Evan and Liz Miles
- Mr. & Mrs. Tony Underwood
- Gift Received in Memory of Mollie E. Kerby
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift Received in Memory of Alece A. Key
- Wilson Denver Key
- Rick and Susan Nevinger
- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Showalter
- Gift Received in Memory of Joan I. King
- Faith Builders Sunday School / CFT
- First Baptist Church
- Linda Hight & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Eileen B. Kinney
- Irma E. Riley
- Gift Received in Memory of Karl W. Klokke
- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hulbert
- Nancy W. Klokke
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty Koon
- Joan Rountree
- Gift Received in Memory of Michael LaCagnina
- Joyce LaCagnina
- Gift Received in Memory of Albert Laffien, Jr.
- Marion Urvina and David Urvina
- Gift Received in Memory of Ronald L. Laidig
- Juanita M. Laidig
- Gift Received in Memory of Gerald W. Law
- Hattie Law
- Marilyn J. Robinson
- David Smith
- Marvin Smith
- Richard Smith
- Steve Smith
- Judy Smith Pursivull
- Jennifer Smith Sandberg
- Gift Received in Memory of Vernon E. Lawrence
- Mildred Beggs
- RoseMary Scheman
- Gift Received in Memory of Steven Ledbetter
- Linda Byrd
- Bobbie N. Ledbetter
- Gift Received in Memory of Frederick G. Lee
- Claudia Tatom
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard A. Lee
- Lake City Bowl Staff & Lake City Youth Bowlers
- Glenn and Donna Boyette
- Hal and Vicky Boyette
- Virginia Boyette & Family
- Kathy and Ron Clayton
- Wayne and Darlene Green
- Katherine Griffin
- Bill and Diane Hiers
- John and Audrey Hulen
- Jack W. McClellan
- Gift Received in Memory of John E. Lones
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack S. Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Joy Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Lorina D. Lucas
- Nancy and Jerry Dixon
- Gift Received in Memory of Shena M. MacLeod
- Murdo J. MacLeod
- Gift Received in Memory of Maxine R. Marinaccio
- The Family of Maxine Marinaccio
- Gift Received in Memory of Cynthia A. Martin
- Michelle M. Lusnia
- Gift Received in Memory of Karolyn K. Martin
- Deane W. Martin
- Gift Received in Memory of Pat Martin
- Henry and Judy Crews
- Gift Received in Memory of Agnes M. Martinsen
- Navitect Consulting
- Gerard and Carol Benjamin
- Melvin and Jean Cournoyer
- Sandra S. Wardwell
- Phillip M. Whisler
- Gift Received in Memory of Nona Matson
- Lee and Sandy Harkey
- Patricia B. Martin
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Mauldin
- Jacksonville Beaches Chrome Divas & Connie
- Gift Received in Memory of Walter C. McDuffie
- Doris McDuffie
- Gift Received in Memory of Warren E. McGonigal
- Sandra M. McGonigal
- Gift Received in Memory of Ina J. McKenzie
- Mary Ann H. Cofrin
- Earle Taylor & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Klaus E. Merker
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Billy and Donna Griffin
- Gift Received in Memory of Elizabeth R. Miller
- Douglass R. Miller
- Gift Received in Memory of Gladys Milligan
- Hugh and Donna Giebeig
- Suzanne C. Melton
- Leo Register
- Joan Rountree
- Jerry and Patricia Rye
- Steve and Elaine Stafford
- Gift Received in Memory of Herman E. Morris
- MidCountry Media, Inc.
- Grace M. Stinecipher
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert E. Morris
- Richard and Alma Griffiths
- Chris P. Kelly
- Rick and Dalia Kinard
- Edward and Lesley Myers
- Gift Received in Memory of John Morrison
- Karen Lawler
- Gift Received in Memory of Anneliese Mueller
- Sheila Lafleur
- Lou and Ursula Link
- Gift Received in Memory of Sylvia P. Murphy
- Charlie Dillard
- Patricia K. Hajny
- Rick and Ruth Seedorf
- Betty A. Weaver
- Ed and Willa Wolcott
- Gift Received in Memory of Ronald A. Neder
- W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor, Inc.
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cauthen, III
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Sharon Jones
- Lorraine Martin
- Maggie Martin
- Mary Moran
- Bill and Ann Preston
- Ilene Silverman-Budd and Harvey Budd
- Jack and Charis Thompson
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles H. Neeley
- The Neeley Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Karen Neeley
- The Neeley Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Marilyn M. Nitz
- Donald Nitz
- Gift Received in Memory of Miriam Novack
- Susan and Arnost Neugroschel
- Gift Received in Memory of Barbara C. O’Steen
- Carter Timber, Inc.
- CHS Class of 1960
- FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- Ron and Judy Baughn
- Ivan and Louise Clements
- Vernon M. Crews
- William and Kathleen Durrance
- Joe and Henrietta Kirkland
- Lillian LaVon Leszkiewicz
- Rufus Ogden, Jr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Wyatte O’Steen, Sr.
- Irene Calhoun
- The Geary Family
- Kenneth and Amy Jackson
- Brian and Joy Lamb
- Rod and Brenda Gayle Land
- Tony and Jan Melvin
- The Mevelyn and Young Families
- Marie O’Steen & The Wyatt O’steen Family
- Carly O’Steen
- Herman and Helen Shaw
- Robin S. Smith
- Vernell Thomas
- Fred and Pam Ward
- Gift Received in Memory of Christine Olden
- Cindy LaHaye
- Ellie Balch Ware
- Gift Received in Memory of Donna D. Orner
- Dale and Randy Crenshaw
- Kent and Diane Orner
- Gift Received in Memory of Margaret S. Orr
- Linda Hiznay
- Larry Pless
- Gift Received in Memory of Mickey Osteen
- David Lindquist
- Gift Received in Memory of Allen R. Overman
- Betty Colgate
- Gift Received in Memory of Etoile Painter
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Gift Received in Memory of Evie L. Parker
- Hattie Law
- A. Elaine Parker
- Diana K. Parker
- Gift Received in Memory of Willie M. Peake
- Ken and Denise Sykes
- Gift Received in Memory of William R. Phillips
- William and Kathleen Durrance
- Ann Jessop
- Gordon and Vickie Klein
- Gift Received in Memory of Johnnie H. Philman
- Haven Hospice – Chiefland Team
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas F. Philman
- Haven Hospice – Chiefland Team
- Gift Received in Memory of Karen R. Pittman
- Live Oak Pest Control, Inc.
- Bob and Frances McGranahan
- Melissa and Darryl Snodgrass
- Gift Received in Memory of Eleanor J. Pulcini
- Betty Bovar & Debbie
- Gift Received in Memory of Bertie D. Pursley
- Dorothea W. Hollingsworth
- Gift Received in Memory of Theodora T. Rancourt
- Maurice Rancourt
- Gift Received in Memory of Jesse C. Reddish
- Sharon Wilks
- Gift Received in Memory of Joseph Reichardt
- Because of Love Foundation
- Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Burkhardt
- Mary F. DiPiazza
- Eric and Yvette Godet
- Kevin and Wendy Hofer
- Edward and Jennifer Jimenez
- Mary Beth Kostewicz
- Rick and Maria LeFave
- Terry Sullivan
- Mrs. Tracy R. Terry
- Jane Tyree
- Barbara S. Wachna
- Sandra Wilson
- Gift Received in Memory of Sophia S. Reitnauer
- Dr. Pamela Reitnauer
- Gift Received in Memory of Gary E. Rexroat
- City of Trenton
- North Florida Holsteins
- George and Dale Anderson
- Gerald and Sandra Augustus
- Thomas and Hazel Bryant
- Chuck and Brenda Bunch
- Mike and Connie Casey
- Dr. and Mrs. R. Whit Curry, Jr.
- Jeanne Flanagan
- Robert and Linda Geers
- Elizabeth G. Griffith
- Drs. Gary and Ann Grooms
- D. Ray and Diana Harrison
- Wayne and Jayne Hathorne
- Geneva McClendon
- Bob and Carol McKinstry
- Larry and Barbara Merritt
- Mary E. Norris
- David and Teresa Ozment
- Bill and Patricia Rogers
- David R. Swilley
- Joe, Carolyn and Patrick Wilson
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles E. Rhoden
- Jane Rhoden
- Gift Received in Memory of Jay D. Rice, Sr.
- Derek Baum & Family
- Roy and Betty Benson
- Al Garcia and Sandra Edwards
- Sharon A. Jones
- Chris P. Kelly
- Kerry and Mary Kelly
- Neal Lewis & Family
- Tom and Nora Merrill
- Bill and Ann Preston
- Phyllis and Mike Schmits
- Matt Sotile
- Cookie Tucker
- James and Sally Wiseman
- Gift Received in Memory of David P. Richards
- Sharla Alexander
- Sherri Burrell and Lezlie
- Illuminate Education Co-Workers
- Deanna Kulajian
- Terri Nalbandian
- Celeste Reeves
- Gift Received in Memory of Christine L. Richardson
- Rachel W. Edwards
- Gift Received in Memory of Debra D. Richardson
- Gary and Donna Bennett
- Gift Received in Memory of Roy S. Ridenour, Sr.
- First Baptist Church of Orange Park
- Gift Received in Memory of Millard G. Rigdon
- Kevin E. Tracey and Linda J. Tracey
- Gift Received in Memory of Douglas Russell “Rusty” Riles
- AT&T Employee Giving
- Ashliegh Riles
- Gift Received in Memory of Ralph P. Roberts
- Ruth Anne Hicks
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Roberts
- Gift Received in Memory of Christel “Chris” Robets
- Rachel Circle – Your Sisters In Christ
- Gift Received in Memory of Gerald L. Rockwell
- Gwen Rockwell
- Gift Received in Memory of Kaletyo M. Rogers
- Richard A. Rogers
- Gift Received in Memory of John Romans
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gift Received in Memory of Geraldine J. Roth
- Charlie Adams & Family
- Carl Kizelowicz
- Gift Received in Memory of Viola P. Sampson
- David and Martha McGregor
- Gift Received in Memory of Nicolas J. Sanchez
- Johnson & Johnson Family – Matching Gifts Program
- Eduardo Sanchez
- Gift Received in Memory of Carmen C. Santillan
- Brad Krivit
- Gift Received in Memory of Sarnt Sarntinorano
- Malisa Sarntinoranont
- Gift Received in Memory of Georgann J. Self
- Jerry Fry
- Gift Received in Memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gift Received in Memory of Robin C. Shiver, Sr.
- Rick Murphy
- Marnie Ward
- Gift Received in Memory of Jerrold M. Smith
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gift Received in Memory of Janet K. Snyder
- Lynn M. Donches
- Garry and Cheryl Haas
- Esther Mohr
- Rick and Brenda Snyder
- Gift Received in Memory of James Spears
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gift Received in Memory of Mildred B. Spears
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gift Received in Memory of Merline G. Spencer
- Craig Chambers and David Abraham
- Peggy DeWitt
- Del Galloway
- Roland and Donna Kerby
- Mary McDonald
- Susan P. McInarnay
- Mark Queen & Family
- Teri Stevens
- William H. Taylor
- Tom Wilhelm and Mike Sloan
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard C. Starling
- Connie Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Peter Staskivtch
- Judith M. Staskivtch
- Gift Received in Memory of John F. Stetson
- The Evens Family
- Dr. and Mrs. Ron Mauldin
- Elizabeth Place
- Ken and Malinda Pridgen
- Lynn and Kathy Stokes
- Gift Received in Memory of Mark Stetson
- Ken and Malinda Pridgen
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert D. Strickland
- Sherry M. Strickland
- Gift Received in Memory of Chester E. Swendsen
- Judy Swendsen
- Gift Received in Memory of Jeanette F. Swilley
- Sam Swilley, Jr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Patsy H. Tankersley
- Thomas N. Tankersley
- Gift Received in Memory of Reginald G. Tanner, Sr.
- Debra A. Tanner
- Gift Received in Memory of LeeAnn Termin
- Suzanne Maltz
- Elizabeth Shuss
- Gift Received in Memory of Tana Thomas
- Scott Thomas
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles E. Thomas, Jr.
- Scott Thomas
- Gift Received in Memory of John W. Thompson
- Mt. Gilead Baptist Church of Suwannee County, FL
- Susan Thompson Eng
- Gift Received in Memory of Judy Tompkins
- Kate Tompkins
- Gift Received in Memory of Donald J. Torrent
- Donna Teate
- Gift Received in Memory of Loretta W. Tower
- Jess and Mary Shackleford
- Gift Received in Memory of Edward J. Tracey
- Kevin E. Tracey and Linda J. Tracey
- Gift Received in Memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gift Received in Memory of Ann B. Tuten
- Anson and Lilla Moye
- Mimi Ryan
- Gift Received in Memory of Cheralan G. Vahedi
- Mr. & Mrs. Naser Afzal
- Gift Received in Memory of Kristy B. Valencia
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift Received in Memory of Martha V. Varnes
- Daniel V. Arrington
- Mike and Sharon Blansett
- Sybil N. Haveard
- Catherine Joiner
- Linda Lanier and Randy Batista
- Phillip and Sylvia Maggio
- Michael and Jaquie Resnick
- Linda H. Sodek
- Rhea Spelman & Family
- Tim Strauser & Family
- Lynne Vaughan
- Bob Willits
- Gift Received in Memory of Corine Wallace
- Donald Wallace
- Gift Received in Memory of Homer E. Walter
- Hazel A. Walter
- Gift Received in Memory of Edward R. Walters
- Joe Ann Walters
- Gift Received in Memory of William C. Ward
- Mary Sue Adams
- Lawrence and Gay Bowen
- Gift Received in Memory of Ernest Weeks
- Sherri and Jack Leggett
- Susan and Ted Oliver
- John and Jill Risk
- Gift Received in Memory of Elmo B. Whitty
- The Allen Cherry Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard C. Wilber
- The Wilber Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Mitch Wilhelm
- Gladys J. Perrin
- Gift Received in Memory of Barbara F. Wilkie
- Phillip and Sylvia Maggio
- Jack E. Wilkie
- Gift Received in Memory of Jeanne S. Williams
- Mike Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Carl Willis
- Florida Irrigation
- Mary McAlpine
- Terry T. Teubert
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy A. Winther Larkins
- David Larkins
- Gift Received in Memory of Wayne Wisenbaker
- Shelby Wisenbaker
- Gift Received in Memory of Loretta Wood
- Jim and Lyn Craft
- Elaine E. Crapps
- Jerry and Kathy Wood
- Gift Received in Memory of Ira J. Wood, Jr.
- Marjorie Carmichael
- Gift Received in Memory of John A. Woods
- Gary and Donna Weseman
- Gift Received in Memory of Stephen G. Wright
- Emerson Gravely
- Gift Received in Memory of Peter S. Zory
- Buzz and Ann Boyd
- Stephen R. Chinn
- Howard L. Cohen and Marian P. Cohen
- Ann and Dorian Lucey
- Carol A. Turner
- Gift Received in Memory of Denise Ahlberg
- Gift Received in Memory of Estelle Aden
- Barbara B. Hall
- Gifts Received in Memory of William Aderholt
- Paul and Paulette Shinholster
- Lynn and Martha Aubel
- Gift Received in Memory of James E. Albright
- Lynn and Martha Aubel
- Gift Received in Memory of Filemon Alcantara
- Felisima Alcantara
- Gift Received in Memory of Phyllis D. Amundson
- Eric and Sherri Amundson
- Gift Received in Memory of Thelma R. Angell
- Eddie and Karen Angell
- Gift Received in Memory of Priscilla Appleton
- Bill Appleton
- Gift Received in Memory of Evangaline F. Arbogast
- Ned Arbogast & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Bruce S. Arrington
- David and Alpha Durrance
- Gift Received in Memory of Nick A. Aulisio
- and Mrs. Glenn S. Dean
- Gift Received in Memory of Aretha Austin
- Robert Austin, Jr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack P. Austin
- Susan Nazworth
- Gift Received in Memory of Philip R. Austin
- Susan Netzel
- Gift Received in Memory of Worth Auxier
- Sandra Bigler
- Gift Received in Memory of Julio Avael
- RaiEtte Avael
- Gift Received in Memory of Janet C. Awbrey
- Fred Awbrey
- Gift Received in Memory of Hilda Ayers
- Keith and Dene Ward
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary A. Ayers
- Allen Ayers
- Gift Received in Memory of Leyron M. Baker
- Barry and Monica Baker
- Gifts Received in Memory of John P. Balog
- John Campbell
- Theodore W. Kury
- Gift Received in Memory of Pearl S. Barber
- Milton Barber
- Gift Received in Memory of Lucretia E. Barnes
- Donald and Sandra Barnes
- Gift Received in Memory of Sheila J. Barron
- Michelle Green
- Gift Received in Memory of Rita Barry
- Maria L. Butts
- Gift Received in Memory of John J. Barry, Jr.
- Maria L. Butts
- Gift Received in Memory of Margaret M. Battenfield
- Jack Battenfield
- Gifts Received in Memory of Hugh N. Battle
- Jack and Susan Follick
- Merle B. Mendheim
- Carole E. Royer
- Gift Received in Memory of James H. Baxter
- Paul and Candy Albritton
- Gift Received in Memory of Diana B. Beatty
- Owen and Allyson Beatty
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles Beckham
- Mary E. Beckham
- Gifts Received in Memory of Jerry H. Bedenbaugh
- Jeri Eubanks
- Eleanor H. Miller School Faculty and Staff
- Gift Received in Memory of Theodore J. Belanger, Sr.
- Alice Belanger
- Gift Received in Memory of Nathalie Bennett
- Thomas D. Sutton
- Gift Received in Memory of Nathaniel Bethea
- Isaac and Gloria Bethea
- Gift Received in Memory of James Bigler
- Sandra Bigler
- Gift Received in Memory of Carl E. Binder
- Carol A. Binder
- Gift Received in Memory of Margaret S. Bird
- Dot Bird
- Gift Received in Memory of Gregory T. Bishop
- Kimberly Bishop
- Gift Received in Memory of William Black
- Ron and Susan Denis
- Gift Received in Memory of Amy Blackwell
- Taylor and Isabell Blackwell
- Gift Received in Memory of Harold R. Blalack
- Harold Blalack
- Gift Received in Memory of Alphonso Blandino
- Gary and Diane Blandino
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruth Blandino
- Gary and Diane Blandino
- Gift Received in Memory of Margaret W. Blitch
- Riley M. Blitch
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Bloodworth
- Wynona M. Trevarthan
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas H. Bloodworth
- Barbara Moberly
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy R. Blount
- Richard and Donna Mark
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn R. Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gift Received in Memory of Fremont Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gifts Received in Memory of Mary E. Bowers
- Tony and Debi Rossi
- Wanda Weirich
- Gift Received in Memory of Beverly Bowman
- Don Bowman
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert L. Bowman, III
- Chris P. Kelly
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Boyette
- Barbara B. Hall
- Gift Received in Memory of Albert V. Bratt, Jr.
- and Mrs. Daniel Sawyer
- Gift Received in Memory of Terrence B. Brauneck, DDS
- Brauneck Family Dentistry PA
- Gift Received in Memory of David Bray
- Joan Bray
- Gift Received in Memory of Bright Brethler
- College Park Baptist Church – Willing Workers Sunday School
- Gifts Received in Memory of Ann Brim
- Joanne Grinnell
- Neil Grinnell
- Nancy Grinnell Baldwin
- Shirley and Ira Holl
- Robert and Shirley Randolph
- Robin Randolph Quail
- Crystal Randolph Young
- Gift Received in Memory of James W. Britt, Sr.
- Sandra L. Britt
- Gift Received in Memory of James K. Brock
- Sarah E. Brock
- Gift Received in Memory of Susan J. Brooks
- James R. Brooks
- Gift Received in Memory of Bruce E. Brown
- Debbie Brown
- Gift Received in Memory of Donna Brown
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift Received in Memory of Horace E. Brown
- Judy Squires and Eva Squires
- Gift Received in Memory of Jerry Lee Brown
- Kim Cady
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert A. Bryan
- Lyla Bryan King
- Gift Received in Memory of Hildegard Bryant
- Raymond Bryant
- Gift Received in Memory of David R. Buchan
- Rena J. Buchan
- Gift Received in Memory of Paddy D. Bunton
- Melissa Mintz
- Gift Received in Memory of Lloyd J. Burtrem
- Suzanne Burtrem
- Gift Received in Memory of Ramon C. Butcher
- Dawn Miller
- Gift Received in Memory of Scottie J. Butler
- Randall T. French
- Gift Received in Memory of Tracie Byrd
- Larry D. Parham
- Gift Received in Memory of Terrance Cady
- Kim Cady
- Gift Received in Memory of Barbara Campbell
- Howard Campbell
- Gift Received in Memory of Dan Campbell
- Ken and Ann Jernigan
- Gift Received in Memory of Helen L. Campbell
- Ken and Ann Jernigan
- Gift Received in Memory of George C. Cannon
- Karen Gore
- Gifts Received in Memory of Delano C. Cannon, Jr.
- Jonathan Cannon
- Ron and Deanna Dendy
- Don Williams
- UF Warrington Marketing & Communication Services
- Gift Received in Memory of Ernest G. Carlow
- & Mrs. Patrick Lanier
- Gift Received in Memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary K. Carson
- and Mrs. Jack Londono
- Gift Received in Memory of Jewell Eason Carter
- Bill and Anita Carter
- Gift Received in Memory of Michael Carvell
- Brenda Watson
- Gift Received in Memory of Jean Cason
- Robert and Christine DeMoss
- Gift Received in Memory of Tam F. Cato, Sr.
- Tam Cato Estate
- Gift Received in Memory of Angelia Cekosh
- Robert Cekosh
- Gift Received in Memory of Craig P. Cellon
- M. and Mildred Cellon
- Gift Received in Memory of Christopher B. Chaffey
- Jenifer Chaffey
- Gift Received in Memory of Donald J. Chandler
- Betty J. Johnson
- Gifts Received in Memory of Johnny Chapman
- James L. Evans
- Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Lucille Clark
- Lucille Randall and Bruce Randall
- Gift Received in Memory of Maria T. Clark
- Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Raymond Clark
- Lucille Randall and Bruce Randall
- Gift Received in Memory of Simonne H. Clark
- Audrey C. Clark
- Gift Received in Memory of Maria Cohn Bechtel
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gift Received in Memory of Gene I. Cole
- Family of Gene I. Cole
- Gift Received in Memory of Ronald Coleman
- Carole D. Coleman
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia Collins
- Mattox Ward
- Gift Received in Memory of Millie Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Norman Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Marilyn Connell
- Dicky King
- Gift Received in Memory of Francis Coogan, Jr.
- Susan Dwyer & The Coogan Family
- Gifts Received in Memory of Fred A. Cooper
- Mike and Cathie Clarke
- Ellen Walton
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia J. Cooper
- Maurice Cooper & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Norman Coquyt
- Danielle Coquyt
- Gift Received in Memory of Carol Costantini
- Marie Broling
- Gift Received in Memory of Frank Costantini
- Marie Broling
- Gift Received in Memory of Jane N. Cramer
- Milner and Jan Osborne
- Gift Received in Memory of Katie Catherine Ginn Crawford
- Mattie Fouraker
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Crews
- Judy Sears
- Gift Received in Memory of Leota F. Croft
- Kenneth Croft
- Gift Received in Memory of Alfonzy Cross
- Doris W. Cross
- Gift Received in Memory of John L. Crossman
- Gordon and Pat Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Howard P. Crowder
- Cheryl Thomas
- Gift Received in Memory of James R. Crowe
- Mary D. Crowe
- Gift Received in Memory of Johnnie L. Daniels
- Annie Daniels
- Gift Received in Memory of Herbert Darby
- Milner and Jan Osborne
- Gift Received in Memory of Vernon R. Daughtry, Jr.
- Louise Daughtry and Stacey L. Douglas
- Gift Received in Memory of Forrest B. Davis
- John and Beth Douglas
- Gift Received in Memory of Kathryn Davis
- Miller’s Services
- Gift Received in Memory of Louise Davis
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gift Received in Memory of Mitsue Davis
- Linda J. Maurawski
- Gift Received in Memory of Susan Davis
- Robert Battaglia
- Gift Received in Memory of Carole A. Dea
- Jerome T. Dea & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack Deaton
- Ruth H. Deaton
- Gift Received in Memory of Gladys Dees
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift Received in Memory of Thetis Dees
- Irene Calhoun
- Gift Received in Memory of Katharine Dekay
- Robert and Margareth Buschbacher
- Gift Received in Memory of James R. Denney
- Rhonda D. Mashburn
- Gift Received in Memory of Jean R. Denson
- Trade-PMR & Co-Workers
- Gift Received in Memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gift Received in Memory of Clara F. Dicks
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gift Received in Memory of William Dicks
- Quinelle C. Ryan & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Cara Anne Dillon
- Jill Seibel
- Gift Received in Memory of Jose Dionsisio
- Rose Kelly
- Gift Received in Memory of Jim K. Donaldson
- Doris J. Donaldson
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Frances Donohoe
- Selden and Anne Longley
- Gift Received in Memory of Eleanor P. Donohoo
- Brenda Strybosch
- Gift Received in Memory of Clayborn H. Driggers
- Clay and Cassie Driggers
- Gift Received in Memory of Irene S. Driggers
- Clay and Cassie Driggers
- Gift Received in Memory of Rebecca R. Duncan
- Cliff Preston
- Bayer
- Gift Received in Memory of Roberta J. Dunn
- Sammy Dunn
- Gift Received in Memory of Marjorie H. Durall
- Gwen A. Johnson
- Gift Received in Memory of Mattie Durham
- Sandra James
- Gift Received in Memory of Lula Belle Durrance
- David and Alpha Durrance
- Gift Received in Memory of Elnora Edmonson
- Gwen A. Johnson
- Gift Received in Memory of Dale P. Eggers
- Karon Eggers
- Gift Received in Memory of Jennifer Elich
- Mary and Tom Abboud
- Gift Received in Memory of Gary W. Ellis
- Kathleen Ellis
- Gifts Received in Memory of Jerry Ellis
- Bill and Paiti Cochran
- James and Jackie Kent
- Gregory M. Martin
- Mike and Patricia Petrizzo
- Elizabeth Porter
- Donna J. Rauber
- Fred and Carol Ann Schiller
- and Mrs. Wendell O. Smith
- Live Oak Forestry Station
- Gift Received in Memory of Delbet and Alice Ellison
- Muriel Ellison
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert W. Ellison
- Muriel Ellison
- Gift Received in Memory of Calvin G. Elshoff
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift Received in Memory of Vivian E. Elshoff
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift Received in Memory of Tommy R. Ergle
- Polly H. Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Russell J. Erickson, Sr.
- Anna Erickson
- Gift Received in Memory of Martha Erskine
- Ann Thompson
- Gift Received in Memory of Barbara L. Eubanks
- Christie Carpenter
- Gift Received in Memory of Henry M. Evans
- Nancy Evans
- Gift Received in Memory of Paul H. Everett
- Rita C. Everett
- Gift Received in Memory of Anna R. Ewing
- Capital City Bank
- Gifts Received in Memory of Anna M. Fake
- Colleen Fake
- Erna M. Pearce
- Gift Received in Memory of Corberly P. Ferguson
- Sandra Perkins
- Gift Received in Memory of Jeffery Finley
- Mary S. Finley
- Gift Received in Memory of Gerry Fitzgerald
- Bernie Fitzgerald
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary C. Fitzgerald
- Robert Fitzgerald, Jr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Joseph E. Flanagan, Jr.
- Bernadette Flanagan
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Flinchum
- Richard and Donna Mark
- Gifts Received in Memory of Sally H. Foote
- Forrest Crawford
- Ray and Anne Goldwire
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gift Received in Memory of Dave Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gift Received in Memory of Judith O. Foreman
- Chuck and Sharl Turner
- Gift Received in Memory of James Forester
- Catherine F. Foerster
- Gift Received in Memory of Sam P. Formicola
- Cathy Sanford
- Gift Received in Memory of Lygia B. Forrester
- Joan F. Ricks
- Gift Received in Memory of Joshua Foss
- Carol Foss
- Gift Received in Memory of Judith M. Foster
- Ed Foster
- Gift Received in Memory of Alberta L. Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gift Received in Memory of Jennifer Freeman
- Norm and Juanita Green
- Gift Received in Memory of Marie T. French
- Charles French, Karen Sampson, Jennings French and John French
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard F. Fries
- Rosemarie Fries
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard Furbee
- Shirley Furbee
- Gifts Received in Memory of Ronald Gainer
- George Fetzer and Mary Nelson
- Dave and Judy Pratt
- Gift Received in Memory of Frances Gainey
- Rodger and Lou Gainey
- Gift Received in Memory of Teresa L. Gallucci
- Liz Capobianco
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Gasche
- Steve and Fran Dodd
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruth S. Gay-Crosier
- Raymond Gay-Crosier
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert F. Geiger
- Geri Geiger
- Gift Received in Memory of Clarence R. Gibson, Sr.
- Carl and Christie Torode
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia A. Gilboe
- Robert and Julie Gilboe
- Gift Received in Memory of Susan Gilmore
- Knox W. Gilmore
- Gift Received in Memory of Albert Giovanetti
- Teresa A. Morgan
- Gift Received in Memory of Margo Gish
- Suzanne Bilyeu
- Gift Received in Memory of Esther Glaser
- Charles Glaser
- Gift Received in Memory of Douglas Glick
- Nanda Glick
- Gift Received in Memory of Vergie “Lessie” Godwin
- Paul and Tina Brewer
- Gift Received in Memory of Goetz & Schwartz Family Members
- Richard and Alice Schwartz
- Gift Received in Memory of Bernard Goldstein
- Pete and Fran Silver
- Gift Received in Memory of David Gore, Jr.
- Karen Gore
- Gift Received in Memory of Ernestine Gracy
- William M. Gracy, III
- Gifts Received in Memory of Evelyn W. Granger
- and Mrs. Robert L. Adkinson
- Estelle Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Christine Green
- Don and Brenda Strickland
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn E. Green
- G. Schnorvus and Cecelia Schnorvus
- Gift Received in Memory of Nelson M. Griffiths, Jr.
- Joyce E. Griffiths
- Gift Received in Memory of Donald R. Grollmes
- Vincent and Katherine Lord
- Gift Received in Memory of Azza S. Guertin
- Leah Oehmig
- Gift Received in Memory of Herbert A. Gutierrez
- Omar Paz
- Gift Received in Memory of Roy C. Haines
- Wayne and Judy Anderson
- Gift Received in Memory of Christine Hale-Pettry
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- Gift Received in Memory of Julianne Hamwey
- Kathy Hamwey Driggers
- Gifts Received in Memory of Dorothy K. Harmeling
- Craig Harmeling
- Hammer Enterprises, LLC
- Gift Received in Memory of Russell F. Hatfield
- Jeanette Hatfield
- Gift Received in Memory of Frances B. Head
- France Addington-Lee
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert F. Head, Jr.
- France Addington-Lee
- Gift Received in Memory of Rudolf W. Hellmold
- Janet L. Hellmond
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas W. Hemenway
- Kathleen Hunt
- Gift Received in Memory of Roger H. Herdegen
- Sharon Capell
- Gift Received in Memory of W. W. (Dub) Hill
- Ellen M. Hill
- Gift Received in Memory of Herbert L. Hirsh
- Marlene Hirsh
- Gift Received in Memory of Emil W. Hoeltzel, Jr.
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gift Received in Memory of Owen A. Hoover
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift Received in Memory of Joan Horn
- Jeff and Lori Schleede
- Gifts Received in Memory of Leo Horne
- Ted and Melinda Fryman
- Joe and Henrietta Kirkland
- Gift Received in Memory of Carla Hotvedt
- Julio Pomar
- Gift Received in Memory of Marjorie G. Hunerwadel
- Otto Hunerwadel and Linda Flosenzier
- Gift Received in Memory of Otto K. Hunerwadel
- Otto Hunerwadel and Linda Flosenzier
- Gift Received in Memory of Billy Hunter
- June M. Register
- Gifts Received in Memory of Jack W. Hurse
- Charles Geiger
- Betty Jo Hodge
- David and Myrna Lou Hurse
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert L. Jackson
- Vicky Robertson
- Gift Received in Memory of William T. Jackson, Jr.
- Hazel Green
- Gift Received in Memory of Clara Jamerson
- Joyce Barrington
- Gift Received in Memory of Margie Jewell
- Barbara B. Hall
- Gifts Received in Memory of Annie Mae Johns
- Jeri Eubanks
- Martin H. May & Family
- Gifts Received in Memory of Virginia H. Johnson
- Inez Bland and Debbie
- Pat Kohlhepp
- Mattox Ward
- Marnie Ward
- Gift Received in Memory of Alva Jones
- Patricia House
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy E. Jones
- John C. Jones
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary E. Jones
- The Sherry Osteen Family
- Gifts Received in Memory of Josie M. Joslin
- Dale Joslin & Family
- Flying Hawk Enterprise, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn Justice
- Lisa Youngblood
- Gift Received in Memory of John Justice
- Lisa Youngblood
- Gift Received in Memory of Lawrence Kassebaum
- Georgina Kassebaum
- Gift Received in Memory of Eleanor J. Katona
- Steve Katona
- Gift Received in Memory of Dolores E. Keaton
- John and Sandy Furches
- Gift Received in Memory of William M. Keohane
- Pete and Sharon Breitinger
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles Keplinger
- Martha Keplinger
- Gift Received in Memory of Gary F. Keys, Sr.
- Beverly W. Keys
- Gift Received in Memory of Harry M. Kimmel
- Renae Shea
- Gift Received in Memory of Nancy C. King
- Kristi Cubin and Jesse King
- Gift Received in Memory of Roy W. King
- Wuni Ryschkewitsch
- Gift Received in Memory of Gladys L. Kirkland
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty Koch
- Barb and Dan Heimbrook
- Gift Received in Memory of John L. Kohr
- Kaye Compton and Stacy Meek
- Gift Received in Memory of Dolores J. Konrad
- Bruce Konrad
- Gift Received in Memory of Shirley M. Konyha
- Kim and Tina Coffee
- Gift Received in Memory of Ben E. Koon
- Joy Koon
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert L. Krumm, Sr.
- Betty Cox Krumm
- Gift Received in Memory of Walter R. Lackey
- Sharon Lackey
- Gift Received in Memory of David Lang
- Melony Lang
- Gift Received in Memory of Jackie E. Larkan
- Mary Larkan
- Gift Received in Memory of Toby Larsen
- Ingeborg Larsen
- Gift Received in Memory of Stephen O. Lawrence
- Sandra Bigler
- Gift Received in Memory of Stephen O. Lawrence
- Glenda Branch
- Gift Received in Memory of Clyde R. Leaphart
- Betty H. Leaphart
- Gift Received in Memory of Willie Lee
- Evelyn Lee
- Gift Received in Memory of Wynelle Lewis
- Mona Hurst
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert E. Lindenschmidt
- Debbie Meiners
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert A. Lloyd
- Clara M. Lloyd
- Gift Received in Memory of Lorraine A. Losch
- Albert Losch, Jr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack S. Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Joy Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Elaine Lubway
- Jim Dahlman
- Gift Received in Memory of Lorina D. Lucas
- Mike and Barbara McCaskill
- Gift Received in Memory of Norman W. Lucas
- Rebecca Ann Lucas
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert E. Lucas
- Wayne and Judy Anderson
- Gifts Received in Memory of Don L. Lynch
- and Mrs. Cameron R. Lynch
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gift Received in Memory of William MacDonald
- Jane W. Dooley
- Gift Received in Memory of James S. Mackintosh
- Nancy Mackintosh
- Gift Received in Memory of Shena M. MacLeod
- Murdo J. MacLeod
- Gifts Received in Memory of Llloyd L. Macy
- Kathy Boree
- Betty B. Brackett
- Edward and Gwen Broward
- Alsine Crawford
- Janice Fast
- Carl and Christie Torode
- Gift Received in Memory of Marie Maone
- Joann Laudadio
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy Markham
- and Mrs. Jim Caldwell
- Gift Received in Memory of Hubert Markham
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gift Received in Memory of Roy D. Markham
- Shirley T. Markham
- Gift Received in Memory of Shirley D. Markham
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gifts Received in Memory of Karolyn K. Martin
- Deane W. Martin
- Keystone United Methodist Church – Men’s Prayer Group
- Gift Received in Memory of Carolyn W. Mathe
- Thena Catherine Mathe
- Gift Received in Memory of John J. Mathe, Sr.
- Thena Catherine Mathe
- Gift Received in Memory of Alice L. Mathis
- Greg Mathis and Mary Mathis
- Gift Received in Memory of Joseph R. Maxwell
- Anna Maxwell
- Gifts Received in Memory of Harriet B. May
- Marian P. Cohen
- Joseph and Noreen Conn
- Kathy Funderburk
- Paula Fussell
- Geoffrey J. Giles
- Nancy S. Greenwell
- Kaye Henderson
- Diana Holder
- Phyllis Lotzkar
- Melody J. Marshall
- Brod and Perrie May
- Teresa Parker
- Kim C. Simpson
- Robb Stokes
- Carol Veldhuis
- Linnie R. Watson
- Gary and Donna Weseman
- John Michael Williams
- World Class Travel Service, LLC
- Gift Received in Memory of Martha McClung
- Greg and Nancy Williamson
- Gift Received in Memory of Claire McCool
- Mike McCool
- Gift Received in Memory of Edward L. McCusker
- Elizabeth McCusker
- Gifts Received in Memory of Lloyd McElroy
- Kathryn Luke
- Jewel McElroy
- Gift Received in Memory of James McGinley
- Jane R. Lorsung
- Gifts Received in Memory of Jewell G. McGrath
- Phyllis R. Frazee
- Lamar and Hazel Royals
- Gifts Received in Memory of John T. McGriff
- Donna Elliott
- Mary Press
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gift Received in Memory of Roberta McNally
- Ashley McNally
- Gift Received in Memory of Jesus A. Mejia
- Robert B. Jenkins
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert L. Merritt, Jr.
- Virginia Merritt
- Gift Received in Memory of John W. Middleton, Jr.
- Sue C. Middleton
- Gift Received in Memory of Ina V. Mikell
- Roger and Johnnie Pennel
- Gift Received in Memory of Audrey Milke
- Gary and Allison Mann
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert L. Milke
- Gary and Allison Mann
- Gifts Received in Memory of Dolores J. Miller
- Charles David Miller, PhD., DVM
- Dawn Miller PhD., APRN, PMHNP-BC
- Gift Received in Memory of Donald R. Miller
- Donna and William Hall
- Gift Received in Memory of Ionia J. Miller
- Donna and William Hall
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy R. Mims
- Jerry and Debbie Callens
- Gift Received in Memory of Houston S. Mims
- Jerry and Debbie Callens
- Gift Received in Memory of Doris Mitchell
- Rex Mitchell and Pam Snyder
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary F. Montgomery
- Donald Shreve
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia L. Moran
- Susan Harrington
- Gift Received in Memory of Emma Jean Morrell
- Wayne Morrell
- Gifts Received in Memory of Herman E. Morris
- Tim and Betty Richards
- Jack and Barbara Stokley
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert E. Morrow
- Barbara Hooker
- Gift Received in Memory of Thelma Morrow
- Linda Perry & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Jessica Natale
- Peter and Kathleen Natale
- Gift Received in Memory of Domingo Navarro
- Dalys Avila
- Gifts Received in Memory of Jean M. Navarro
- William and Barbara Navarro
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas Neary
- Arlene F. Lang
- Gift Received in Memory of Violette Nicole
- Paul A. Nadeau
- Gift Received in Memory of Dennis Norling
- Brandy and Patrick Harvey
- Gift Received in Memory of Nancy Norling
- Brandy and Patrick Harvey
- Gift Received in Memory of Leon “Buddy” Norman
- David and Myrna Lou Hurse
- Gift Received in Memory of John E. Norris
- Guy and Suzanne Norris
- Gifts Received in Memory of Mamie Ethelene Odom
- Kay S. Abercrombie
- Joe and Joyce Barrentine
- Martha Bradley
- George and Mary Crawford
- Clay and Joanie Haddock
- Brian Hamather
- Martin and Diane Wilkinson
- Gift Received in Memory of Joseph P. O’Hern
- Danette Evey
- Gift Received in Memory of Kevin Robert O’Neil
- Kim Cady
- Gift Received in Memory of Carol A. Paris
- Donald Paris
- Gift Received in Memory of Stella Paz
- Omar Paz
- Gifts Received in Memory of Erin Pearce
- Colleen Fake
- Erna M. Pearce
- Gift Received in Memory of John Penkunas
- Mary Ann Penkunas
- Gift Received in Memory of Hallie Olivia White Penney
- Lawrence Hartley
- Gift Received in Memory of Gray Perdue
- Leslie A. Knapp
- Gift Received in Memory of Mario Perez
- Maria E. Radelat
- Gift Received in Memory of David R. Perrin
- Gladys J. Perrin
- Gift Received in Memory of Darwin Perry
- Family of Darwin Perry
- Gift Received in Memory of Zelda R. Petersen
- Terry Peterson
- Gift Received in Memory of Sonja Petersen-Richards
- Tom Richards
- Gift Received in Memory of Lilian Petrecca
- Joseph Petrecca
- Gift Received in Memory of Silvio Petrecca
- Joseph Petrecca
- Gift Received in Memory of Don B. Pettry
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- Gift Received in Memory of Phyllis B. Phillips
- Roxanne Riley
- Gift Received in Memory of Bonnie J. Pierson
- Gordon and Pat Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Harold Pike
- Joyce Wilson
- Gift Received in Memory of Ronald Polk
- Marge Polk
- Gift Received in Memory of David M. Pollick
- The Schultz Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty C. Powell
- David B. Powell
- Gift Received in Memory of Shirley J. Powers
- Lissa Wolfe
- Gift Received in Memory of Frances B. Prescott
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty W. Pruitt
- Ben and Joyce Pruitt
- Gifts Received in Memory of Bertie D. Pursley
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Wayne and Darlene Green
- Garth and Tiani Grumme
- Carroll and Marie Miller
- Florida Electric Cooperatives Association
- Grace Sunday School Class – Fellowship Baptist Church
- Gift Received in Memory of Beverly Radez
- Susanne Tenney
- Gift Received in Memory of Brian S. Rafferty
- Lynn Rafferty
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia Rafferty McDaniell
- George and Mary Rafferty
- Gift Received in Memory of Raisa Razualyaeua
- Bob and Vikteriya Epling
- Gift Received in Memory of Gloria C. Redfearn
- Michael S. Redfearn
- Gifts Received in Memory of Joseph Reichardt
- Bob and Sandy Bratcher
- Kevin Daniels
- Erin Ludwig
- Cornerstone Property Solutions
- Gift Received in Memory of Harry E. Reidling
- Vivian M. Reidling
- Gifts Received in Memory of Mattea Rejholec-Reyes
- Shayna Moss
- Alisa Raskin
- Gift Received in Memory of Grethel L. Rentz
- Bardick and Hope McGuire
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles E. Rhoden
- Jane Rhoden
- Gift Received in Memory of David Richards
- Sharon Richards
- Gift Received in Memory of Rebecca L. Richie
- David and Mary Vezzetti
- Gift Received in Memory of Donald F. Richters
- Donald and Teresa Kennard
- Gifts Received in Memory of Douglas Russell “Rusty” Riles
- Ashliegh Riles
- AT&T Employee Giving
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary K. Rockwood
- Nancy L. Scott
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert J. Roditis
- Sharon Roditis Mirzai
- Gift Received in Memory of John Romans
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gift Received in Memory of Gina Romero
- Paul Knapp
- Gift Received in Memory of Kenneth W. Rose
- Jo Rose
- Gift Received in Memory of Constance Rowe
- George and Mary Rowe
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard H. Russell
- Norma J. Russell
- Gift Received in Memory of John P. Ryan, Sr
- Quinelle C. Ryan & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Viola P. Sampson
- David and Martha McGregor
- Gift Received in Memory of Victor E. Sanocki
- Madeline J. Sanocki
- Gift Received in Memory of James R. Sattler
- Mary Sattler
- Gift Received in Memory of Norman R. Saul, Sr.
- Dolores S. Saul
- Gift Received in Memory of Gertrude (Trudy) Schon
- Linda L. Stevens
- Gift Received in Memory of Beverly E. Schubert
- Vicky Robertson
- Gift Received in Memory of Roy A. Schulz
- Mary N. Schulz
- Gift Received in Memory of Herbert S. Schwartz
- Ray Morgenstern
- Gift Received in Memory of Deborah D. Sendax
- Reily Hendrickson
- Gift Received in Memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gift Received in Memory of Dale Shannahan
- Kim Cady
- Gift Received in Memory of Roger Sharpe
- John Sharpe
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruby Shaw
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert T. Sheridan
- Carol Sheridan
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia Shingleton
- First Baptist Church – Young At Heart Class
- Gift Received in Memory of Sylvia Shoemaker
- Sam Shoemaker
- Gift Received in Memory of Eugene Shuey
- Pauline Shuey
- Gift Received in Memory of Angeline Sickon
- Bill and Karen Tindal
- Gift Received in Memory of Michael C. Silveira
- June, Brenda and Troy Silveira
- Gift Received in Memory of Sonja L. Silver
- Dan Silver
- Gift Received in Memory of Mark Simmons
- Eula Jean Simmons
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Sireci
- Marcia Richardson
- Gifts Received in Memory of William F. Sistrunk
- James Beard
- Beverly McNaull and James Beard
- Gift Received in Memory of Lyman A. Slack, Jr.
- Tom and Kenni Pinckard
- Gift Received in Memory of Michael Slade
- Mary E. Slade
- Gift Received in Memory of Gerald Slagle
- Kathleen Slagle and Jamie Burrow
- Gifts Received in Memory of Constance A. Smith
- David and Karen Hammond
- John H. Seider
- Stewart L. Smith
- Michael A. Wantz
- Gift Received in Memory of Lucille W. Smith
- Joyce H. Cherry
- Gift Received in Memory of Marchetia Smith
- Inez Bland and Debbie
- Gift Received in Memory of Ray and Violet Smith
- Muriel Ellison
- Gift Received in Memory of Henry W. Smith, Jr.
- Tom and Kate Huber
- Gifts Received in Memory of Carolyn Snyder
- Mary Berryhill and Bob Snyder
- Roy and Susan Chapman
- Clyde L. Cooper
- Lloyd Snyder, III
- Gift Received in Memory of Alex J. Soled
- Ingrid Soled
- Gift Received in Memory of Solomon Solomon
- Meaza Solomon
- Gift Received in Memory of Philip Sparks
- Tommielu Sparks
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Sparrow
- Eros Belliveau and Kara Belliveau
- Gift Received in Memory of Toni Sparrow
- Eros Belliveau and Kara Belliveau
- Gift Received in Memory of Garnet Spencer
- Nancy Spencer
- Gift Received in Memory of Edward A. Staley
- Diane Bragg
- Gift Received in Memory of Betty June Stefanelli
- Robert Stefanelli
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack N. Stevens
- Linda L. Stevens
- Gift Received in Memory of Joanne A. Stevens
- Roberta C. Goodwin
- Gift Received in Memory of Walter C. Stevens, Jr.
- Betty J. Stevens
- Gift Received in Memory of Walter C. Stevens, Sr.
- Betty J. Stevens
- Gift Received in Memory of Henry W. Stone
- Mary Stone
- Gift Received in Memory of Pansy R. Suggs
- Bret and Pam Plemmons
- Gift Received in Memory of Dennis C. Sullivan
- Nanette I. Sullivan
- Gift Received in Memory of Ralph Sutton
- Dawn Sutton and Jill Sutton
- Gift Received in Memory of Maynard F. Swanson, Jr.
- Ruthann Swanson & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Marilou B. Swearingen
- Dave and Margaret Kidd
- Gift Received in Memory of Reginald G. Tanner, Sr.
- Debra A. Tanner
- Gift Received in Memory of Edith M. Taylor
- Charmaine Gibson
- Gift Received in Memory of William Thigpin
- Brett Waters
- Gift Received in Memory of Douglas L. Thomas
- Helen Thomas and Elizabeth Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Minnie Thomas
- Linda Thomas & Sisters
- Gift Received in Memory of Frances M. Thompson
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gifts Received in Memory of John W. Thompson
- Melanie Perea
- Jessica Perea-Abril
- Terry Robideau
- Gift Received in Memory of Lamar Thompson
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary E. Thompson
- Sharon Cole
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert L. Till
- Deborah Till
- Gift Received in Memory of Edna H. Todd
- Alma H. Potter
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard E. Tomac
- Shirley Tomac
- Gift Received in Memory of Tony C. Tomlinson
- Donna Alsbury
- Lois Ferguson
- Kevin and Michele Hanson
- Dorothy J. McCawley
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruth V. Torrence
- Terry A. Torrence
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Tozzi
- Rebecca Tozzi & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Eugene Tretheway
- Yvette Tretheway
- Gift Received in Memory of William L. Trevarthan
- Wynona M. Trevarthan
- Gift Received in Memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gift Received in Memory of Carl W. Turk
- Rene Mucci
- Gifts Received in Memory of Rodney D. Tyre
- John and Wanda Barker
- Keith and Addie Couey
- Gift Received in Memory of Maureen L. Uhrie
- Rick Uhrie & Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Carolyn C. Upshaw
- Edward Sroka
- Gift Received in Memory of Kathleen Uptegrove
- Daniel L. Uptegrove
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy VanBlaricum
- Joseph VanBlaricum
- Gift Received in Memory of Roberta Varcados
- James Varcados
- Gift Received in Memory of Ian Vickers
- Sue Vickers
- Gift Received in Memory of Roxie Vickers
- Roy Vickers
- Gift Received in Memory of Nancy Vidler
- Linda and Les Wilson
- Gift Received in Memory of Elaine Wack
- Michael and Helene Wack
- Gift Received in Memory of Corine Wallace
- Donald Wallace
- Gift Received in Memory of Edward R. Walters
- Tom and Vicky Stem
- Jamie Taylor
- Gift Received in Memory of Bennie J. Warwick
- Carole K. DeCelle
- Gift Received in Memory of Judith A. Waters
- Jeremy Zelewsky
- Gift Received in Memory of Ida Mae Watson
- Jack and Prentice Spann
- Gift Received in Memory of Myron S. Watson
- Jack and Prentice Spann
- Gift Received in Memory of Wendelyn Watts
- DeLoris J. Watts
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy C. Weaver
- Dan and Peggy Mauldin
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Weinstein
- Mark and Pat Cole
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert T. Weissman
- Linda S. Weissman
- Gifts Received in Memory of Winfred W. Welch
- Joanne Halter
- Ray and Diana Harrison
- Jeff and Amy Spencer
- Patrick and Carolyn Wilson
- Rotary Club of Gilchrist County, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Lisa Welz
- Emilie T. Welz
- Gift Received in Memory of Sean Welz
- Emilie T. Welz
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert E. Welz, Sr
- Emilie T. Welz
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard S. Westbury
- First Coast Community Credit Union
- Gift Received in Memory of Wayne E. Wetzel
- Fred and Lisa Davies
- Gift Received in Memory of Edwin Wheeler
- Priscilla Wheeler
- Gift Received in Memory of Inman L. White
- Judy and Butch Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Maryann J. White
- Judy and Butch Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn M. Wickware
- CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO
- Gift Received in Memory of Leroy J. Widman
- Teresa Widman
- Gift Received in Memory of Billy Williams
- Doris W. Cross
- Gift Received in Memory of John Williams
- Doris W. Cross
- Gift Received in Memory of Leon D. Williams
- Martha Williams
- Gifts Received in Memory of Raymond L. Williams
- RaiEtte Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Aggie M. Williams Donald
- Betty D. Lovett
- Gift Received in Memory of Eula Williamson
- Greg and Nancy Williamson
- Gift Received in Memory of Glenn Williamson
- Greg and Nancy Williamson
- Gift Received in Memory of Irene J. Wilson
- Tommy and Jean Cotchaleovitch
- Gift Received in Memory of Theresa A. Wilson
- Linda and James Voiles
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy L. Winans
- Jack and Vicki Jenkins
- Gift Received in Memory of Leo F. Wojcinski
- Christopher Fonvielle
- Gift Received in Memory of Jacek Wojt
- Krystyna Zielinska
- Gift Received in Memory of Wayne A. Wood
- Jerry and Kathy Wood
- Gift Received in Memory of Linda Wotton
- Lawrence Wotton, Sr.
- Gifts Received in Memory of Willie V. Wynn
- Tommy and Rose Mary Bankston
- Katherine Griffin
- C. and Marjorie Register
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Bill Yancey
- Barbara D. Wray
- Gift Received in Memory of Jayne Yazdi
- David and Maureen Quinn
- Gift Received in Memory of William D. York
- Audrey C. Drake
- Gift Received in Memory of JoAnn M. Young
- Rick and Mantha Young
- Gift Received in Memory of Sandra Zappini
- Dan Zappini
- Gift Received in Memory of Li Zhang
- Yun-Ju He
- Gift Received in Memory of Michael Zory
- Barbara A. Zory
- Gift Received in Memory of Peter S. Zory
- and Mrs. Mike Grove
- Gift Received in Memory of William Abbott
- Lake Lodge No 72 F & AM
- Gifts Received in Memory of Estelle Aden
- Raymond Brady
- Bill and Martha Kloeppel
- Gifts Received in Memory of Marie A. Alford
- Buck Alford
- Precon Corporation
- Gifts Received in Memory of John R. Allbritton
- Elaine Carey & Family
- David and Nelda Crews & Family
- Jack and Mary Cushman & Family
- Barbara R. Royster
- Gifts Received in Memory of Helen E. Alligood
- Don and Phyllis Frazee
- First Baptist Church
- Gifts Received in Memory of Gerldean Angleton
- Laurel D. Angleton
- Gifts Received in Memory of Joanne H. Ashford
- Brittany Estates Mobile Home Park
- Gift Received in Memory of Deborah Askren
- Dr. Jan Snyder
- Gift Received in Memory of Allen Aufforth
- City of Manassas – Mayor, City Council and Employees
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack P. Austin
- Bill and Ann Preston
- Gift Received in Memory of James E. Bailey
- Mabel E. Bailey
- Gift Received in Memory of Carlye Ann Baker
- Dan and Marcia Purcifull
- Gifts Received in Memory of Michael Alonzo Baker
- Dick and Sharon Jones
- Roxanne Riley
- Gift Received in Memory of Ronald Baney
- Mary Jean Baney
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn S. Barber
- Ann Thomas
- Gifts Received in Memory of Linda Barnes
- Peter and Karen Rhoten
- Simon, Reed & Salazar
- Gifts Received in Memory of Patrick J. Barr
- Duval County Public School Family
- First Coast Networkers, Inc.
- Gifts Received in Memory of Peggy Bayes
- Denise Cramer
- Mike and Renee DeBord
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles Beasley
- Ellie S. Beasley
- Gift Received in Memory of John Beyerle
- Benjamin Davidson
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn R. Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gift Received in Memory of Fremont Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gifts Received in Memory of Mary E. Bowers
- Susan Elliott
- Jim and Jane Shea
- Gifts Received in Memory of Allen Branch
- Greg and Mary Terese Huffman
- Robinson Family Charitable Trust
- Gifts Received in Memory of Ruth C. Breier
- Susie Breier and Steven Boissoneault
- Helen K. Glover
- Beverly McBride
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Y. Brim
- Lake City VA Medical Center – ER Staff
- Gifts Received in Memory of Edna Bruce
- Mildred Barber & Family
- Ralph and Marcia Royster
- Gift Received in Memory of James K. Buffington
- Jean Buffington
- Gift Received in Memory of Albert Bullock
- Esther Bullock
- Gifts Received in Memory of Scottie J. Butler
- Les and Carol Magee
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gift Received in Memory of Clarence E. Calendine
- Chris P. Kelly
- Gift Received in Memory of Hannelore M. Callahan
- Daria R. Broom
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert R. Carter
- Carolyn Carter
- Gifts Received in Memory of Annette P. Chamberlin
- Ralph Bowden, Jr.
- Sharon Thomason
- Marcia Walton
- Carol B. Willis
- Gifts Received in Memory of William D. Chandler
- Carmoleta Chandler
- Jason, Chris, Chandler and Melissa Snieder
- Watertown Congregational Methodist Church
- Gift Received in Memory of George C. Chapman
- Betty Chinnis
- Gift Received in Memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Elva Cobb
- Jim and Laurece Poole
- Gift Received in Memory of Wallace Coe
- Malcolm Smith
- Gift Received in Memory of John Collett
- Jacquelyne Collett-Diamond
- Gift Received in Memory of Millie Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Norman Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Conrey
- Richard and Alma Griffiths
- Gift Received in Memory of Fred Cooper
- Jim and Lynne Johnson
- Gifts Received in Memory of Rafael Cott
- Rebecca Catalanotto
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- The Kemp Family
- Dixie Spahr
- Jim and Dixie Spahr
- The Village
- Gift Received in Memory of Mather J. Cravey
- Frank and Mary Kate Colson
- Gift Received in Memory of Calvin C. Creamer, Jr.
- Linda Creamer
- Gifts Received in Memory of Lester Cribbs
- Michael Duke
- Ronald and Judy Lane
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Gift Received in Memory of Helen J. Croft
- Donna Weseman and Diana Holder
- Gift Received in Memory of Sharon L. Crosby
- Robert and Susan Wilson
- Gift Received in Memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts Received in Memory of Loren P. Derry
- Craig and Trish Tapley
- Dick and Alma Tomlin
- Gift Received in Memory of Alice Domash
- Family of Mary Hines
- Gift Received in Memory of Jaime Dominguez
- Norma Dominguez
- Gifts Received in Memory of Mary Frances Donohoe
- Tom and Christina Black
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cauthen, III
- James M. Donohoe, Jr.
- Jock and Penny Hopkins & Family
- Ken and Donna Milam
- Pauline Shuey
- Gift Received in Memory of Joanne Dover
- Mary A. White
- Gifts Received in Memory of Rebecca R. Duncan
- Carter and Nancy Gilbert
- Ken and Gina Posey
- Janet Roberson
- Ann Young
- Gift Received in Memory of Bobby E. Dyal, Sr.
- Caroline Willcox and Dan Einwechter
- Gifts Received in Memory of Irene F. Dykes
- Candice Bradley
- Beverly Ellington
- Patricia Kollander
- Wesley and Hayden Roberts
- Gifts Received in Memory of James P. Ellard
- Chip and Ann Landon
- Laura H. Yates
- Gifts Received in Memory of Barbara S. Eller
- Kay and David Ayers
- John Michael Williams
- Gifts Received in Memory of Phyllis Farnell
- Kenneth Lee
- Gussie M. MacLaren
- Norman and Myrtle Ann McElroy
- Richard and Kathy Rountree
- Gift Received in Memory of Katherine M. Fike-Hunter
- Pamela Mills
- Gift Received in Memory of Judith O. Foreman
- Chuck and Sharl Turner
- Gift Received in Memory of Lynelle E. Foulk
- Carole Doyle
- Gift Received in Memory of Alberta L. Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gift Received in Memory of Marie T. French
- Charles French, Karen Sampson, Jennings French and John French
- Gifts Received in Memory of Ronald Gainer
- Tracy Gainer-Vash
- David and Mary Ann Hardner
- Irene O. Hatfield
- Jack and Rose Snyder
- John Tiffe
- Joe and Wendy Topel
- BHS Class of 1961
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Louise Campbell Giese
- John and Ellen Gutsmiedl
- Gifts Received in Memory of Scott J. Gilbert
- Jeff Gilbert and Janet Epstein
- Josephine W. Gilbert
- Gift Received in Memory of Alan H. Goforth
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gifts Received in Memory of Robert Goodwin
- GiGi G. Adderhold
- Jana Goodwin
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary A. Goss
- Liza Christine Twombly
- Gift Received in Memory of Evelyn W. Granger
- Jim and Brenda Harrell
- Gift Received in Memory of Merideth R. Granger, Jr.
- Beverly dos Reis
- Melissa Sellers
- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Watts
- Gift Received in Memory of Ed Graves
- Family Motor Coach Association/Sunwheelers
- Gift Received in Memory of William C. Green
- The Oliver Family
- Gift Received in Memory of Richard Guzewich
- Carolyn Marks
- Gifts Received in Memory of Warren Hallman
- Adam Myers
- William G. Smith, Jr.
- Alice St. John
- Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wise
- Gifts Received in Memory of Barbara N. Hammond
- Sandra Bond
- Marsha H. Dorsey
- Carlyn J. Elliott
- Sandra F. Moore
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary A. Harding
- Mary Stepura
- Gift Received in Memory of Bernice W. Harris
- Linda Creamer
- Gift Received in Memory of James W. Harrison
- Cherry Sink Church of Christ
- Gift Received in Memory of Lewis Hart
- Delores Hart Flanders
- Gift Received in Memory of Wilma J. Hart
- Delores Hart Flanders
- Gift Received in Memory of Roger H. Herdegen
- Robert and Mary Ann Hansen
- Gift Received in Memory of William K. Hicks
- UF – Office of Admissions
- Gift Received in Memory of Alvin Hinders
- Joan J. Bazley
- Gift Received in Memory of Frederick Hoenicke
- Evelyn Hoenicke and Danean Ermentrout
- Gifts Received in Memory of William Holloway
- Phillip and Sylvia Maggio
- Santa Fe High School – Class of 1958
- Gift Received in Memory of Gwendolyn Bernice Holmes
- 4DV Analytics
- Gift Received in Memory of Thomas E. Hosford, Jr.
- Randy and Debbie Saunders
- Gift Received in Memory of Peggy R. Howland
- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith
- Gifts Received in Memory of Glenda Hughes
- Jan Alligood
- Mr. and Mrs. Clint Bryan
- Mr. and Mrs. William Fralick
- Gift Received in Memory of Billy Hunter
- Larry D. Parham
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack W. Hurse
- Mr. and Mrs. Al Alsobrook
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Gifts Received in Memory of Barbara T. Jones
- Lorraine Barber
- Dan and Jodye Clark
- Linda S. Cleveland
- Joyce Glicksberg
- Kathryn Blocher Hinds
- Glorya Murphy
- Doug and Sally Thompson
- Karen M. Thompson
- Anita M. Wilson and William D. Wilson
- Mary J. Young
- Porter and Harris Orthodontics
- The Ladies of the DB Wise Aces Tennis Team
- Gift Received in Memory of Dorothy E. Jones
- Henry and Trish Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruth Kalch
- Henry and Faye Wilson
- Gift Received in Memory of Lawrence Kassebaum
- Tina and Mike Banner
- Gift Received in Memory of Frances M. Keeton
- Nancy D. Wells
- Gifts received in Memory of Nalani Kerns
- Jevaun McPherson
- Rita Merry
- Kelly Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Geraldine Killingsworth
- Vernon and Helen McDowell
- Gift Received in Memory of Shirley M. Konyha
- Rebecca B. Adkins
- Pauline Cavallo
- Sharlene Dean
- Stephen J. Durst
- Susan and Ray McGee
- Richard and Maryann Walker
- Mary A. White
- Gift Received in Memory of Gert Kucharski
- Larry D. Parham
- Gift Received in Memory of Violet LaGatta
- Pasquale LaGatta
- Gift Received in Memory of Monte Lake
- Bob and Barbara Scott
- Gift Received in Memory of Eliza Jackson Lee
- Kenneth Lee
- Gift Received in Memory of Mary Jane Lee
- Kenneth Lee
- Gifts Received in Memory of Wynelle Lewis
- Delton and Gail Buchanan
- Gail E. Buchanan
- Gary and Sharon Croxton
- W.C. and Jana Hart
- Charles and Donna Hurst
- Kenneth and Amy Jackson
- Rod and Brenda Gayle Land
- Nancy E. Livers
- Fred and Betty Moses
- Rollie and Gloria Slade
- Mayo Fertilizer, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Liao Chien Ping
- James and Alice Wais
- Gift Received in Memory of William F. Long
- Carol L. Long
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack S. Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Joy Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gift Received in Memory of Shena M. MacLeod
- Murdo J. MacLeod
- Gifts Received in Memory of Herbert W. Maisenbacher, Jr.
- Kathryn Czaplicki & Family
- Ruth Anne Hicks
- Gift Received in Memory of George E. Martin
- Bill and Kathleen Martin
- Gift Received in Memory of William T. Martin
- William T. Martin Jr.
- Gifts Received in Memory of Harriet B. May
- Kay and David Ayers
- Purvis, Gray and Company, LLP
- Gift Received in Memory of Nancy C. McCurdy
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gift Received in Memory of Joyce Bernadette McDonald Bender
- Elizabeth Kalavsky
- Gift Received in Memory of Walter C. McDuffie
- Doris McDuffie
- Gifts Received in Memory of Lloyd McElroy
- Henrietta M. Croker
- Joie and Billie Sue Johnson
- Clara Nell Quincey
- Luther White, Jr. and Karen Usher White
- WP Wildlife Group, LLLP
- Gift Received in Memory of James McGinley
- Gift Received in Memory of Jewell G. McGrath
- Barbara Hanks
- Gifts Received in Memory of Lois A. Messal
- Dr. and Mrs. Lionel Beaulieu
- Carol R. Bleichfeld
- Robert and Jan Degner
- Gift Received in Memory of Wilma Miller
- Dr. Andrea Fritschle
- Gift Received in Honor of Robert Mitchell
- Purdue University Global
- Gift Received in Memory of James M. Moody
- Lou Anne Fortner
- Leslie Hafer
- Cathy Moody-Dobbs
- Debra Wilson
- Carter Timber, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Barbara Moran
- Wellness Diva’s
- Gift Received in Memory of Marjorie Mott
- Catherine S. Krimmel
- Father Michael Schneider
- Peter P. Schneider, Jr.
- Gift Received in Memory of Lewis D. Murray
- Richard A. Murray
- Gift Received in Memory of Noelia B. Murray
- Richard A. Murray
- Gift Received in Memory of Nancy Nedrow
- Jan H. Phillips
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles H. Neeley
- Columbia High School – Class of 1960
- Gift Received in Memory of Joseph L. Nettles
- Vernon and Helen McDowell
- Gift Received in Memory of Sandra O’Connor
- Susan and James Hencin
- Gifts Received in Memory of Janis Owens
- Philip N. Tague
- Sara Vance
- AMLI Residential
- Gift Received in Memory of Irene Parmenter
- Terri Lee
- Gifts Received in Memory of Katherine F. Peeples
- James and Ginny Garner, Christine Fowler and Johnny Fowler
- Greg and Sally Moorehead
- Mary Q. Wiltsey
- Gift Received in Memory of Marjorie G. Pendley
- Scott and Barbie Pendley
- Gift Received in Memory of William G. Pendley
- Scott and Barbie Pendley
- Gift Received in Memory of Lewis L. Peterson
- Dan and Marcia Purcifull
- Gift Received in Memory of Johannes Pfanzelt
- Herta Pfanzelt
- Gift Received in Memory of Elizabeth R. Powell
- Robert O. Parker
- Gifts Received in Memory of James H. Powell
- Kimberly L. Bonds
- Wilma P. Harris
- Kelley B. Kostamo
- Emily Sabah Maren
- Elizabeth H. Moseman
- Roz and Izzy Shever
- Gifts Received in Memory of Athena Randolph
- William H. Bennett
- Jim and Laurece Poole
- Susan E. Zimmer
- Gifts Received in Memory of Louise M. Register
- Chandler Register
- Elizabeth, Candacey and Chester Register, Jr.
- Chester and Joyce Register
- Freddie Lou Register
- Gift Received in Memory of Melvin Register
- Florida Rural Water Association, Inc.
- Gift Received in Memory of Grethel L. Rentz
- Bardick and Hope McGuire
- Gift Received in Memory of Grethel L. Rentz
- Bardick and Hope McGuire
- Gift Received in Memory of Charles E. Rhoden
- Jane Rhoden
- Gifts Received in Memory of Douglas Russell “Rusty” Riles
- Ashleigh Riles
- Your Cause, LLC
- Gift Received in Memory of Henley R. Roberts
- Evelyn E. Gandoza
- Gift Received in Memory of Lester R. Roberts
- Kenneth and Amy Jackson
- Gift Received in Memory of Charlene Rodrigue
- Lou and Carol Rodrigue
- Gift Received in Memory of Judith H. Rogers
- Robert J. Rogers
- Gift Received in Memory of Julianne Rogers
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gift Received in Memory of Kaletyo M. Rogers
- Richard A. Rogers
- Gift Received in Memory of John Romans
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gifts Received in Memory of Bonnie Romine
- Martha Cagle
- Donald and Fran Cronwell
- Heather Francis
- Mary Hartig
- Bryan Klinger
- Helen M. Lee
- Kara Martin
- Mildred A. Perkins
- Analee Phillips
- Ross Plasterer
- Terri Rezac
- Charlotte E. Romine
- MaryAnn Thompson-Hill and Sharon Blanton
- David E. Tidlund
- Janice Traczyk
- Dennis L. Vince
- Allan L. Zimmermann
- Korean War Vets
- Gift Received in Memory Of Robert Rose
- Nancy Rose Digiovanni
- Gift Received in Memory of Seena Perryman Ruth
- Alice St. John
- Gift Received in Memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gift Received in Memory of Ruby Shaw
- Julie Morgan, Myra, Phil, Melinda, Tyler, Karen and Kristi
- Gifts Received in Memory of Eugene Shuey
- Michelle Arutt
- Tom and Christina Black
- James M. Donohoe, Jr.
- Gene and Karen Dudley
- Anthony and Kathleen Nowels
- Don and Jane Shuey
- Judy R. Wilhour
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gift Received in Memory of William C. Simpson
- Jean Simpson
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert G. Sisson
- Janet Figel
- Gifts Received in Memory of Roslyn C. Slater
- Richard and Shirley Barkin
- Frances Ehrlich
- Drs. Kelly Selman and Robin Wallace
- Gifts Received in Memory of Grover C. Smart, Jr.
- William and Donna Buhi
- Melissa Fowler Smith
- Ron and Carol Peterson
- Jodi Smart
- Mary Smart and Lisa Smart Call
- Perry Smart
- John and Kathy Vance
- Gifts Received in Honor of Barbara Y. Smith
- Tony and Leslie Breedlove
- Wildlife Art Creations
- Gifts Received in Memory of Constance Smith
- Terry and Vickie Hammond
- Judith W. Martin
- Gift Received in Memory of Judy K. Smith
- John M. Coleman
- Gift Received in Memory of Nettie M. Southern
- Garey and Phyllis Southern
- Gift Received in Memory of John Spahalski
- Live Oak Probation Office
- Gift Received in Memory of Jack N. Stevens
- Beverly McNaull
- Gifts Received in Memory of Fred Suri
- Tony and Leslie Breedlove
- Wildlife Art Creations
- Gifts Received in Memory of Helen W. Suri
- Tony and Leslie Breedlove
- Wildlife Art Creations
- Gifts Received in Memory of Paula G. Thomas
- Karen Crews
- Ken and Sallie Norrie
- Michelle Pasteur Tripp
- Leah Pursley Pate
- Bonnie B. Sanchez
- Carri Stromsoe Smith
- Charles L. Thomas
- Debbie Thomas
- Gift Received in Memory of Jane Thousand
- Teresa Jacalone, P.A.
- Gift Received in Memory of Lucile Tomlinson
- Ronnie and Deanna Roland
- Gift Received in Memory of David Troyer
- Nelle B. Troyer
- Gift Received in Memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gift Received in Memory of Patricia “Elaine” Tuck
- Tamela Bocher
- Gifts Received in Memory of Deborah Urban
- Evelyn Kirby Jones
- Barbara Leist
- Lori Shank
- Linda J. Urban
- Richard Urban
- Gift Received in Memory of James Walkup
- Marilyn C. Daughtry
- Gift Received in Memory of Linda Warrington
- Jack and Ann Williams
- Gift Received in Memory of Madge G. West
- Karen Helseth
- Gift Received in Memory of Denise Wheeler
- Chandra Moss
- Gifts Received in Memory of David H. Williams
- Terry Cake
- Sherry Elliott
- Sara Klossner
- Rob and Anna Moore
- Ken and Margaret Wagener
- James Moore & Company
- Robinson Family Charitable Trust
- Woodlawn Baptist Church
- Gift Received in Memory of Robert Witt
- Bronson and Angela Witt
- Gift Received in Memory of Tallulah M. Witt
- Lynne E. Roy
- Gift Received in Memory of Eve Wright Wheeler
- Paulette Staum
- Gifts Received in Memory of George Young
- Tony and Leslie Breedlove
- Wildlife Art Creations
- Gifts Received in Memory of Paul A. Zimmerman
- Dr. and Mrs. Barney Greenberg
- Jolinda A. Lee
- Gainesville Lions Club, Inc.
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gifts received in memory of Gerardo V. Achas
- The Achas Family
- Gifts received in memory of Raymond F. Achey
- Patricia Chestnut
- Gifts received in memory of Lisa Acosta
- Karen A. Young
- Gifts received in memory of William Aderholt
- Betty Jacobs & Family
- Kenneth and Cindy Moore
- Dorothy and Winston Rushing
- Gifts received in memory of Joan E. Adkins
- Cricket Morgan
- Gifts received in memory of Filemon Alcantara
- James Parado
- Gifts received in memory of Dan Alford
- Dennis B. Adair
- Gifts received in memory of Paul J. Andel
- Ann Marie Andel
- Gifts received in memory of George C. Anderson
- Joy C. Anderson
- Gifts received in memory of Jane Ank
- Patricia J. Martin
- Gifts received in memory of Yvonne Annis
- James T. Annis
- Gifts received in memory of Nannette Arana
- The Arana Family
- Gifts received in memory of Aretha Austin
- Robert Austin, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Hilda Ayers
- Johnnie and Jan Davis & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Larry O. Bagnall
- Shirley Bagnall
- Gifts received in memory of Clair Bailey
- Dawn Miller
- Gifts received in memory of John M. Bailey
- Susan Seagroves
- Gifts received in memory of Mack Baldwyn
- Darlene Wilhelm
- Gifts received in memory of Sharon S. Baldwyn
- Darlene Wilhelm
- Gifts received in memory of Melissa J. Ball
- Russell Moore
- Gifts received in memory of Pearl S. Barber
- Milton Barber
- Gifts received in memory of Mildred Barnard Sadler
- Noelle Shema
- Gifts received in memory of Linda Barnes
- Rene Cachia
- Carol Clovis & Family
- Lynn P. Haunstein
- Elwyn, Lisa and Celia Moore
- E.C. Stokes Mechanical Contractor, Inc.
- Retailers of Art Glass and Supplies, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Bass
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Baxter
- Christie Baxter
- Gifts received in memory of Brooks A. Beasley
- Robert and Pat Murphy
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Beasley
- Bobby and Janet Espenship
- Geoff and Cathy Smith
- Gifts received in memory of Carol H. Becker
- Lynne E. Roy
- Gifts received in memory of LulaMae D. Beckwith
- Robert E. Mount, Jr, DDS, PA
- Gifts received in memory of Lawrence T. Bellucci
- Tom and Kathie Bellucci
- Gifts received in memory of Paul R. Bender
- Cathy Nagler
- Gifts received in memory of Roseanne P. Bender
- Bill and Karen Bender
- Gifts received in memory of Tena Bender
- Cathy Nagler
- Gifts received in memory of William C. Bender
- Bill and Karen Bender
- Gifts received in memory of Cecil Benton
- Jane Benton
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert A. Bevis
- Jack and Virginia Gamble
- Gifts received in memory of Dick Bias
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gifts received in memory of James Bigler
- Sandra Bigler
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Bijesse
- Mary E. Bijesse
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Billups
- Elizabeth D. Billups
- Gifts received in memory of Carl E. Binder
- Carol Binder
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret S. Bird
- Dorothy M. Bird
- Jerald C. Bird
- Gifts received in memory of Gregory T. Bishop
- Kimberly Bishop
- Gifts received in memory of Amy Blackwell
- The Backwell Family
- Gifts received in memory of Karen Blatt
- Patricia Blatt
- Gifts received in memory of Sonia Bloomfield
- Hank Bloomfield
- Gifts received in memory of Charlotte G. Blount
- Kim Everett
- Gifts received in memory of Carolyn Boatright
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Sandy Templeton
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gifts received in memory of Denis A. Bonenfant
- Doris L. Bonenfant
- Gifts received in memory of Joanne Boone
- Burton Boone
- Gifts received in memory of Alma M. Booth
- Counts Booth
- Gifts received in memory of Dian Booth
- Counts Booth
- Gifts received in memory of Katharine H. Bowers
- Phoebe H. Bowers
- Susan Bowers Crist
- Gifts received in memory of Grace Brannan
- Billy Brannan
- Gifts received in memory of John P. Brantley
- David and Debra Brantley
- Gifts received in memory of Albert V. Bratt, Jr.
- Betty L. Bratt
- Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Sawyer
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Breh
- Teri and Keith Graham
- Gifts received in memory of Jeffrey Breh
- Teri and Keith Graham
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia Breh
- Teri and Keith Graham
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth C. Breier
- Carol Beeler
- The Beeler Family – Jane, David, Carol and Cheryl
- Sherrie M. Bruce
- JoAnne Graf
- Debra K. Johnson
- Catherine H. Lemme
- Jody Stowers and Michelle Park
- Lon G. Powell
- Peggy Stedman
- Joan P. Stevens
- Gifts received in memory of Constance P. Brennan
- George Brennan
- Gifts received in memory of Joel R. Bridges
- Lucille Delgado Bridges
- Gifts received in memory of Robert W. Bridges
- Koberlein Law Offices, PLLC
- Gifts received in memory of Ann Brinnon
- Judy Trotta and Bob Stone
- Gifts received in memory of James K. Brock
- Sarah E. Brock
- Gifts received in memory of Judy Broward
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gifts received in memory of Bruce E. Brown
- Debbie Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Donna Brown
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gifts received in memory of Gary W. Brown
- George and Cheyann Doheny
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ann Brown
- Andrew E. Brown
- Connie Quincey
- David Seibert
- Gifts received in memory of Millard C. Brown
- Applean M. Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth S. Brown
- William S. Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas J. Brown
- Sharon F. Chapman
- Gifts received in memory of Carol R. Bryan
- John E. Bryan
- Gifts received in memory of Shirley Ann Kropp Bryan
- Sharon C. Valley
- Gifts received in memory of Hildegard Bryant
- Raymond Bryant
- Gifts received in memory of Marilyn L. Buehne
- James L. Buehne
- Gifts received in memory of Albert Bullard
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Jean Bullock
- William Frank Bullock
- Gifts received in memory of Stanley “Scott” Burgess
- ‘Barbara Burgess
- Gifts received in memory of Gordon Burgin
- Don and Joetta Wells
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara J. Burns
- Michelle and Forest Burns
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Burton
- Richard and Phyllis Cialona
- Gifts received in memory of Maxine G. Burton
- Richard and Phyllis Cialona
- Jeanne B. Karably
- Gifts received in memory of Scottie J. Butler
- Don and M. Mac Athearn
- Kay and David Ayers
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Tom and Linda Donaldson
- Conny and Kay Edwards
- Kay and Bob Estes
- George and Candy Gagel
- Ken, Lynetta and Korey Griner
- James and Peggy Henderson
- Ms. Charlotte Hermann
- Ann Ives
- Dick and Sharon Jones
- Chris P. Kelly
- Howard LeMaster & Family
- Heather Mason
- Pam Mooney, PhD
- Bill and Kathryn Morris
- Anson and Lilla Moye
- Gerald and Patricia O’Neil
- Larry D. Parham
- Ed and Pat Peddie
- Jim and Laurece Poole
- Connie Quincey
- Pam Saucier
- Roy and Amy Singleton
- Doug and Sally Thompson
- Tom and JoAnne Young
- Retired Peace Corp Volunteers of North Florida
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- SantaFe HealthCare, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Campbell
- Howard Campbell
- Gifts received in memory of Donald S. Campbell
- John and Marsha Capinera
- Gifts received in memory of Jean Campbell
- John and Marsha Capinera
- Gifts received in memory of James E. Cannon
- Marge Cannon
- Gifts received in memory of Regina B. Carlson
- Jon and Anna Davisson
- Gifts received in memory of George H. Carlyon
- Carol A. Pearson
- Gifts received in memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Cassin
- Robin Cassin Robuck
- Gifts received in memory of Sidney Cassin
- Robin Cassin Robuck
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph Catenaci
- Cheryl Catenaci
- Gifts received in memory of Angelia Cekosh
- Robert Cekosh
- Gifts received in memory of Kenneth L. Cellon
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Gifts received in memory of Christopher B. Chaffey
- Jenifer Chaffey
- Gifts received in memory of George C. Chapman
- Betty Ann Chapman
- Gifts received in memory of Leo C. Chase, Jr.
- Charles Zaremskas, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of James P. Chason
- Grace ReStore, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Percy Chinama
- Brenda Chinama & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Robert M. Christy
- Joan Klementowski
- Karen Klementowski Nagorski
- Gifts received in memory of Evalee Church
- Wayne Church
- Gifts received in memory of John S. Clark
- Nick DeCarlis
- Fr. Dave and Margaret Kidd
- Gifts received in memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gifts received in memory of Dr. Maurice F. Cole
- Sally Cole
- Gifts received in memory of Gene I. Cole
- Family of Gene I. Cole
- Gifts received in memory of Eugene A. Collister
- Shirley Collister
- Gifts received in memory of Noella M. Colone-Cappola
- Noella Roberts
- Gifts received in memory of Robert C. Colwell
- Brian and Debby Stotler
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Conroy
- Judy High
- Gifts received in memory of Karol J. Conway
- JoAnna Cron
- Gifts received in memory of Marion Conway
- Carol M. Hazy
- Gifts received in memory of Francis Coogan, Jr.
- Susan Dwyer & The Coogan Family
- Gifts received in memory of Ethel M. Cooper
- Nancy Bibbo
- Gifts received in memory of Fred Cooper
- Margaret Vickers
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia J. Cooper
- Maurice Cooper & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph F. Corbett
- Shirley Corbett and Devoni Corbett Wardlow
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth Corbin
- Julie Garland
- Gifts received in memory of Connie Ann Cotterman
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Braswell
- Gifts received in memory of Carol Cotton
- Fred and Janine Cotton
- Gifts received in memory of William J. Cotton
- Fred and Janine Cotton
- Gifts received in memory of Lee Crapps
- Richard and Ann Elnicki
- Gifts received in memory of Lenna Crask
- Clayton and Helen Land
- Gifts received in memory of Calvin C. Creamer, Jr.
- Amy Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Colen Crews
- Phillip and Sharon Berry
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Aline Crews
- Ivan and Louise Clements
- Gifts received in memory of Noreen Crews
- Phillip and Sharon Berry
- Gifts received in memory of Helen J. Croft
- Patricia Alba
- Rick and Peggy Bourne
- Julia W. Cleveland
- Phil and Phyllis DeLaney
- Teresa Pierce
- Leslie Scarboro
- Ted Weseman
- Stan and Peggy Williams
- Holder Insurance Staff
- Hospice of Marion County
- Robinson Family Charitable Trust
- Gifts received in memory of William (Bill) L. Crouse
- William W. Crouse
- Gifts received in memory of Stanley I. Cullen
- Steve and Barb Landay
- Gifts received in memory of Alan Cunningham
- The Club Continental “B” Tennis Team
- Gifts received in memory of Addis Currie
- William and Shirley Buck
- Gifts received in memory of George Dampier
- Chrys Ann and Dean Remmers
- Gifts received in memory of Vernon Daniel
- Alma R. Daniel
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Dare
- Frank and Sue Batey
- Bill and Gail Batey
- Carol E. Blackburn
- Julie Dare
- John DeVore
- Pam and Richard Gerald
- Gifts received in memory of Myrle Dasher
- Randall and Pam Dasher
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth Y. Davey
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gifts received in memory of Claudia C. Davis
- Brian K. Davis
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Jo Davis
- Jody and Suellen Davis
- Gifts received in memory of Priscilla Davis
- Mark and Penny Langston & Family
- Brenda B. Mayes
- San Mateo Presbyterian Church
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Davis
- Robert Battaglia
- Gifts received in memory of William Dawson
- Leonard and Laura Loventhal
- Gifts received in memory of Eunice H. Dean
- Mildred Jackson
- Gifts received in memory of Lucille DeFisher
- St. Mary Parish and School Staff
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur J. Degnan
- Diane Anding
- Gifts received in memory of Rosemarie Degnan
- Diane Anding
- Gifts received in memory of Katharine Dekay
- Ann Pitcock
- Gifts received in memory of Frances E. DeLaCuesta
- Celeste and Laurence Kroll
- Gifts received in memory of Mario DeLalla
- Dosha D. Morris
- Charles D. Parker
- Salem United Methodist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth B. Deleon
- Martha Banks
- Gifts received in memory of James Deloach
- Bob and Frances McGranahan
- Gifts received in memory of John J. Dempsey
- Jacqulin Golay
- Gifts received in memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Emily Dietrich
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Kummer Dobbs
- Peggy Dobbs Smith and Robert Smith & Children
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas Dobbs
- Peggy Dobbs Smith and Robert Smith & Children
- Gifts received in memory of Jim K. Donaldson
- Doris J. Donaldson
- Gifts received in memory of John Donovan
- Linda Anne Tayler
- Gifts received in memory of Mildred Downs
- Sharon L. Pickett
- Gifts received in memory of Clayborn H. Driggers
- Clay and Cassie Driggers
- Gifts received in memory of Irene S. Driggers
- Clay and Cassie Driggers
- Gifts received in memory of Carland H. Dukes
- Lisa Thigpen
- Gifts received in memory of Helen W. Dukes
- Amy Bedenbaugh
- Mary Parsons
- Gifts received in memory of Milton Dukes
- Lisa Thigpen
- Gifts received in memory of Nadine Dyle
- Kim P. Dyle
- Gifts received in memory of Peggy I. Dyson
- Paul and Sandy Bird
- Robert Faulk
- Suzanne C. Melton
- Jo Ann Nunez
- Stephen Pritz, Jr. and Patrice Moore
- Judy Sears
- Steve and Elaine Stafford
- Gifts received in memory of Edith Ellett
- Mary E. Abbett
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cauthen, III
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Judie Y. Davidson
- Dick and Sharon Jones
- Bill and Martha Kloeppel
- Connie Quincey
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- The Preventive Medicine Center of Gainesville, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of John Ellett
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph H. Elliott
- Norma O. Elliott
- Gifts received in memory of David L. Elmore
- Colleen Elmore
- Gifts received in memory of Calvin G. Elshoff
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gifts received in memory of Vivian E. Elshoff
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gifts received in memory of LeRoy “Lee” Erixton
- Mattie Fouraker
- Gifts received in memory of Joan D. Farmer
- Tommy M. Farmer
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Feagle
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gifts received in memory of John H. Fenton
- Hedy Fenton
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth J. Ficuciello
- Carol S. Flavhan
- Gifts received in memory of Binnie Fidler
- Jeanne M. Ditzler
- Cindy Fenstermacher
- Jane L. Fidler
- Lynn C. Fidler
- David Han
- Sharon A. Hatter
- Michael and Tessa Kreiser
- Kathleen M. Middendorf
- Bob and Lori Sugra
- UF CHP Graduate Students
- Beverly Thompson
- Sara Vorhees
- Lana Walmer
- Kate Walter
- Barry and Diann White
- Ashfar Enterprises, Inc.
- Happy Campter Products
- Nanya Plastics Corporation, America
- Gifts received in memory of Kathryn Fink
- Joseph Fink
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph E. Flanagan, Jr.
- Bernadette Flanagan
- Gifts received in memory of James Forester
- Brian Donley and Laura Cason
- Connie M. Friend
- Shirley Friend & Family
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Friend & Family
- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schroeder & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Lygia B. Forrester
- Joan F. Ricks
- Gifts received in memory of Alice R. Foster
- Karen A. Young
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph Foster
- Karen A. Young
- Gifts received in memory of Judith M. Foster
- Edward Foster
- Gifts received in memory of Kent J. Foster
- Karen A. Young
- Gifts received in memory of Richard Fote
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gifts received in memory of Alberta L. Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gifts received in memory of Gina L. Frazee
- Applean M. Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert D. Frazier, Jr.
- Jane Frazier
- Gifts received in memory of Robert G. Freeman, Jr.
- Cynthia L. Freeman
- Gifts received in memory of Marie French
- Charles French, Karen Sampson, Jennings French and John French
- Gifts received in memory of Georgiana S. Frick
- Jean Gulledge
- Gifts received in memory of Richard F. Fries
- Rosemarie Fries
- Gifts received in memory of Marie T. Fumea
- Thomas W. Fumea
- Gifts received in memory of Richard Furbee
- Shirley Furbee
- Gifts received in memory of Libby Furlow
- Leonard T. Furlow, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Betty B. Gall
- Susan Fulford
- Gifts received in memory of Steve Gall
- Susan Fulford
- Gifts received in memory of Alek Galoustian
- Rozita Galoustian
- Gifts received in memory of Jeniece P. Gardiner
- Diane Adams
- Gifts received in memory of Mary F. Garner
- John L. Garner
- Gifts received in memory of Stephen P. Gartner
- Michel Eric Greenwald
- Gifts received in memory of Harry L. Gaver
- Frances W. Gaver
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas W. Gay
- Maxine Gay
- Gifts received in memory of Mark Genovar
- Nancy Genovar Clayton
- Gifts received in memory of William F. Genovar
- Nancy Genovar Clayton
- Gifts received in memory of John F. Gerber
- Beatrice Gerber
- Gifts received in memory of Rolf Gertsch
- Yolanda Gertsch-Lapcevic
- Gifts received in memory of Darlene S. Gibson
- Billy Gibson
- Gifts received in memory of Scott J. Gilbert
- Janet Adisano
- Jerome Baltazar
- Jeffrey T. Keating
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia A. Gilboe
- Bob and Julie Gilboe
- Gifts received in memory of Selma Gladin
- Brenda Flynn
- Gifts received in memory of Dale W. Glenn
- David and Elaine Coxworth
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce A. Glenn
- David and Elaine Coxworth
- Gifts received in memory of William A. Glover
- Helen K. Glover
- Gifts received in memory of Vergie “Lessie” Godwin
- Paul and Tina Brewer
- Gifts received in memory of Goetz & Schwartz Family Members
- Richard and Alice Schwartz
- Gifts received in memory of Alan H. Goforth
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gifts received in memory of Bernard Goldstein
- Pete and Fran Silver
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Goodwin
- Dot Maronel Speciale
- Gifts received in memory of Emma L. Gore
- Aaron and Julie Robinson
- Gifts received in memory of George Gray, Jr.
- Jack W. McClellan
- Gifts received in memory of Christine Green
- Berneice A. Woodard
- Gifts received in memory of Emma G. Green
- Juanita G. Thrasher
- Gifts received in memory of Shirley Green
- Linda Sutton
- Gifts received in memory of Willard Greene
- The Joseph Greene Family
- Richard and Judy Hillhouse
- Gifts received in memory of Ivy B. Griffin
- Mary C. Cowart
- Mrs. Joseph Kolbek
- Bob and Carol McKinstry
- Naomi Cheely Petteway
- Bruce Stechmiller
- Etter & Helen Usher’s Family
- Gifts received in memory of Wendy Guenette
- Thomas Guenette
- Gifts received in memory of Joan Gunby
- Emmie K. Stanger
- Gifts received in memory of Irvin L. Hadden
- Louise A. Hadden
- Gifts received in memory of Geraldine L. Hagan
- Clayton and Helen Land
- Gifts received in memory of Jack C. Haldeman
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gifts received in memory of Lorena Haldeman
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gifts received in memory of Gayle Hanna, Sr.
- Helen Thomas and Elizabeth Smith
- Gifts received in memory of Sue A. Hansens
- The Family of Bill and Sue Hansens
- Gifts received in memory of William Hansens
- The Family of Bill and Sue Hansens
- Gifts received in memory of George G. Harden, Jr.
- Dorothy Harden
- Gifts received in memory of Edith H. Harkey
- Robin Daves
- Gifts received in memory of Harold Harper
- John and Vicky LeForge
- Gifts received in memory of Deborah Harris
- Renee Speisman
- Gifts received in memory of Vaughan Harrow
- Kathleen Harrow
- Gifts received in memory of Lewis Hart
- Cindy L. Locke & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Wilma J. Hart
- Cindy L. Locke & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Joan S. Hartley
- Marian H. Lake
- Gifts received in memory of Janice Harvey
- Tom Beasley
- Gifts received in memory of Chaplain Dale Hatfield
- Wanda M. Erwin
- Gifts received in memory of Victor Hazy, Jr.
- Carol M. Hazy
- Gifts received in memory of Suzanne P. Hench
- Harold and Mona Anderson
- Gifts received in memory of Jerry H. Henry
- Betty M. Ellis
- Gifts received in memory of James W. Hensel
- Bill and Liz Jones
- Gifts received in memory of Rusty Hevelin
- Joe and Gay Haldeman
- Gifts received in memory of Donald Heysel, Jr.
- Bill and Diane Knight
- Gifts received in memory of Helen Gray “Kitty” Hice
- Larry Hice
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth J. Hicks
- Ben E. Grimm
- Bruce and Elizabeth Hicks
- Ruth M. Hicks
- Gifts received in memory of Helen D. Higdon
- Mike and Beth Flaitz
- Marilyn H. Myers
- Donna H. Poynor
- Gifts received in memory of W. W. (Dub) Hill
- Ellen M. Hill
- Gifts received in memory of Alvin Hinders
- Jeanette Giddings
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth E. Hinneburg
- Bob Hinnenburg
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert L. Hirsh
- Marlene Hirsh
- Gifts received in memory of Richard Deane Hodge
- Marjorie C. Hodge
- Gifts received in memory of William Holloway
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Dorothy Vickery
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur Holmes
- Rebecca Knight
- Gifts received in memory of Wilma R. Holmes
- Rebecca Knight
- Gifts received in memory of Howard Holsenbeck, Sr.
- Howard Holsenbeck
- Gifts received in memory of Annie P. Holton
- Linda Kay and E. Russll Bedell
- Gifts received in memory of Kelvin L. Holton
- Juanita Holton
- Gifts received in memory of Owen A. Hoover
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Horter
- Martha Horter & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Donna F. Horton
- Patricia F. Hamilton
- Gifts received in memory of John L. Howell
- Carolyn R. Howell
- Gifts received in memory of Carol A. Huber
- Thomas and Katherine Huber
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Hudson
- Jo Hudson and Brandon Hudson
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Hudson
- Jo Hudson and Brandon Hudson
- Gifts received in memory of Edward H. Hyslop
- Tanya and Vernon Ferris
- Gifts received in memory of Joan Islam
- S. James J. Islam
- Gifts received in memory of Eliza Lou Jackson
- Irene Calhoun
- Gifts received in memory of Ressie L. Jackson
- George and Mary Rowe
- Gifts received in memory of Robert L. Jackson
- Vicky Robertson
- Gifts received in memory of Gail E. Jameson
- Ben Jameson
- Roger Ottaway
- Gifts received in memory of Dixie Lee Jarrell
- Paul and Mary-Ellen Magnano
- Suwannee County Tax Collector Office
- Gifts received in memory of Edwin H. Jenkins
- Montee Jenkins
- Gifts received in memory of Betty Jennings
- Martha Banks
- Gifts received in memory of Louise Johnson
- Sammie Everett
- Gifts received in memory of Bonnyce T. Johnston
- Paul and Judy Sears
- Gifts received in memory of Doris Johnston
- Carol Johnson
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia Joiner
- Judith Hamilton
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy E. Jones
- Pat Bush
- Ted and Gaye Smith
- Lee-Scott Academy
- Gifts received in memory of Harry E. Jones
- Rubye Jones
- Gifts received in memory of Vilai C. Jones
- John V. Jones
- Gifts received in memory of William H. Jones, Jr.
- Live Oak Community Church of God, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Josie M. Joslin
- Flying Hawk Enterprise, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Richard H. Judy
- Sonya Judy
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth Kalch
- Harold and Carmen Boudreau
- Bill and Martha Kloeppel
- Raymond and Susan Sisler
- Gifts received in memory of Lawrence Kassebaum
- Bob and Bunny Blood
- Gifts received in memory of Frances M. Keeton
- Lela J. Deputy
- Jimmie Turner Hall
- Betty Morgan
- David and Ethel Payne
- Gifts received in memory of Kevin Allen Kelber
- Gerald and Sharon Kelber
- Gifts received in memory of Richard J. Kelly
- Rose Kelly
- Gifts received in memory of Robin Kelly
- Cindy and Chris Masterton
- Richard and Lisa Tillett
- PK Young Faculty & Staff
- Gifts received in memory of Glenn E. Kemp
- Carol S. Kemp
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Kennedy
- Linda Kennedy
- Gifts received in memory of Richard D. Kimerling
- Peggy A. Kimerling
- Gifts received in memory of Malcolm C. King
- Taylor, Cotton & Ridley, Inc
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy J. King
- Charles P. King, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Sarah Joe King
- Caleb J. King, DDS
- Gifts received in memory of Gladys L. Kirkland
- Larry C. Elshoff
- Gifts received in memory of Sue H. Kirmse
- Mike and Rachel Leach
- Gifts received in memory of Willie H. Knopff
- Georgia Knopff
- Gifts received in memory of Mark S. Kowal
- Jonathan and Audrey Will
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Kozlowski
- Dan and Chris Condon
- Larry and Mary Murison
- Gifts received in memory of Sang H. Kradle
- Larry D. Kradle
- Gifts received in memory of Scott Kueker
- Nancy Silva
- Gifts received in memory of Elvira E. Kultzow
- Susan Kane
- Gifts received in memory of John Kultzow
- Susan Kane
- Gifts received in memory of David Kuniansky
- Teresa Wood
- Gifts received in memory of Laurence E. LaBelle
- Irene LaBelle
- Gifts received in memory of Walter R. Lackey
- Sharon Lackey
- Gifts received in memory of Robert E. Lacomb
- Linda Lacomb-Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Carmen L. Laguna
- Marcos Laguna
- Gifts received in memory of Pearl Marie Land
- Irene Calhoun
- Rod and Brenda Gayle Land
- Gifts received in memory of Yondell Land
- Rod and Brenda Gayle Land
- Gifts received in memory of Pauline Langlois
- Janet Brodie
- Martha H. Derouin
- Richard and Kim Eubanks
- John and Joyce Fawell
- Mary E. McAlary & The Langlois Family
- Gifts received in memory of Al LaRoche
- The John LaRoche Family
- Joanne B. Wandell
- Gifts received in memory of Toby Larsen
- Ingeborg Larsen
- Gifts received in memory of Frank W. Larson
- Lawrence Nell
- Gifts received in memory of Hallie Layfield
- Madge L. Jordan & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Clyde R. Leaphart
- Vicki Hayes
- Betty H. Leaphart
- Gifts received in memory of Amos Lee
- Mike and Becky Lee
- Gifts received in memory of Frances B. Lee
- Charlene Lee
- Theresa Antes
- Margaret Dermott
- Rebecca S. Howard
- Maurice Levy
- Martin McKellar
- Didier Rajon
- Eric Potsdam
- Barbara Rassel
- John Rice & Daughters
- Janet Tew
- Joan Van Rinsvelt
- Arthur Warner and Marjorie Fox
- Gifts received in memory of Jack Leffingwell
- Marilyn D. Leffingwell
- Gifts received in memory of Katherine Quinn Leibfried
- Keith Leibfried
- Gifts received in memory of Cindy Lemos
- Kenneth Burke
- Gifts received in memory of William H. Lenard
- The Warren Lenard Family
- Gifts received in memory of Cheryl D. Leonard
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gifts received in memory of Lydia Lerner
- Howard Lerner
- Gifts received in memory of Elaine Lewis
- Phillip and Sharon Berry
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Lewis
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gifts received in memory of Erik Rune Lindgren
- Dr. Joan S. Lindgren
- Gifts received in memory of Stanley & Edith Lloyd
- Vern and Maureen Lloyd
- Gifts received in memory of Mirta Lopez
- Alejandra Lopez
- Gifts received in memory of Earl P. Lucas
- Janet Lucas
- Gifts received in memory of James s. Mackintosh
- Nancy Mackintosh
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert W. Maisenbacher, Jr.
- Nancy Czaszynski & Family
- Richard and Susan Kahoud
- Connie Quincey
- Susan Reisker
- John Tillman
- Linda Lee Townsend
- Gifts received in memory of Louann Malave
- Clay Eye Physicians & Surgeons
- Gifts received in memory of Benjamin Malinowski
- Barbara Malinowski
- Gifts received in memory of Joanne Manzi
- Chris K. Birkholz
- Diane S. Cook
- Cleta Greenwood
- Victor Lampasona
- Larry and Jean Patch
- Gary J. Stallard
- Gifts received in memory of Aaron B. Markham
- Margie Markham & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Markham
- Ralph and Ann Crane
- Martha B. Hastings
- Greg and Shirleen Smith
- Wayne and Emily Smith
- Tony and Connie Woods
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Maronel
- Dot Maronel Speciale
- Gifts received in memory of Gilda M. Martelli Johns
- Walter Johns
- Gifts received in memory of Lonnie Martin
- Randolph West
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret E. Martin
- Freda and Kay Yoho
- Gifts received in memory of Portia Martin
- Randolph West
- Gifts received in memory of Antonio E. Martinez
- Carmen Escudero-Martinez
- Gifts received in memory of Harold M. Mashburn
- Billie Mashburn
- Gifts received in memory of Carolyn W. Mathe
- Thena C. Mathe
- Gifts received in memory of John J. Mathe, Sr.
- Thena C. Mathe
- Gifts received in memory of Charles M. McCallum
- Mary Helen McCallum
- Gifts received in memory of Wayne M. McCarthy
- Judy J. Baker
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy C. McCurdy
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gifts received in memory of Edward L. McCusker
- Elizabeth McCusker
- Gifts received in memory of Bobbie F. McDaniel
- Chris McDaniel
- Gifts received in memory of Earl McDonald
- Margaret A. McDonald
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce McDonald
- Michele Borst
- Shirley A. Gardner
- Jean Michelson
- Connie Uphold
- Ilene’s For Fashion
- Gifts received in memory of Lloyd McElroy
- Brent, Stephanie and Christine Croker
- Carter Grant
- Mitch, Ginger and Quincey McElroy
- Mark, Jenny, Noah and Elsa Moore
- Connie Quincey
- Elsie Wilson, Martha and Rick Channels
- Pinckney Hill Plantation
- Gifts received in memory of Rodney McGee
- Debbie Bates & Co-Workers
- Gifts received in memory of Warren E. McGonigal
- Sandy McGonigal
- Gifts received in memory of Lee McKay
- Susan McKay
- Gifts received in memory of William R. McLemore
- Judy R. McLemore
- Gifts received in memory of J. H. McNeill, Jr.
- Dolores McNeill
- Gifts received in memory of Melissa A. McPherson
- Bill and Karen Bender
- Gifts received in memory of Don W. Medara
- Magnolia Point Women’s Club, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Jesus A. Mejia
- Robert B. Jenkins
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Meliti
- Ken and Suzanne Wurtemberg
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth Merrill
- Tommy and Nora Merrill & Family
- Merrill Investments, LLC
- Gifts received in memory of John E. Merrill
- Tommy and Nora Merrill & Family
- Merrill Investments, LLC
- Gifts received in memory of Beverly Jean Millard
- William, Jason and Justin Millard
- Gifts received in memory of Robert W. Miller
- Miriam L. Miller
- Gifts received in memory of Wilma Miller
- Dr. Andrea Fritschle
- Gifts received in memory of Marian Mills
- Cindy Berndt
- Gifts received in memory of Doris Mitchell
- The Family of Joe and Doris Mitchell
- Gifts received in memory of Joe Mitchell
- The Family of Joe and Doris Mitchell
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Mizell
- Clay and Lenora Foe
- Norman and Myrtle Ann McElroy
- Gerold and Ruth White
- Gifts received in memory of James M. Moody
- Tommy and Jeanne Gaskin
- Richard and Mary Anne Kubala
- Peggy Dobbs Smith and Robert Smith & Children
- Nancy Suckow
- Gifts received in memory of Henry Moore, Jr.
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Gifts received in memory of Harold Moorehead, Jr.
- Marilyn Moorehead
- Gifts received in memory of Thelma Morrow
- Linda Perry & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Motes
- Brad and Kelly Bland
- Dr. Daniel Brauneck, D.M.D.
- John P. Morgan and Carol Lee Darden Jagodinski
- Gifts received in memory of Camilla R. Murphy
- Grace Kiltie
- Gifts received in memory of Julius W. Nabors
- Doris Nabors
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Naidl
- Ralph and Fay Dossett
- Gifts received in memory of Violet H. Naidl
- Ralph and Fay Dossett
- Gifts received in memory of Domingo Navarro
- Dalys Avila
- Gifts received in memory of Edward W. Nelson
- Karen P. Nelson
- Gifts received in memory of Jane E. Nelson
- Karen P. Nelson
- Gifts received in memory of Isaac L. Nesmith, Jr.
- Charlotte W. Hancock
- Richard A. Perallon, D.M.D.
- Gifts received in memory of Lindsay Newman
- Heather Newman and Reid Woolery
- Gifts received in memory of Lynda Newman
- Arthur J. Newman
- Gifts received in memory of Martha M. Newton
- David A. Pope
- Gifts received in memory of Martha K. Niland
- Thomas and Katherine Huber
- Gifts received in memory of Paul T. Niland
- Greg and Joann Guyan
- Thomas and Katherine Huber
- Gifts received in memory of Alice Nippes
- Lana Young
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert Nolan
- W. Jean Nolan
- Gifts received in memory of Dennis Norling
- Brandy and Patrick Harvey
- Timothy Norling
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy Norling
- Brandy and Patrick Harvey
- Timothy Norling
- Gifts received in memory of Ross J. Oliverio
- Claire Oliverio & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Bobbie D. Olliff
- Ted and Brandy Wilson
- Gifts received in memory of Ralph Eugene Osteen
- Paul and Etsie Brock
- Gifts received in memory of Saadet F. Ozdora
- Dr. and Mrs. S. Selcuk Erenguc
- Gifts received in memory of Jerome P. Palazzolo
- Robert and Pat Murphy
- Gifts received in memory of Lavonne R. Palmer
- James and Margaret Monahan
- Gifts received in memory of Charles J. Paresi
- Joanne Connell
- Gifts received in memory of James O. Parker
- Lavier and Joan Murray
- Gifts received in memory of Stella Paz
- Omar Paz
- Gifts received in memory of Bettie V. Pearce
- Mary P. Jordan
- Gifts received in memory of Madge R. Pearson
- Carroll Pearson
- Gifts received in memory of Marjorie G. Pendley
- Laura Pierce & Family
- Gifts received in memory of William G. Pendley
- Laura Pierce & Family
- Gifts received in memory of John Penkunas
- Mary Ann Penkunas
- Gifts received in memory of Gray Perdue
- Karen Perdue & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Mario Perez
- Maria Radelat
- Gifts received in memory of David R. Perrin
- Gladys J. Perrin
- Gifts received in memory of Samuel Pesner
- Mary Pesner
- Gifts received in memory of Mary B. Pessa
- Gifts received in memory of Lilian Petrecca
- Joseph Petrecca
- Gifts received in memory of Silvio Petrecca
- Joseph Petrecca
- Gifts received in memory of Eileen Petrone
- Frank and Gerry Petrone
- Gifts received in memory of Bobbie B. Phillips
- Carol Sunny Phillips
- Gifts received in memory of Curtis W. Phillips
- Jennette Thomas
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph C. Piazza
- Dr. Elizabeth Piazza
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis Piazza
- Sue Walker
- Gifts received in memory of Diane Pica
- Stacy Goff
- Gifts received in memory of Harold Pike
- Joyce Wilson
- Gifts received in memory of Sandy Piotrowski
- Nancy A. Seifert
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas A. Plein
- Thomas A Plein Foundation
- Gifts received in memory of David M. Pollick
- Georgia Rolfe Pollick
- Gifts received in memory of Lynn S. Pothier
- William G. Pothier, III
- Gifts received in memory of Betty Powell
- David B. Powell
- Gifts received in memory of Robert S. Prince
- Rita S. Prince
- Gifts received in memory of Theodora T. Rancourt
- Maurice Rancourt
- Mary F. Thomson
- Gifts received in memory of Athena Randolph
- Barry and Monica Baker
- Harry and Michelle Bishop
- Brad and Missy Boswell
- Mary F. Greene
- Judy Hair and Tracie Hair
- Patrick and Arneeda Humphress
- Carlto, Georgia, Elizabeth, Nick and Richard Jones
- Luke and Kathryn Kissam
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Carol and Eliot Meade
- Neesha Patel
- David F. Randolph, DMD, PA
- Johnny, Beverly and Bo Read
- Tyronza Rentz
- Gabrielle, Isabelle, Emilie, Nathaniel and Ricardo Rosado
- Phyllis Skinner
- Wesley, Julia, Trent and Thea Smith
- Marnie Ward
- Tami Waters
- Patricia A. Watson
- Maureen, Chase and Caden Wilson
- BakerHostetler
- First Federal Bank of Florida – Directors, Officers & Staff
- Hair’s Mower Parts & Repair
- Happy House, Inc.
- Pinemount Elementary School
- Volvo Greensboro Legal & Regulatory Department Friends
- Gifts received in memory of Caspar Rappenecker
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia Rappenecker
- Steve and Sue Rappenecker
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn Faye Ray
- Barbara L. Tomek
- Gifts received in memory of Jessica J. Reade
- Steven and Lisa Reade
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth I. Reams
- George Reams and Leslee Collins
- Gifts received in memory of Walter Reaves
- Shirley Reaves
- Gifts received in memory of William Reese
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gifts received in memory of Christie (Jan) Reichenbach
- Jay McBee
- Cheri Ritter
- Gifts received in memory of Ed Reidling
- Vivian M. Reidling
- Gifts received in memory of Verna H. Renninger
- Joan Gauglar
- Gifts received in memory of Charles E. Rhoden
- Jane Rhoden
- Gifts received in memory of Albert L. Rhoton, Jr.
- Joyce Rhoton & Family
- Gifts received in memory of James Rich
- Emily Wilson
- Gifts received in memory of Kristine Rich
- Mary C. Rich
- Gifts received in memory of Richard Rich
- Mary C. Rich
- Gifts received in memory of Tillmon Richardson
- Hazel Richardson
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald W. Robbins
- Nancy Shuman
- Gifts received in memory of Valda G. Robbins
- Steve Robbins
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth Roberts
- Tom Henderson, Bea Henderson, Cely Burgess
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia S. Roberts
- Jody and Suellen Davis
- Gifts received in memory of Nora Rockwell
- Tricia G. Coraggio
- Gifts received in memory of Esther I. Rode
- The Clukey Rode Family
- Gifts received in memory of Julianne Rogers
- Sally Giles Goforth
- Gifts received in memory of Lucile W. Rogers
- Sonya Judy
- Gifts received in memory of Gina Romero
- Paul Knapp
- Gifts received in memory of Vernon Roop
- Patsy Yarnall
- Gifts received in memory of Joan Ropicki
- James Ropicki
- Gifts received in memory of Steve Ropicki
- James Ropicki
- Gifts received in memory of John G. Rose
- Jack and Brenda Finnegan
- Al and Darlene Johnson
- Gary and Kim Wallace
- Gifts received in memory of Jolena Rose
- Tomah VA Social Work Department
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Rotundo
- Edite V. Vickers
- Gifts received in memory of Richard H. Russell
- Norma J. Russell
- Gifts received in memory of Terry Ryals
- Riet Van Der Pol
- Gifts received in memory of George Ryschkewitsch
- Wuni Ryschkewitsch
- Gifts received in memory of Richard A. Sadler
- Charlotte Sadler
- Gifts received in memory of Viola P. Sampson
- Pat Sampson
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia P. Samuel
- Gertrude E. Harris
- John and Betty Jean Neller
- Gifts received in memory of D. Gregory Sanders
- Brenda Kalaman
- Eagle Appraisals, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Johnny F. Sanders, Sr.
- Monica Beth Fowler
- John G. Stinson
- Gifts received in memory of Sylvia E. Sanderson
- F. M. Sanderson
- Gifts received in memory of Frances Santilli
- Kathryn Shepard
- Gifts received in memory of Robert A. Sarles
- Joy B. Sarles & Family
- Gifts received in memory of James R. Sattler
- Mary Sattler
- Gifts received in memory of Gertrude (Trudy) Schon
- Linda L. Stevens
- Gifts received in memory of Alice K. Schubert
- Richard Schubert, Raymond Schubert and Beatrice Heywood
- Gifts received in memory of Beverly E. Schubert
- Vicky Robertson
- Gifts received in memory of Pauline P. Schultz
- Robert P. Schultz
- Gifts received in memory of Roy A. Schulz
- Mary Schulz
- Gifts received in memory of James Sconyers
- Helen J. Sconyers
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur A. Scott
- Barbara S. Scott
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn C. Selman
- Drs. Kelly Selman and Robin Wallace
- Gifts received in memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Avis Arliene Seymour
- Jacque Keough
- Gifts received in memory of Bonnie Sue Shaffer
- Shirley A. Marsiglia
- Gifts received in memory of Lola Shelton
- Claude and Agnes Blackmon
- Anson and Lilla Moye
- Emily Wicinski
- Westside Church of Christ – Tuscaloosa, AL
- Gifts received in memory of Robert T. Sheridan
- Carol Sheridan
- Gifts received in memory of Jeffrey Ryan Shoucair
- John and Kathy Shoucair
- Gifts received in memory of Angeline Sickon
- Mickey and Luchy Burrell
- Kipling Caldwell
- Mary Ann Sickon
- Bill and Karen Tindal
- Gifts received in memory of Charlotte Sindelar
- Paul Sindelar and Alyson Adams
- Gifts received in memory of Iris Singletary
- Linda R. Deloach
- Gifts received in memory of Lyman A. Slack, Jr.
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Gifts received in memory of Kathryn V. Sloan
- Fay Eggen
- Gifts received in memory of Janice Smith
- DeWitt Barker
- William Marable, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Lucille W. Smith
- Joyce H. Cherry
- Gifts received in memory of Jack J. Smith, Jr.
- Sondra Smith
- Gifts received in memory of Anna K. Snell
- ‘Katey and EJ Jackson
- Gifts received in memory of Geraldine Snipes
- Katey and EJ Jackson
- Gifts received in memory of Geraldine Snipes
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Somers
- Alan Somers
- Gifts received in memory of John Spahalski
- Janalle Bakke
- Elizabeth Mitchell
- Everett Weems
- Gifts received in memory of Otto M. Spangler
- Harriet Spangler
- Gifts received in memory of Linnie Y. Spurgeon
- Sandra S. Cothern
- Gifts received in memory of Jennifer Stahlheber
- Lauretta V. Donley
- Garry and Sue Schroeder
- Sheryl A. Weber
- Gifts received in memory of Neville Stallings
- Delano Wiseman, Jr. and Linda Wiseman
- Gifts received in memory of Dolores A. Stamblesky
- Barbara Marzalogs
- Gifts received in memory of Anna T. Stark
- Thomas and Margaret Stark
- Gifts received in memory of Herman H. Stark
- Thomas and Margaret Stark
- Gifts received in memory of David Leroy Starling
- Mattie Fouraker
- Gifts received in memory of Alene Starnes
- Rodney and Wendy Johnson
- Gifts received in memory of Mary A. Steadham
- Debbie T. Bigham
- Laura, Michael, Adam and Alyssa Brooks
- Charles and Mary Steadham
- Julie D. Steadham
- Ann Thomas
- Gifts received in memory of Joshua Dylan Steiner
- Harvey and Diane Steiner
- Gifts received in memory of Tommie C. Stowell
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gifts received in memory of Frank A. Strange
- Rebecca Altman
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Stringfellow
- Jennie Stringfellow
- Gifts received in memory of John B. Stufflet
- Jennifer Stufflet Ruddy
- Gifts received in memory of Anna L. Suarez
- Lisa Suarez and Bryan Vigotty
- Gifts received in memory of Luis E. Suarez, Sr.
- Lisa Suarez and Bryan Vigotty
- Gifts received in memory of Bonnie G. Suber
- Billy Brannan
- Gifts received in memory of Pansy R. Suggs
- Bret and Pam Plemmons
- Gifts received in memory of Paul Suggs
- Bret and Pam Plemmons
- Gifts received in memory of Daniel Sullivan
- Ron and Denise Miller
- Gifts received in memory of Toby Sullivan
- John W. Boatright
- Billy Brannan
- Ted and Tammy Henderson
- Robert and Pat Murphy
- Charles Sanders
- Bill and Pam Yanossy
- McCullers Sunday School Class
- Gifts received in memory of Carl E. Sutton
- Earl and Judith Sutton
- Gifts received in memory of Maynard F. Swanson, Jr.
- Ruthann Swanson & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Marilou B. Swearingen
- Fr. Dave and Margaret Kidd
- Gifts received in memory of Andrew Sweeney
- Janet Campbell & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Constance T. Talbot
- Conlee Talbot Alderson
- Gifts received in memory of George W. Talbot
- Conlee Talbot Alderson
- Gifts received in memory of Marion L. Tayler
- Linda Anne Tayler
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy R. Taylor
- Barbara Haire & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Kenneth D. Taylor
- Phyllis D. Taylor
- Gifts received in memory of Martin E. Teitelbaum
- Rochelle Kahan
- Gifts received in memory of Georgie H. Terwillegar
- Jerry Weeks
- Gifts received in memory of Homer L. Tew
- Jessie Bunn Tew
- Gifts received in memory of Doris Y. Thigpen
- Lisa Thigpen
- Gifts received in memory of JoAnn Thomas
- Denise Brazelle
- Gifts received in memory of Lauren Thomas
- Charles and Mary Steadham
- Gifts received in memory of Seletta E. Thomas
- Charles and Mary Steadham
- Gifts received in memory of Frances M. Thompson
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gifts received in memory of Lamar Thompson
- Bob and Pam Cleveland
- Gifts received in memory of Richard L. Thompson
- Patricia M. Thompson
- Gifts received in memory of Charles T. Thoms
- Ellen Thoms and David Thoms
- Gifts received in memory of Joan Thoms
- Ellen Thoms and David Thoms
- Elizabeth Thoms-Ott
- Gifts received in memory of Canova Thrasher
- Betty Bedenbaugh
- Terry and Rita Clement
- J. Russ Hannon
- Lynn and Peg Hostash
- Don and Sherry Kennedy
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Suzanne C. Melton
- Dennis F. Plymale
- Marilyn H. Smithy
- Tommy and Debbie Spencer
- Roger and Alice Whiddon
- Henry and Trish Williams
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Robert L. Till
- Jean Ahern
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy A. Tilton
- Ralph and Pam McCranie
- Gifts received in memory of Josiane R. Tipton
- Ali Register
- Gifts received in memory of Edna H. Todd
- Alma H. Potter
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph A. Todd
- Pat Greaver
- Gifts received in memory of Richard E. Tomac
- Shirley Tomac
- Gifts received in memory of Emma Lou Tomlinson
- Bruce and Jennifer Ford
- Gifts received in memory of Lucile Tomlinson
- Dana Dickson
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herb
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret A. Tomlinson
- Johnny and Betty Arnette
- Kipling Caldwell
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Sharron A. Jones
- John and Betty Jean Neller
- James Tomlinson
- Tony and Linda Tomlinson
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth V. Torrence
- Terry A. Torrence
- Gifts received in memory of Anna Touchton
- Joel and Patti Chapman
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Tozzi
- Rebecca Tozzi & Family
- Gifts received in memory of William L. Trevarthan
- Wynona M. Trevarthan
- Gifts received in memory of David Troyer
- Jane A. Corby
- Jeannie Wood
- Gifts received in memory of Edna B. Tsacrios
- Barnell and Coula Freeman
- Gifts received in memory of Nicky Tsacrios
- Barnell and Coula Freeman
- Gifts received in memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gifts received in memory of Anthony “Tony” Tucci
- Janet Tucci
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia “Elaine” Tuck
- Mark Witt
- Gifts received in memory of Elwood Tyre
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Philip D. Tyrrell
- Janet Tyrrell
- Gifts received in memory of Budd A. Udell
- Marlene Udell
- Gifts received in memory of Maureen L. Uhrie
- Rick Uhrie & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Richard C. VanAmburg
- Elaine D. VanAmburg
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy VanBlaricum
- Joseph VanBlaricum
- Gifts received in memory of Rachel VanderWerf
- Gretchen VanderWerf and Gigi Jones
- Gifts received in memory of Richard H. VanLangen
- Eileen VanLangren and Mike and Beth VanLangen
- Gifts received in memory of Doraci Vargas
- Edite V. Vickers
- Gifts received in memory of Edna Waldo
- Terrell and Nell Bass
- Gary and Tresca Clemmons
- Jeffrey and Glenda Haglund
- Eddie and Lois Houk
- Tommy and Rosemary Kendrick
- Dan and Peggy Mauldin
- Philpot Memorial Life Group
- Gifts received in memory of Whitson G. Waldo
- Mrs. Lee Waldo
- Gifts received in memory of Homer E. Walter
- Hazel A. Walter
- Gifts received in memory of Ida G. Ward
- Ronald W. Ward
- Gifts received in memory of Edna L. Watson
- Orrie and Francine Coppage
- Mary Jane Fletcher
- Faye Jonas
- Gifts received in memory of Daniel J. Webber
- Maureen J. Webber
- Tim and Melissa Webber
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Weinstein
- Robin R. Burns
- Gifts received in memory of Josephine Weismann
- Beverly J. Argenbright
- Roberta J. Rohlin
- Gifts received in memory of Robert West
- Bonnita J. Blackwell
- Marilyn M. Liverman
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur O. Westbury
- William Westbury
- Gifts received in memory of Edwin Wheeler
- Priscilla Wheeler
- Gifts received in memory of Frances R. White
- Gerald and Darlene White
- Gifts received in memory of Kenneth M. White
- Rose W. White
- Gifts received in memory of William W. White
- Gerald and Darlene White
- Gifts received in memory of Allen B. Whitehead
- Ruth Alexander
- Helen W. Klicker
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia B. Whitney
- Dr. E. Dow Whitney
- Gifts received in memory of John Wiggins
- Pat Kohlhepp
- Gifts received in memory of Charles B. Wiggins, Jr.
- Barbara Wiggins
- Gifts received in memory of Donald G. Wilhoite
- Dean Moccia
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy P. Wilkerson
- Kenneth and Cindy Moore
- Gifts received in memory of Brent Williams
- Jim and Leslie Nilon
- Gifts received in memory of Connie B. Williams
- Carol Sunny Phillips
- Gifts received in memory of Jeanne S. Williams
- Mike Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Jed Hampton Williams
- RaiEtte Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Leon D. Williams
- Martha Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret M. Williams
- Hazel Green
- Judy Harden & Family
- Dorothy and Robert Jones
- Elizabeth McLeod
- John and Anne Miller
- Edwin and Betty Ann Prevatt
- John and Barbara Reddish
- Ray and Peg Stanwix-Hay
- Lane Tenly
- Jessie Bunn Tew
- Austin Tomlinson
- Mark and Brenda Tomlinson
- Kingsley Lake Baptist Church Adult Sunday School Class III
- Gifts received in memory of Peggy B. Williams
- John Michael Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Raymond L. Williams
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Irene J. Wilson
- Rachel W. Edwards
- Gifts received in memory of Sybil Wilson
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy A. Winther Larkins
- David Larkins
- Gifts received in memory of Lillian Woods
- Johnnie Woods
- Gifts received in memory of Lena Worrall
- Karl W. Green
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Wray
- Barbara D. Wray
- Gifts received in memory of Lois Wrisley
- Burton and Caroline Wrisley
- Gifts received in memory of Bill Yancey
- Barbara D. Wray
- Gifts received in memory of Sue Yates
- Kimberly L. Robertson
- Gifts received in memory of Sandra Zappini
- Debra Freitag
- Dennis Robinson Hartin and Margaret Smallwood Fox
- Sara Studwell
- Dan Zappini
- Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
- Gifts received in memory of George Zeigler
- Robert and Linda Geers
- Gifts received in memory of Janet Watson Zeigler
- John and Kathy Vance
- Gifts received in memory of Li Zhang
- Yun-Ju He
- Gifts received in memory of Dan Alford
- Katherine Blackburn
- John R. Bowling
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Gifts received in memory of Richard J. Alkire
- Pearl A. Alkire
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis D. Amundson
- Eric and Sherri Amundson
- Gifts received in memory of Priscilla Appleton
- Clubhouse & Cabana
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Kelly Brothers, LLC
- Patio Club
- Mr. and Mrs. Al Alsobrook
- Bill Appleton
- Barbara B. Beard
- Dave Bell & Family
- Riley M. Blitch
- Lynn and Martha Alice Boatner
- Tallulah Brown
- Roberta L. Burkart
- Charles and Beth Carroll
- John and Nancy Carswell
- Donna Elliott
- Patricia P. Gager
- Sara Lynn McCrea
- Karen Giordano
- James and Peggy Henderson
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Jill Hourani
- Dick and Sharon Jones
- Chris P. Kelly
- Kerry and Mary Kelly
- John and Peggy Kirkpatrick
- Judith A. Martini
- Delaine Mazich
- Susan and Joel McCoy
- Ann A. Moulton
- Joe and Sarah Nave
- Leighanne Neville
- Alexandra Potts
- James and Rebecca Rushton
- Jane L. Shelton
- Earl and Beverly Singleton
- Nancy and Aden Sowell
- Steve and Janie Stancyk
- Jennie Stringfellow
- David and Berta Swain
- Woody and Linda White
- Gifts received in memory of Evangaline F. Arbogast
- Linda K. Powell
- Virginia Treas
- Donald E. Wilhour
- Gifts received in memory of Gary Armstrong
- Penny and Homer DeWeese
- Gifts received in memory of Julio Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Sheridan Bagwell
- Naomi B. Lundy
- Gifts received in memory of Ashoke K. Banerji
- Susan D’Costa
- Benita Mukerji
- Gifts received in memory of Leonora Barringer Dean
- Beth Barringer
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis J. Barry
- Pamela Eckhardt and Teresa Watson
- Gifts received in memory of Teresa Bechanan
- L. Edgcomb and Janet Chapman
- Gifts received in memory of Lester Beckham
- Paul and Rene Usina
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Bergin
- Michael Bergin
- Gifts received in memory of Elliott C. Bickford
- Glenda Bickford
- Gifts received in memory of Sybil Aline Blackmore
- Jane Bodden
- Richard and Ellouise Hopkins
- Gifts received in memory of Melinda Bland
- William L. Bland
- Brenda J. Dampier
- Gifts received in memory of John L. Boles
- Ray, Penny and Staci Buckhalter
- Gifts received in memory of Denis A. Bonenfant
- Doris L. Bonenfant
- Gifts received in memory of Lyman C. Brauer
- Esther Brauer
- Gifts received in memory of Venera Brown
- Judy Harden & Family
- Gifts received in memory of James Bullock
- Michael and Lida Barton
- Janice Bolander
- Mack and Toni Lawson
- Gifts received in memory of Foster Bunch
- Carrie Bunch
- Gifts received in memory of James D. Burnsed
- Dianne Burnsed
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur C. Butler, Sr.
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Tuesday Bridge Club
- Michele Crummitt
- Norma J. Dicks
- Betty S. Etheridge
- June Joye
- Mike and Marie Kennon
- Lawrence and Imogene Miller
- Jim and Sally Moses
- Chris and Betsy Pottle
- Pamela K. Ring
- Judy Sears
- Stephen and Georgia Smith
- Stephen A. Smith, P.A.
- Marilyn H. Smithy
- Nancy Wheaton
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Campbell
- Howard Campbell
- Gifts received in memory of Josie L. Campbell
- Colleen C. Foss
- Gifts received in memory of Doyle Carmichael
- The Doyle Carmichael Family
- Gifts received in memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gifts received in memory of Addie M. Carroll
- Edwin Carroll
- Gifts received in memory of Odella E. Cason
- Bob and Christine DeMoss
- Billy Joe and Donna Griffin
- Gifts received in memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gifts received in memory of Terence K. Clark
- Julius L. Parler
- Gifts received in memory of William H. Clemons, Jr.
- Laurene M. Guerra
- Gifts received in memory of Chester Tuttle Collins, III
- David and Carolyn Staley
- Gifts received in memory of Ruby Colson
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- L. W. and Dorothy Bailey
- Helen L. Bonds
- Lucille Coats
- Betty J. Crews & Family
- Harvey and Relma Faul
- Freda V. Flamm
- Louise Goss
- Michael C. and Pat V. Hudson
- June Joye
- Virginia V. Miles
- Sherron Robinson
- Brad and Liavra Smithy
- Marilyn H. Smithy
- James and Jean Vining
- Johnny E. Wilcox
- Gifts received in memory of Marilyn Connell
- Betty J. Crews & Family
- Carolyn Lindsey
- Steve and Elaine Stafford
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Conroy
- Professional Trailer Repair, Inc.
- Bill Conroy
- Casilda Evans
- Julianna M. Kieffer
- Jack and Camille Kittle
- Deborah Preston
- Gene F. Schwab
- Daniel and Hideko Stone
- Bridgette Wood
- Gifts received in memory of Geraldine C. Coop
- Archie Coop
- Gifts received in memory of Deborah A. Corbin
- Mayo Whidden
- Gifts received in memory of Odell Coulliette
- Woodlawn Baptist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Coursey
- Billy, Traci and Zach Coursey
- Gifts received in memory of Franklin Crabtree
- Gary and Toni Sullivan
- Ted and Belle Turner
- Gifts received in memory of Richard L. Craig
- Barbara Dossey
- Gifts received in memory of Lee Crapps
- Dorothy S. Henderson
- Gifts received in memory of Johnny Cudgo
- Irene Cudgo
- Gifts received in memory of Glenda Cutford
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gifts received in memory of Myrle Dasher
- Bob and Frances McGranahan
- Gifts received in memory of Charles W. Davis
- Julie Garland
- Gifts received in memory of Priscilla Davis
- The Baker Family
- James and Betty Carter
- Teresa Driscoll
- Bridget Geisler
- Matt Hopcraft
- Gifts received in memory of Mario DeLalla
- Joe and Alyda Dewhirst
- Beth Endlich
- Sarah and Kelso Merritt
- Gifts received in memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Pearl Deschler
- Theresa Bunting
- Gifts received in memory of Lenvil H. Dicks
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gifts received in memory of Martha S. Dillard
- Don Dillard
- Gifts received in memory of Frances K. Douglas
- Ginger Futcher
- Gifts received in memory of Clayborn H. Driggers
- Clay and Cassie Driggers
- Gifts received in memory of Irene S. Driggers
- Clay and Cassie Driggers
- Gifts received in memory of Myrl and Don Dyal
- Melissa Snodgrass, Lisa Long and Rovon Lawson
- Gifts received in memory of Brian D. Earley
- Gerald and Patricia O’Neil
- Gifts received in memory of William A. Eldridge
- Sally Cole
- Dorothy S. Henderson
- Gifts received in memory of Bob S. Eller
- Marge Cannon
- Charles and Elizabeth Covell
- Emily Fourman
- Kim Kazimour
- Gary and Suzy Miller
- Mark and Kathy Mitchell
- Eleanor Pinder
- Patty Sullivan
- John Michael Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Ernst
- Ann Lucas
- Gifts received in memory of Joan Farmer
- David H. Trump
- Gifts received in memory of Clarence M. Fields, Jr.
- Cheryl Kennedy
- Craig and JoAnna Lewis
- Gifts received in memory of Vernon H. Flowers
- David and Marsha Flowers
- Gifts received in memory of Richard M. Fouraker
- Jennie Hughes
- Karen W. Iler
- Waldo S. Kennedy
- Mary E. Wood
- Gifts received in memory of Gina Fowler
- David McLanahan
- Gifts received in memory of Frances Foy
- Florida Medical Association
- Maryland Delegation To The AMA
- Medical Society Of The State of New York
- Klaus Agthe and Eileen Cutler
- Rob and Barbara Armstrong
- Phyllis A. Bucsko
- William and Madelyn Butler
- Jane E. Collins
- Michael and Helen Del Galdo
- Earl B. Douglass, Jr.
- Carolyn Sue Edwards
- Dr. Richard A. Geline
- Elizabeth Gunby
- Robert Hay, Jr.
- Dana J. Healey
- Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jacob
- Chad Jeske
- Mark and Jennifer Lucas
- Vince and Karen Matteo
- Robert and Anne Nation
- Daniel and Sharon Nootens
- Peter and CeCe Orvis
- Jacqueline Piontek
- Stephen Rockower
- Francoise Roy
- John Ryan
- Chris and Michele Seymour
- Pete Spoehr
- Jayne Sullivan
- Alex Wilson, III
- Gifts received in memory of Alberta L. Frank
- Scott and Carole Fisher
- Gifts received in memory of Sally Freeman
- Susan O’Connor
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy J. Fretz
- Joseph E. Fretz
- Gifts received in memory of Zona S. Gainey
- Jim and Merry Hess
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Gasche
- Wes Corbett
- Gifts received in memory of Douglas Glick
- Nanda Glick
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn Goodman
- Edgar and Carolyn Beasley
- Greg and Kathy Beasley
- Glenda Dobbs
- Barbara N. Reddish-Page
- Gwen Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Gerald Greene
- William H. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Willard Greene
- Audrey S. Bullard
- Gifts received in memory of Sharon Jean Hagensick
- John and Jan Hagensick
- Gifts received in memory of Walter C. Halonski
- April A. White
- Gifts received in memory of Carol B. Handley
- Francis Ciarlante
- Hillary H. Wellborn
- John Michael Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy K. Harmeling
- Dot’s Magnolia Point Red Hat Chater
- Eric and Joyce Nodland
- Gifts received in memory of Jackie Harper
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Gifts received in memory of Doireanna M. Harris-Cronin
- Jason Lee
- Manuel Montiel
- Gifts received in memory of Molly C. Harriss
- Marilyn H. Smithy
- Gifts received in memory of Lewis Hart
- College Park Baptist Church
- Dixie Baptist Church
- Putnam County Tax Collector Employees
- Robert and Sharon Fridy
- Ilene Fulghum & Family
- Harriet, Cheryl and Bernice Goldstein
- David and Kathleen Goldstein
- Sandra R. Hart
- Elizabeth A. McLeod
- Pete and Fran Silver
- Pate and Carol Turnage
- Gifts received in memory of Wilma J. Hart
- College Park Baptist Church
- Dixie Baptist Church
- Putnam County Tax Collector Employees
- Robert and Sharon Fridy
- Ilene Fulghum & Family
- Harriet, Cheryl and Bernice Goldstein
- David and Kathleen Goldstein
- Sandra R. Hart
- Elizabeth A. McLeod
- Pete and Fran Silver
- Pate and Carol Turnage
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Hartley-Adams
- Hartley Brothers, Inc.
- The Hartley Family
- Gifts received in memory of William J. Hartman, Sr.
- Tawnee Hartman
- Gifts received in memory of Vera C. Hazen
- Fred Graudon
- Gifts received in memory of Donnie Head
- Shirley Andrews, James Andrews and Joy McKay
- Gifts received in memory of Mozell Herold
- Norman and Myrtle Ann McElroy
- Gifts received in memory of Helen D. Higdon
- Cheryl G. Anderson
- Michelle Campbell
- Sharon Dombeck
- Wanda Garfield
- Dr. Claydell Horne & Family
- Ann S. Hudson
- Joan E. Knight
- Kimberly Myers
- Gifts received in memory of Lorraine R. Hill
- Lakeside Elementary School
- Anthony Canale
- Gifts received in memory of Willie Joe Hines
- Marcello Properties, Inc.
- Jerry and Toby Bedenbaugh
- Keith and Addie Couey
- Ilene Fulghum & Family
- Priscilla Wheeler
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert L. Hirsh
- Marlene Hirsh
- Gifts received in memory of Lester Clark Hodge, Jr.
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Gifts received in memory of Douglas Hoffman
- Industrial Inspection & Analysis, Inc.
- Erin Bhakta
- John Cote, Jeremiah Yu and Francis Martin
- Cynthia Grady
- Jo Irving
- Joyce McKinney
- Danielle Moltke
- Cort Riggs
- Patsy Sanders
- Christopher Weaver
- Barbara Wulf and Tom Kuban
- Gifts received in memory of Karalee Holden
- Polly H. Smith
- Gifts received in memory of Gerald Horner
- Bob and Mary Calo
- Gifts received in memory of Jack W. Houston
- Shands Microbiology Staff – Former and Current
- The Bellomo, Maslyn and Krenzer Families
- Nira S. Heyer
- Beverly Steiff & Family
- Cindy Umpleby
- Gifts received in memory of Swinner Johns
- Helen H. Johns
- Gifts received in memory of Marie P. Johnson
- Butch and Gail Foley
- Gifts received in memory of Carmen Kardish
- Suzanne Lapin
- Norman and Irma Resnic
- Gifts received in memory of Glenn E. Kemp
- Carol S. Kemp
- Gifts received in memory of Roy W. King
- Kathryn R. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas R. Kinsey
- Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Training Bureau
- SF Institute of Public Safety
- Lori Issner
- Gretchen Pendell
- Linda Renicks & Family
- Harriet I. Waas
- Gifts received in memory of Cleo M. Kirby
- Farm Credit of Florida, ACA – Board of Directors & Staff
- Gifts received in memory of Allan Kirschner
- Madison P & P
- John and Julie Ditzler
- Jan Eveslage
- Jim, Jennel and Mollee Eveslage
- Robin J. Sallenbach
- Tammi L. Schimming
- Joseph and Sandra Seiter
- Gifts received in memory of Sang H. Kradle
- Larry D. Kradle
- Gifts received in memory of Walter R. Lackey
- Arthur and Mary Finney
- Gifts received in memory of Pauline Langlois
- Theresa Sarratora
- Paul Traynor & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy P. LaPlume
- Tony and Patricia DelGrosso
- Gifts received in memory of J. A. Laroche
- John Ennis
- Gifts received in memory of Toby Larsen
- Ingeborg Larsen
- Gifts received in memory of Alfonso Levy
- Celestine C. Levy
- Gifts received in memory of Charlene Lewis
- Jeff Anstis
- Gifts received in memory of Robert E. Lindenschmidt
- Debbie Meiners
- Gifts received in memory of JoAnn Lumm
- Mark and Judy Lumm
- Gifts received in memory of Mary A. Maranzana
- Fred and Lorraine Habersaat
- Gifts received in memory of Hubert Markham
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gifts received in memory of Roy D. Markham
- Robert and Velma Dortch
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gifts received in memory of Shirley D. Markham
- Jim and Sandra Duncan
- Gifts received in memory of Beryl Marshall
- Mike and Martha Zellhart
- Gifts received in memory of Edna Sherard “Sherry” Martin
- Agnes Willis
- Gifts received in memory of William T. Mason, Jr.
- Ken and Ann Van Doren
- Gifts received in memory of Jerry K. Maxwell
- Joyce Maxwell
- Shane and Dana Powers
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Kyle Maxwell
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gifts received in memory of Lyndelle McCreedy
- Wendy W. Conrad
- Martha W. Griffin
- Robert J. Ohr
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce McDonald
- Mr. Anthony R. Muschera
- Chad Priest and Katherine Michelis
- Kathleen Sullivan
- David Wymer
- Gifts received in memory of Carlis J. McLeod
- Edna T. McLeod
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia Merker
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Roberta Adam & Family
- Marilyn H. Smithy
- Dorothy S. Spradley
- Bob and Linda Tompkins
- Roger and Alice Whiddon
- Gifts received in memory of David Mikell
- Margie Mikell
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Milke
- Ron and Donna Pritchard
- Gifts received in memory of Jack Millward
- Smith, Welch, Webb and White
- Tom and Peggy Prevost
- Gifts received in memory of Anita B. Mimms
- Georgia Conatser
- Linda Karinen-Hebert
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara H. Monday
- James Bacus
- Gifts received in memory of Edward Monner
- Carol Price
- Gifts received in memory of Doris Myers
- Pardu Hospital – Pharmacy Department
- Lisa Epley
- Adrienne Giddens
- Debbie Myers & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Grace Nash
- Ida M. Ferrara
- Mike and Kibby Wofford
- Gifts received in memory of Jean M. Navarro
- William and Barbara Navarro
- Gifts received in memory of Harry Nelson
- Debra Carzoli
- Gifts received in memory of Marilyn M. Nitz
- Donald Nitz
- Gifts received in memory of Clara E. Nordstedt
- Jeanne Calhoun
- Robert Chapin & Family
- Connie Nordstedt, Ron Nordstedt and Linda and Vernon Schroeder
- Linda Nordstedt
- Paula Gonzalez and Centerstate Bank
- Linda Winn & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Dennis Norling
- Timothy Norling
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy Norling
- Timothy Norling
- Gifts received in memory of Donna M. North
- Sherald North
- Gifts received in memory of Margie Novota
- Melissa and Tad Miller
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph P. O’Hern
- Danette Evey
- Gifts received in memory of Bobra Palmer
- Carl and Florence Cline
- Gifts received in memory of Bonnie Jean Parker
- Dearborn National
- Shirley P. Bily
- Randall E. Heim
- Gifts received in memory of Vina L. Parkerson
- Ronald E. Rasmussen
- Gifts received in memory of Pearl
- Kenneth, Jackie, Nancy and Cathy Grider
- Gifts received in memory of Harold Pearson
- Irene Calhoun
- Gifts received in memory of Rita Perry-Hill
- David and Marsha Flowers
- Gifts received in memory of Shirley Ann Petticord
- John Petticord
- Gifts received in memory of Michelle Philips
- Herbshop.com International, Inc.
- Professional Pharmacy
- Vickie Bookhardt
- Joe Hampton
- Lisa McBryde
- Elaine McClure
- Carole M. Pinion
- Betsy H. Reiney
- Donna Shoudy and Bill Whitney
- Gifts received in memory of Jerry S. Poitevint
- Judson and Vicki Litchfield
- William and Maripat Meide
- Kelley Simpson
- Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Williams
- Gifts received in memory of John Porter
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gifts received in memory of Charles F. Radican
- JoEllen Radican
- Gifts received in memory of Jacqueline J. Redmon
- Audrey Gainey
- Gifts received in memory of Christine (Jan) Reichenbach
- Jack and Lisa Carter
- Alyson Dew
- Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hoff
- Sheila Jones
- Lorene Nelson
- Stephen Ogburn
- Tim Pernes
- Erika Ritter
- Nancy Yost
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald Revels
- Bank of America
- Kristian Burke
- Katherine Greer
- Walter Walding
- Gifts received in memory of Shirley Revels
- Katherine Greer
- Gifts received in memory of Charles E. Rhoden
- Jane Rhoden
- Gifts received in memory of Kevin T. Riordan
- Kathryn Pizzurro
- Gifts received in memory of John Rittenhouse
- Teresa Doseck
- The Rittenhouse Family
- Gifts received in memory of Nora Rockwell
- Elliot Kendall
- Gifts received in memory of James E. Rogers, Jr.
- Carl Torode
- Gifts received in memory of John G. Rose
- GRU Electric Transmission & Distribution
- Gifts received in memory of Cindy Royalty
- Henry and Judy Crews
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia Ruppert
- Wes and Janice Bailey
- Gifts received in memory of Frances J. Russell
- North Florida Automotive Rebuilders, Inc.
- Steve and Patricia Flemming
- Dale and Davida Hartley
- Mike and Patti Kahlich
- Gifts received in memory of Irene Savage
- Debbie Savage
- Gifts received in memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Gail Sheffield
- Chris P. Kelly
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Gifts received in memory of Lola Shelton
- Thomas Banning
- Mindy Bryant
- Pearlie Hurst
- Gifts received in memory of Bobby L. Shepherd
- Joanne Shepherd
- The Danny Stanford Family
- Gifts received in memory of Beatrice Shinn
- Marlene Jarvis
- Gifts received in memory of A. C. Short
- Clyde and Eva Timmons
- Gifts received in memory of Angeline Sickon
- Eileen P. Leskody
- Gifts received in memory of Morgan Simpson
- Joyce and Michael Simpson
Greg and Elaine Witbeck
- Joyce and Michael Simpson
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas Sonsini
- Rob and Barbara Breese
- Gifts received in memory of Victor Sorinne, Jr.
- Bill and Gail Batey
- Gifts received in memory of Artha Spillane
- Anita D. Bushway
- Gifts received in memory of William Stalnaker
- Tara Blythe
- Gifts received in memory of Janet Stanick
- Elizabeth Alicea
- John Bubar
- Jenna Cole
- Keith Darling
- Dawn King
- Jana Newton, Dean Lewis and Babette Huitt
- Mitchell Woody
- Gifts received in memory of Hester GayNell Starling
- Charles and Vivian Bailey
- Gifts received in memory of Mary A. Steadham
- John Baxley
- Seletta Henry
- Alicia Phillips
- Bill and Ann Preston
- Donald Silberstein
- Bruce and Joan Stevens
- Gifts received in memory of Mark C. Stevens, Jr.
- Arnold and Lynn Crossno
- Gifts received in memory of Clay Strickland
- David and Rutilla Kline
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Stringfellow
- Scottie and Sue Butler
- Art and Carol Harris
- Gifts received in memory of Don Stucker
- Julie C. Baker
- Gifts received in memory of Harold M. Sullivan, Sr.
- My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
- Tonya Ross
- Gifts received in memory of Chester E. Swendsen
- Judy Swendsen
- Gifts received in memory of Gilbert Taylor
- Wm. Ronald Duffey
- Gifts received in memory of Tana Thomas
- Scott and Tracy Thomas
- Gifts received in memory of Charles E. Thomas, Jr.
- Scott and Tracy Thomas
- Gifts received in memory of Joan Thoms
- Douglas Products
- Dave and Molly Burk
- Janet Rowley
- James M. Ryan
- Pamela Sietsma
- Nadia Su
- Andrea Thoms
- Gifts received in memory of Pamela W. Thrift
- Emery W. Thrift
- Gifts received in memory of Bobby R. Tibbs
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy A. Tilton
- Kim Terrell
- William F. Tilton
- Gifts received in memory of Emma Lou Tomlinson
- Carolyn Pearson
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret A. Tomlinson
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- James L. Power
- Leslie Wetherington
- Gifts received in memory of Judy Tompkins
- PVA Resource Team
- Jessica Richardson
- Gifts received in memory of Laszlo (Alex) Toser, Sr.
- Mary Anne Grams
- Gifts received in memory of Jo A. Townsend
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Gifts received in memory of Jackie Tschappat
- Kenneth Schaack
- Gifts received in memory of Rodman Underhill, Jr.
- Alfred B. Berger
- Gloria Underhill
- Gifts received in memory of Carolyn C. Upshaw
- Hahira High School – Class of 1957
- Jimmie L. Hickman
- Ann Lucas
- Janice K. Sharp
- Edward E. Sroka
- Calvin and Rose Zongker
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy VanBlaricum
- Joseph VanBlaricum
- Gifts received in memory of Mary S. Vaught
- Jolanda Spata
- Gifts received in memory of Hazel S. Waldon
- Faye Hibbs & Family
Denise H. Hughes
Renee’ Harless Sanders
Bill and Carolyn Tippins
- Faye Hibbs & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Harold D. Wallace
- Charles and Elizabeth Covell
- Gifts received in memory of Linda Warrington
- Jack and Ann Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Anne L. Wells
- David and Marsha Flowers
- Gifts received in memory of Paul Welsh
- Hopewell Baptist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Robert West
- National Association of Retired Cops
- Karen J. Powell
- Gifts received in memory of Walter A. Wilkinson
- Wyatt C. Clark
- Gifts received in memory of Eleanor E. Williams
- Norman E. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of James R. Williams
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Holland, II
- Gifts received in memory of Jed Hampton Williams
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Raymond L. Williams
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Richard D. Willingham
- Debra G. McMillan
- Lessie M. Rimes
- Randy Willingham
- Gifts received in memory of Jewell Wilson
- Judith A. Northway
- Gifts received in memory of Lewis H. Wilson
- John and Linda Bennett
- Bucky and Pat Bowles
- Gifts received in memory of Pamela Wilson
- Michele Bosserman
- Gifts received in memory of Sandra A. Wilson
- Linda Isely
- Emily J. Wilson
- Wedworth Wilson
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce Wiltbank
- Tom and Darlene Cappello
- Mike and Virginia Fettes
- Gifts received in memory of Carolyn W. Witt
- DeWitt and Sherie Cason
- Gifts received in memory of Thomasina Worthen
- Rick A. Worthen
- Roger and Caty Worthen
- Gifts received in memory of Linda Wotton
- Myrtle P. Casey
- W. C. Nickerson
- Verna Piper
- Gifts received in memory of Eve Wright Wheeler
- Gary and Dottie Lyerly
- Gifts received in memory of William F. Wrighton
- Kathleen Shiverick
- Gifts received in memory of Sandra Zappini
- RegEd, Inc.
- Alan Ashlock
- Barbara Boyd
- Kathy and Larry Close
- Jim and Beth Cox
- Carole Grayson
- Jamie Hartin
- Catherine Hornreich
- Bill and Carole McDonald
- Joseph and Anita Stambouly
- Eva Studwell and Bill Doughty
- Michelle Van Voorhies
- Gifts received in memory of George Zeigler
- The Wayne Zeigler Family
- Gifts received in memory of Janet Watson Zeigler
- Frank and Esther Nordlie
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Zemon
- UF – College of Medicine
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret L. Zinkel
- Gerald Waters
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Zory
- Peter and Barbara Zory
- Gifts received in memory of William Abbott
- Frank and Lynn Bird
- Lake Lodge No 72 F & AM
- Gifts received in memory of Vincent Aiello
- Caroline Aiello
- Gifts received in memory of Gloria Anderson
- Ann Anderson
- Gifts received in memory of Hilda Anderson
- Ann Anderson
- Gifts received in memory of Margie Anderson Byrd
- James S. Richeson
- Gifts received in memory of Levon Andrews
- Shirley Andrews
- Gifts received in memory of Evangaline F. Arbogast
- Elizabeth C. Arbogast
- Shirley S. Chater
- Mariann E. Kauffman
- Ted and Barbara Sees
- Gifts received in memory of Aretha Austin
- Robert Austin, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ellen Austin
- Geraldine A. Jesk
- Alice St. John
- Gifts received in memory of Julio Avael
- RaiEtte Avael
- Gifts received in memory of Lillie M. Avrett
- Joyce A. Oliver
- Gifts received in memory of Janet C. Awbrey
- Fred Awbrey
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Bair
- Patrick, Raina, Gavin and Lyla Sheats
- Gifts received in memory of Phillip H. Baker
- Norm and Juanita Green
- Gifts received in memory of Myra Barker
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gifts received in memory of Robert E. Barrett
- Mary Palmour Barrett
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis J. Barry
- Joy Langston
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia M. Bartman
- Denei Morehouse
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Barton
- Uptown Art Expo
- Gifts received in memory of Becky L. Bauer
- Abbie and Morgan Bowden
- Valerie Gilbert
- Karen Zaderej
- AxoGen Corporation Staff
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia Beata
- Robert J. Beata
- Gifts received in memory of Nathalie Bennett
- Thomas D. Sutton
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn D. Berryman
- The Evelyn Berryman Family
- Gifts received in memory of Nathaniel Bethea
- Isaac and Gloria Bethea
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Billups
- Elizabeth D. Billups
- Gifts received in memory of Gregory T. Bishop
- Kimberly Bishop
- Gifts received in memory of Amy Blackwell
- The Backwell Family
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret W. Blitch
- Riley M. Blitch
- Beverly A. Ford
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ann Blitch
- Rita Armstrong
- Gifts received in memory of Kenneth F. Block
- Richard Block
- Gifts received in memory of Derek A. Blood
- Patricia M. Thompson
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas H. Bloodworth
- Barbara Moberly
- Gifts received in memory of Francis Bloomcamp
- Lee Bloomcamp and Tom Nutter
- Gifts received in memory of Sonia Bloomfield
- Hank Bloomfield
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy R. Blount
- Richard and Donna Mark
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn R. Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gifts received in memory of Thelma Bolton
- Joe and Annis Stewart
- Gifts received in memory of Joanne Boone
- Larry and Nancy Kochilaris
- Gifts received in memory of Quinn Boone
- Lenora Bigler
- Betty N. Boone
- Linda B. Garrett
- Sara B. Martin
- Ruth B. Noland
- Gifts received in memory of Eugene M. Bozeman, Jr.
- Bernice Bozeman
- Gifts received in memory of John P. Brantley
- David Brantley
- Gifts received in memory of Huguette R. Breault
- Andre N. Breault
- Gifts received in memory of Clarence J. Bright
- Jessie Parramore
- Gifts received in memory of Aulden Brooks
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gifts received in memory of Diane Brown
- Edward Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Edwin E. Brown
- Margie C. Brown
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn Brown
- American Legion Riders Chapter 283
- Gifts received in memory of Josephine Bruno
- ‘Charles A. Bruno
- Gifts received in memory of Hildegard Bryant
- Raymond Bryant
- Gifts received in memory of David R. Buchan
- Barbara J. Buchan
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce S. Bullman
- Ann Snowberger
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Burton
- Richard and Phyllis Cialona
- Gifts received in memory of Maxine G. Burton
- Richard and Phyllis Cialona
- Jeanne B. Karably
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur C. Butler, Sr.
- W. E. Bishop
- John and Danette O’Neal
- Milner and Jan Osborne
- Deborah M. Ryan
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Raymond James/Odom, Moses & Company, CPA’s
- Gifts received in memory of Vurla Buzan
- Doris Baumgartner
- Ralph and Mary Jo Brick
- Dawnell Satterlee
- Allan and Beverly Spear
- Gifts received in memory of Joe Byrne
- Dennis and Joan Blay
- Gifts received in memory of Boyd B. Cagle
- Fonda Wood
- Gifts received in memory of Robert L. Campbell
- Mary Westmoreland
- Gifts received in memory of Audrey H. Cannon
- Henry and Trish Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Dominick J. Capria
- Lisa A. Capria
- Douglas Moll
- Shirley A. Roberts
- Gifts received in memory of Herman Armond Capuano
- Mrs. Earl Pancake
- Alison Schardl
- Gifts received in memory of Mildred M. Carbo
- Susan M. Brown
- Verna S. Hibbler
- Gifts received in memory of Rose M. Carmody
- Malcolm and Dee Privette
- Gifts received in memory of Crawford B. Carpenter
- The Holloway, Page, Kreister and Addianne Families
- Gifts received in memory of Eleanor E. Carpenter
- Kenneth Carpenter
- Gifts received in memory of William Cason
- Mark E. Cason
- Carmen Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph Catenaci
- Cheryl Catenaci
- Gifts received in memory of Angelia Cekosh
- Robert Cekosh
- Gifts received in memory of Craig P. Cellon
- D.M. and Mildred Cellon
- Gifts received in memory of Christopher B. Chaffey
- Jenifer Chaffey
- Gifts received in memory of Steven Chambers
- Smith, Currie & Hancock, LLP
- Gifts received in memory of Su-shing Chen
- Ta-lih Chen
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur H. Clark
- John and Kathy Thompson
- Gifts received in memory of Christine V. Clark
- Diana V. Rickard
- Gifts received in memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gifts received in memory of Gene I. Cole
- Family of Gene I. Cole
- Gifts received in memory of Kimberly Cole
- Roman and Margaret Kopychuk
- Clorinta Mains
- M&M Masonry, LLC
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald Coleman
- Carole D. Coleman
- Gifts received in memory of Millie Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gifts received in memory of Norman Comly
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gifts received in memory of Douglas A. Connelly
- The Wheeler Family
- GRU – Wastewater Collection
- Gifts received in memory of John Conte
- Stefanie Urena
- Gifts received in memory of Francis Coogan, Jr.
- Susan Dwyer
- Dawn Monge & Family
- Gifts received in memory of William P. Cooke
- Myona G. Baker
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia J. Cooper
- Maurice Cooper & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Debra Crawford
- Mary G. Crawford
- Gifts received in memory of Vickie Crawford
- Mary G. Crawford
- Gifts received in memory of Carlos D. Creel
- Nancy D. Creel
- Gifts received in memory of Leota F. Croft
- Kenneth Croft
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth S. Crouse
- Frank Sodek, III
- Gifts received in memory of James R. Crowe
- Mary D. Crowe
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret Curcuru
- The Giordano and Curcuru Families
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth A. Curtis
- Herbert Zieglmeier
- Gifts received in memory of William Cutler
- Helen M. Cutler
- Gifts received in memory of JoAnn F. Daniel
- Maryellen VanRoyen, Liz & Nancy Douglas
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia Danylyszyn
- Stefan Danylyszyn
- Gifts received in memory of Frances Daughtry McCall
- V. Louise Daughtry
- Gifts received in memory of Vernon R. Daughtry, Jr.
- V. Louise Daughtry
- Gifts received in memory of Mary S. Davies
- John L. Davies
- Gifts received in memory of Cola Davis
- Cola M Davis Trust
- Gifts received in memory of Louise Davis
- Michelle Gillespie
- Gifts received in memory of Mette Davis
- Deanne Gouge
- Gifts received in memory of William T. Davis
- Deanne Gouge
- Gifts received in memory of William Terry Davis, Jr.
- Deanne Gouge
- The Loehr Family
- Eighth Street Elementary School – Faculty and Staff
- Gifts received in memory of Helen M. Dean
- Jack and Mari Jones
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth Deas
- Donald Nunn & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Katie Deas
- Danielle F. DiGennaro
- Gifts received in memory of George A. Dell, Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Anita M. V. DeSimone Carroll
- Joan McGinnis
- Gifts received in memory of James R. Desjardin
- Laura Davis
- Carol Desautels
- Gerald and Kathryn Kidder
- Joe and Lucille Little
- Mary M. Majeski
- Nancy Murphree
- Cletus Rath
- Linda Yonutas
- Gifts received in memory of Laura Diesner
- Tom Ringwood
- Gifts received in memory of Ford Dinkins
- Family Motor Coach Association/Sunwheelers
- Gifts received in memory of Jim K. Donaldson
- Doris J. Donaldson
- Gifts received in memory of Charles M. Dorrel, Jr.
- Charles Dorrel, III
- Gifts received in memory of Martha Douglass
- Norm and Juanita Green
- Gifts received in memory of Rodney K. Dressel
- Jean Farley
- Larry and Judy Neesmith
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Driver
- Margaret Merrit
- Gifts received in memory of Youris M. Dunn, Sr.
- Ann Henson & Family
- Glenn and Martha Jo Khachigan
- Steve and Elaine Stafford
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia E. Durant
- Dennis Durant
- Gifts received in memory of Julia Durrance
- Wayne and Alice Tharp
- Gifts received in memory of Elnora Edmonson
- Gwen A. Johnson
- Gifts received in memory of Doris B. Emerson
- Jeanette Emerson
- Gifts received in memory of Arlene R. English
- Anne Gibbons
- Gifts received in memory of Marion English
- Charles L. Corbett
- Gifts received in memory of Henry Erskin
- Margaret Merrit
- Gifts received in memory of Paul H. Everett
- Rita C. Everett
- Gifts received in memory of Francesca Fabrizio
- Harvey and Diane Steiner
- Gifts received in memory of Jay Farnsworth
- Holden Industries, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Gerald Feller
- Jeff Feller
- Mr. Ken Peach
- Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.
- WellFlorida Council
- Gifts received in memory of Mary D. Fitzgerald
- Joyce Hurt and Kenneth Hurt
- Gifts received in memory of Colleen D. Flanagan
- Lee Bloomcamp and Tom Nutter
- Gifts received in memory of Harless C. Fleming, Jr.
- Vincent and Barbara Dunn
- June L. Fleming, Harless C. Flemming, III, Jeffery H. Flemming and Candace L. Lee
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Flinchum
- Richard and Donna Mark
- Gifts received in memory of Betty Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gifts received in memory of Dave Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gifts received in memory of Tim Ford
- Janet Roberts
- Gifts received in memory of Sam P. Formicola
- Karl and Cathy Sanford
- Gifts received in memory of William E. Forsyth
- Margaret Cochran
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Frazier
- Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Cooper
- Gifts received in memory of Marie French
- Charles French, Karen Sampson, Jennings French and John French
- Gifts received in memory of Georgiana S. Frick
- Jean Gulledge
- Gifts received in memory of Richard F. Fries
- Rosemarie Fries
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas G. Frisbie
- Gifts received in memory of Frances Gainey
- Rodger and Lou Gainey
- Gifts received in memory of Alek Galoustian
- Rozita Galoustian
- Gifts received in memory of Ursula P. Gamble
- Jack Gamble & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Vivian H. Garland
- Julie Garland
- Gifts received in memory of Wyman M. Garland
- Julie Garland
- Gifts received in memory of Mary F. Garner
- John L. Garner & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas W. Gay
- Tara Trace Home Owners Association
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth S. Gay-Crosier
- Raymond Gay-Crosier
- Gifts received in memory of Robert F. Geiger
- Geri Geiger
- Gifts received in memory of Grace Gillespie
- Barbara Peebles
- Gifts received in memory of Michael J. Gillooly
- Eileen Gillooly
- Gifts received in memory of Albert Giovanetti
- Teresa A. Morgan
- Gifts received in memory of Annabelle Glagola
- Charles and Becky Glagola
- Gifts received in memory of William Goare
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gifts received in memory of Goetz & Schwartz Family Members
- Richard and Alice Schwartz
- Gifts received in memory of Bernard Goldstein
- Peter and Fran Silver
- Gifts received in memory of Walter B. Granger
- William H. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Dale Griffin
- Jackie Griffin
- Gifts received in memory of Fred Grubb
- Julia Woodhouse
- Gifts received in memory of Terri L. Grubb
- Jess and Mary Shackleford
- Gifts received in memory of Betty Lou Grundy
- Dave M. Grundy
- Gifts received in memory of Theodore L. Guerry, Sr.
- Delores Brannen
- Keith and Addie Couey
- Joe and Fan Hines
- Jimmy and Shirley Keen
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Joseph and Lois Reynolds
- Sherron Robinson
- Francis and Jo Ward
- Carter Timber, Inc.
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Marcello Properties, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of John D. Gurahoo
- Druscilla Gurahoo
- Gifts received in memory of Woody P. Guthrie
- Bernice Guthrie
- Gifts received in memory of Lillian H. Guyton
- Kingsley Lake Baptist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Donald Gwinn
- Ellen F. Gwinn
- Gifts received in memory of Lucy A. Hager
- Judy E. VonderStrasse
- Gifts received in memory of Betty J. Hall
- Edgar P. Hall
- Gifts received in memory of Edith D. Halsey
- Raymond Lyda
- Gifts received in memory of Robert L. Halsey
- Billy, Traci and Zach Coursey
- Gloria Gillenwaters
- Diantha Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Mildred A. Hamilton
- Judith Hamilton
- Gifts received in memory of Mack V. Hammock
- Harris Corporation
- Gifts received in memory of Carol B. Handley
- Gwendolyn Chauncey
- Dorothy Misleh & Ruthann Blake
- Gifts received in memory of Julia Louise Hanson
- Charles and Judy Norris
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Haren
- Beth Carter and Mary Lou Hutchenson
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy K. Harmeling
- Susan E. Mitchell
- Magnolia Point Women’s Club, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Leon D. Hatch
- David and Shirley Campbell
- Gifts received in memory of Charles M. Hatcher
- Betty Hatcher
- Gifts received in memory of Eugene A. Henry
- Cheryl Henry
- Gifts received in memory of Rosezell Hensley
- Pamela Engle
- Gifts received in memory of Jane G. Hiers
- Richard Hiers
- Gifts received in memory of Leigh S. Hileman
- Caroline Aiello
- Gifts received in memory of Clara Hill
- Joyce Armstrong & Family
- Dixie Dairy Sales
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert L. Hirsh
- Marlene Hirsh
- Gifts received in memory of Emil W. Hoeltzel, Jr.
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald Hohn
- Sherri Beuchert
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy B. Holbrook
- George and Pat Barnard
- Gifts received in memory of Mark Hopkins
- Sally Hopkins & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Gerald Horner
- Carol A. Horner
- Robert W. Pickens, Jr.
- City of Crescent City
- GFWC Womans Club of Welaka, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Carla Hotvedt
- Julio Pomar
- Gifts received in memory of Jack W. Houston
- Robert and Kathy Deutsch
- Beth Dragon
- King Houston
- Sheila Johnston
- Sheila Johnston
- Carole Mayers
- Gifts received in memory of Joe Hovan
- Henry and Judy Crews
- Gifts received in memory of Geraldine N. Huddleston
- Wilma Marlow
- Gifts received in memory of Joan R. Huey
- Robert P. Huey
- Gifts received in memory of Yvonne W. Hughes Singleton
- Alma Harriele Woods
- Gifts received in memory of Theresa Hulten
- OTC Ad Valorem Division
- Gifts received in memory of Bennett E. Humes
- Jackie Humes
- Gifts received in memory of Carl Hurst
- Pete and Sue Crye
- Gifts received in memory of John Ives
- Ann Ives
- Ralph Ives
- Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth Johnsen
- David C. Johnsen
- Gifts received in memory of Carmen B. Johnson
- Women of the Moose – Lake City Chapter No 1399
- Gifts received in memory of Marie P. Johnson
- Bill and Pat Bowling
- Beth Carter and Mary Lou Hutchenson
- Barbara Hamilton
- Candace Hayes and Tammie Pogue
- Zella P. Rouse
- Gifts received in memory of James C. Johnson, Jr.
- David C. Johnsen
- Gifts received in memory of Cleta Carlton Jones
- Frank and Sue Batey
- Joel Bedard
- Gerald and Vicki Durrance
- Patricia Hubbard
- Linda S. Jones
- Bob and Debby Koller
- Dan and Betty Shivers
- John C. Hipp Construction Equipment Company
- Gifts received in memory of Linda Jones
- Paul T. Jones
- Gifts received in memory of Sharon F. Jones
- Ethan and Ginger Sak
- June Smith
- Lee and Tracey Smith
- Gifts received in memory of William H. Jones, Jr.
- Matthew and Brooke Lucas
- John and Sallie Perka
- Jim and Debbie Puckett
- Charles and Sandra Rupp
- Mike and Patricia Shiver
- Stephen Thomas
- Gail Yerty
- Gifts received in memory of Julian Jucha
- Pat DeFilippo
- Gifts received in memory of Beverly S. Kaiman
- Rabbi David Kaiman and Rebeca Shalom
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Keehan Mochol
- Brian Sumpf and Michelle Sicard
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Kelly
- Jim Keeler
- Gifts received in memory of Jasper “Frank” Kelly
- Jerry and Glenda Walrath
- Gifts received in memory of Jo Anne Kelly
- Bill and Marcia Henderson
- Gifts received in memory of Camille D. Kennedy
- Stephen Kennedy
- Gifts received in memory of Delores Key
- Elizabeth Smith
- Putnam Correctional Institution
- Wellborn Baptist Church – Senior Ladies Sunday School Class
- Gifts received in memory of Gary F. Keys, Sr.
- Beverly W. Keys
- Gifts received in memory of Allan Kirschner
- Diane Forman
Circuit 02 Community Corrections/FDC
- Diane Forman
- Gifts received in memory of Ann Kleiman
- Joey Kaiser
- Gifts received in memory of Theodore R. Koch, Jr
- Betty Koch
- Gifts received in memory of Ben E. Koon
- Tommy and Rose Mary Bankston
- William and Kathleen Durrance
- Hugh and Donna Giebeig
- Darryl L. Ward
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gifts received in memory of Sara Kosboth
- Pat Woodall
- Gifts received in memory of Thelma E. Koski
- Melvin L. Koski
- Gifts received in memory of Sang H. Kradle
- Larry D. Kradle
- Gifts received in memory of Scott Kueker
- Gerald and Vicki Durrance
- Joyce Green
- Gifts received in memory of Elvira E. Kultzow
- Susan Kane
- Gifts received in memory of David Kuniansky
- Wayne and Nancy Griffin
- Gifts received in memory of Walter R. Lackey
- Beverly Ann Barnett
- Brent Emerson
- Jane Finney
- Gifts received in memory of Shirley T. Lanier
- Tony and Leslie Breedlove
- Dorothy S. Jones
- Robert Lanier
- Jan and Kathy Nelson
- Wildlife Art Creations
- Gifts received in memory of Jackie E. Larkan
- The Family of Jackie Larkan
- Gifts received in memory of Carl Lawson
- Carla and Tim Stall
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia Lawson Cagle
- Carla and Tim Stall
- Gifts received in memory of Lester E. Lawver
- Renee and Art Shiver
- Gifts received in memory of Frances B. Lee
- Jane Bacon
- Peggy M. Beach
- The Famly of Thomas Beach
- Jimi and Cissy Moore and Frances Nell
- Billy and Mary Kay Payne
- Bulls-Hit Ranch & Farm, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Jack Leffingwell
- Jacksonville Corvette Club
- Gifts received in memory of Frank Leone
- Roe Leone
- Gifts received in memory of Jane S. Levine
- Andrea Field
- Gifts received in memory of Kathryn G. Ley
- Paul C. Ley, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Rita Rose Limpert
- Lisa Limpert
- Gifts received in memory of Philip E. Locker
- Mrs. Gogi Hess
- Alachua County Property Appraiser Office
- Bloomingdale High School Chorus Booster Board
- The Chancel Choir of Beymer Methodist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Jack S. Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gifts received in memory of Joy Low
- John and L.A. Comly
- Gifts received in memory of Hollyanne P. Lowe
- Bill and Loice Tucker
- Gifts received in memory of Elaine Lubway
- Jim Dahlman
- Gifts received in memory of Norman W. Lucas
- Ann Lucas
- Gifts received in memory of Dolores Lukomski
- Douglas Spicer
- Gifts received in memory of Anna Lupkiewicz
- Stefan M. Lupkiewicz & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph Lupkiewicz
- Stefan M. Lupkiewicz & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Etter B. Macri
- Richard and Debbie Cormier
- Gifts received in memory of David L. Malickson
- Deborah Jo Malickson
- Gifts received in memory of David G. Marcum
- Anna Mae Edwards
Barbara Marcum
- Anna Mae Edwards
- Gifts received in memory of Curtis J. Marlow
- Wilma Marlow
- Gifts received in memory of Beryl Marshall
- Juli Cannon
- John and Louise Fox
- Larry and Linda Fox
- Martin and Alice Fox
- Robert and Betty Fox
- Marlene Haberstich
- Judy Hammett
- Paul McGowan
- Frank and Lorene Moore
- Frank and Lorene Moore
- Jim and LaVerne Synan
- Sam and Ann Wink
- Winter’s Muse
- Gifts received in memory of Lyndelle McCreedy
- Richard Butler
- Roger, Louise, Laura and David McCreedy
- Crucial Care – Jacksonville
- Gifts received in memory of Mary L. McDonald
- The Family of Mary L. McDonald
- Gifts received in memory of Walter C. McDuffie
- Doris McDuffie
- Gifts received in memory of Lorraine McGill
- Kathleen Giery
- Gifts received in memory of Laurie L. McGuire
- Robert McGuire
- Gifts received in memory of Carlis J. McLeod
- Sara Dew
- John, Craig and Rodney Holt
- Janet Williams Stevens
- Kathie Upchurch
- Gifts received in memory of Bryan McMillin
- Marvin and Nancy McMillin
- Gifts received in memory of Verda L. Medley
- Verda Greaner
- Gifts received in memory of Geneva Meeks
- Ted and Neva Skaggs
- Gifts received in memory of Jesus A. Mejia
- Robert B. Jenkins
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia D. Milazzo
- Shirley Gebhard
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy R. Mims
- Jerry and Debbie Callens
- Gifts received in memory of Houston S. Mims
- Jerry and Debbie Callens
- Gifts received in memory of Doris Mitchell
- Pam Snyder and Rex Mitchell
- Gifts received in memory of Joe Mitchell
- Pam Snyder and Rex Mitchell
- Gifts received in memory of Helen Montesano
- Brenda Earle
- Gifts received in memory of Rosella Mopsick
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph L. Mora
- Barbara E. Mora
- Gifts received in memory of Clyde Morehouse
- Denei Morehouse
- Gifts received in memory of Emma Jean Morrell
- Wayne Morrell
- Gifts received in memory of Thelma Morrow
- Linda Perry & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Jack W. Mount
- Sandra Mount
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Naidl
- Ralph and Fay Dossett
- Gifts received in memory of Violet H. Naidl
- Ralph and Fay Dossett
- Gifts received in memory of Gary G. Nalley
- Ann Underwood
- Gifts received in memory of Domingo Navarro
- Dalys Avila
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce A. Neilson
- Sharilyn Fluegge
- Esta E. “Libby” Holcomb
- Larry and Barbara Merritt
- Donna L. Weigle
- Starcraft Camper Club Florida Chapter
- Gifts received in memory of Mitchel M. Newman
- JoAnn Newman
- Gifts received in memory of Violette Nicole
- Paul A. Nadeau
- Gifts received in memory of Gladys Ninmann
- Sarah H. Nye
- Gifts received in memory of Allan J. Norden
- Harlan and Louise Norden
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy Norling
- Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ellingsworth
- Gifts received in memory of Ottis L. Norris
- Family of O.L. Norris
- Gifts received in memory of Polly N. Norton
- Jimmy and Susan Norman
- Gifts received in memory of Rachel Madeline Deas Nunn
- James E. Nunn
- Gifts received in memory of Betty R. Obert Sanders
- Joan Obert
- Gifts received in memory of Rita Olesen
- Clayton L. Olesen
- Gifts received in memory of Stephan E. Oosterman, M.D.
- Julie L. Oosterman
- Gifts received in memory of Neil D. Opdyke
- Co-Workers of Clifford Opdyke
- Emily Schiffmacher
- Gifts received in memory of Lillian Osting
- Sandra Exum
- Gifts received in memory of Norma Panasiti
- Joan Gauglar
- Gifts received in memory of Laurie M. Pardee, Jr.
- Laura Panatera
- Gifts received in memory of Carol A. Paris
- Donald Paris
- Gifts received in memory of Bonnie Jean Parker
- Richard and Cecile Feagle
- Gifts received in memory of Peggy Parlet
- Sherman and Gerry Alexander
- Markus and Laurie Bischof
- Pam Bromenshenk
- Charyl Cook
- Mary Fox
- Harriett A. Reddinger
- Amanda Roberts
- Monica Schmiedt
- Michelle Shell
- Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Smith
- Rick Uhrie & Family
- Phil and Nancy Voss
- Joy Wilson
- Florida State University Schools, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Stella Paz
- Omar Paz
- Gifts received in memory of Darby Peek
- Jane Ward Gault
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Peloquin
- Virginia K. Ellis
- Gifts received in memory of John Penkunas
- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klemer
- Mary Ann Penkunas
- Mary Ann Penkunas
- Teresa Stoffregen
- Gifts received in memory of Gray Perdue
- Leslie Knapp
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce A. Perry
- Charles and Kathy Perry
- Gifts received in memory of Lilian Petrecca
- Joseph Petrecca
- Gifts received in memory of Silvio Petrecca
- Joseph Petrecca
- Gifts received in memory of Edward Pike
- Benjamin E. Newby
- Gifts received in memory of Rainer N. Pinkoson
- Ron and Patti Zollars
- Gifts received in memory of David M. Pollick
- Georgia Rolfe Pollick
- Gifts received in memory of Elinor M. Pothier
- William G. Pothier, III
- Gifts received in memory of Lynn S. Pothier
- William G. Pothier, III
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Rallis
- Shari Mueller Nye and Ed Nye
- Gifts received in memory of Kathryn B. Rallis
- Shari Mueller Nye and Ed Nye
- Gifts received in memory of Theodora T. Rancourt
- Maurice Rancourt
- Gifts received in memory of Walter Reaves
- Shirley Reaves
- Gifts received in memory of Tony Redd
- Ann Cellon Austin
- Kathy Redd
- Gifts received in memory of Gloria C. Redfearn
- Michael S. Redfearn
- Gifts received in memory of Danny Reeves
- O’Neal Roofing Company, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Ed Reidling
- Vivian M. Reidling
- Gifts received in memory of Richard N. Renner
- Annelies R. Plaisant
- Gifts received in memory of Verna H. Renninger
- Joan Gauglar
- Gifts received in memory of Charles H. Ritchie
- Ed and Sheila Brown
- Neil and Lollie Dreizen
- Marcia Gieseke
- Janet D. Guardabassi
- Russ and Becky Hite
- The Price Family
- Janet Ritchie & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Wendell Robertson
- Scott and Kim Petersen
- Gifts received in memory of Gerald Rockwell
- Pamela Mintz Leyden
- Charlotte Shores
- Gifts received in memory of Bessie Kate Rodehaver
- Kathleen Lyons
- Gifts received in memory of Louise E. Rogers
- Walt and June Rogers
- Gifts received in memory of James E. Rogers, Jr.
- Joe and Fan Hines
- Joan T. Rogers
- Ken and Vicki Teal
- Philip and Marilyn Vellenga
- Gifts received in memory of John Romans
- Elizabeth Heary
- Joanne J. Romans
- Gifts received in memory of Gina Romero
- Paul Knapp
- Gifts received in memory of Kenneth W. Rose
- Jo Rose
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara Rotundo
- Susan and James Hencin
- Gifts received in memory of O. Charles Ruelke
- Tim and Kathie Ruelke
- Gifts received in memory of Richard H. Russell
- Norma J. Russell
- Gifts received in memory of Gene J. Ryan
- Charlotte G. Ryan
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia A. Ryan
- James Ryan
- Gifts received in memory of Paul C. Salazar
- Bobbie Salazar
- Gifts received in memory of Viola P. Sampson
- Martha F. McGregor
- Gifts received in memory of D. Gregory Sanders
- Brenda Kalaman
- Eagle Appraisals, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Michelle Rae Sanders
- Brenda Kalaman
- Eagle Appraisals, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Myrtle H. Sandlin
- Cathy Melnick
- Gifts received in memory of Clyde Sandquist
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dees
- Coliseum and Sandra Avenue Neighbors
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce H. Sanford
- The Sanford Family
- Gifts received in memory of Joe W. Sapp
- Nora Evelyn Caldwell & Daughters: Noralyn, Samie, Connie, Glenda and Susan
- Herb and Gynelle Lundy
- Gifts received in memory of Robert A. Sarles
- Joy B. Sarles & Family
- Gifts received in memory of James R. Sattler
- Mary Sattler
- Gifts received in memory of John P. Schneider
- Betty Schenider
- Gifts received in memory of Wendy Schucker
- Gayle Bluebird
- Gifts received in memory of Roy A. Schulz
- Mary Schulz
- Gifts received in memory of Herbert S. Schwartz
- Ray Morgenstern
- Gifts received in memory of Deborah D. Sendax
- Reily Hendrickson
- Gifts received in memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Lois W. Shelnutt
- Kathy Redd
- Gifts received in memory of Bobby L. Shepherd
- Jerry and Betty Stanford
- The Famly of W.V. Stanford: Sarah, Steve, Stanley and Sharon
- Gifts received in memory of Guy Sherrer
- Mary V. Sherrer
- Gifts received in memory of Beatrice Shinn
- Michelle Reece
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia B. Shivery
- Jim and Patti Shivery
- Gifts received in memory of Bruce S. Siegel
- Kevin and Jennifer Siegel
- Gifts received in memory of Sonja L. Silver
- Dan Silver
- Gifts received in memory of Laura Simington
- Brian Law
- Pamela A. Wadley
- Gifts received in memory of Mark Simmons
- Eula Jean Simmons
- Gifts received in memory of William C. Simpson
- Jean Simpson
- Gifts received in memory of Rita M. Singletary
- Ted Singletary
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ann Singleton
- Jim and Teresa Ferguson
- Gifts received in memory of Gerald Slagle
- Mark and Chris McGhee
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph F. Smallbone, Sr.
- Nancy Smallbone
- Gifts received in memory of Kensley Smith
- Jean Decker
- Jodi Keller
- Paula McCane
- Judy McMahon
- Gifts received in memory of Lois Smith
- Shirley Sea-Padgett
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth Jean Sherron Smith
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- William and LauraMary Smith
- Stearns Financial Group
- Gifts received in memory of Terry P. Smith
- Shirley Sea-Padgett
- Gifts received in memory of William M. Smith
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- William and LauraMary Smith
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis E. Snelson
- Franklin Snelson, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Geraldine L. Snyder
- Richard E. Snyder
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce Snyder
- Carson Dunning & Family
- Danny R. Holland
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas Sonsini
- Karen Blair, Alison Blair, Ashley and Trent Ohman
- Roxane Bleiweis
- Jennifer Calhoun
- Pat and Don Collier
- Patrick R. Corsi
- Nancy G. Fischer
- Chandler and Kathy Jones
- Elizabeth Norval
- Ilene Silverman-Budd and Harvey Budd
- Phylles Trammell
- Danny and Crystal Waddell
- Mary A. White
- Jonesberry Book Club
- Gifts received in memory of Victor Sorinne, Jr.
- Mary Corine Arnold
- Frances Helpling
- Gifts received in memory of Philip Sparks
- Wilma Sherouse
- Ann Thomas
- Gifts received in memory of Garnet Spencer
- Robyn Spinazola
- Natick Firefighters Local 1707
- Gifts received in memory of Phillip Spooner
- Carl and Linda Minnick
- Steve and Judy Prisoc
- Greg Prisoc
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas H. Staley
- Fay Baird
- Gifts received in memory of Vivian Stark
- Susan Kane
- Gifts received in memory of Kat Starke
- Jeanne Schoepf
- Gifts received in memory of Willis C. Steed
- Jacqueline Steed
- Gifts received in memory of Burton I. Steinman
- Tim and Kathie Ruelke
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Steitz
- Debbie and Mike Cousino
- Gifts received in memory of Joan S. Stephens
- Jeff and Sandy Donovan
- The Family of Joan S. Stephens
- Grace M. Schramm
- Buck and Sue Smithson
- Richard and Helen Wahl
- Gifts received in memory of Laura M. Stewart
- Joe and Annis Stewart
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ellen Stiles
- Bryan and Pam Korithoski
- Richard and Beverly Moss
- Gifts received in memory of Frank J. Stoppa
- Henry and Eleanor Perciballi
- Gifts received in memory of Diane Power Stowe
- Nancy and Jerry Dixon
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis K. Strain
- Deborah L. Turk
- Gifts received in memory of Debra S. Strauss
- James M. Strauss
- Gifts received in memory of James L. Stringfellow
- Helen and Torsten Andersen
- Kay and David Ayers
- Mary Ann Bryce
- John and Nancy Carswell
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- C. Richard & Ruth Conti
- Martine G. Cox
- Susan S. Crowley
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Steve and Judy deMontmollin
- Anna B. Edmonson
- Bob and Judy Erickson
- Dick and Sharon Jones
- Paul Locascio
- Nancy Macaulay
- Gerald and Patricia O’Neil
- Ed and Pat Peddie
- James Poston
- Barbara S. Probert
- Diane Quinn
- Peter and Pamela Somers
- Robert Stokes
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- SantaFe HealthCare, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Philip R. Stubblefield
- Caroline Stubblefield
- Gifts received in memory of Terry Suddeth
- Mary Mangieri
- Gifts received in memory of Dennis C. Sullivan
- Alan Cain
- Frances Ehrlich
- Larry and Bonnie Ross
- Roger and Judy Ross
- David and Cynthia Thompson
- Gifts received in memory of Maynard F. Swanson, Jr.
- Ruthann Swanson
- Gifts received in memory of Marilou B. Swearingen
- Fr. Dave and Margaret Kidd
- Gifts received in memory of Sue A. Sweeney
- Ms. Sheryl Beale
- Gifts received in memory of Jeanette F. Swilley
- Sam Swilley, Jr.
- Gifts received in memory of Jim Tanner
- Steven and Debora Emerick
- Gifts received in memory of William Thigpin
- Mr. V. James Foust
- Cathy Hitchock
- John and Lillian Murray
- Brett and Carolyn Waters
- Gifts received in memory of Mary E. Thompson
- Sharon Cole and Delores Lawson
- Gifts received in memory of Pamela W. Thrift
- Melanie Garrett
- Gifts received in memory of John C. Tiernan
- Florrie Hoeltzel
- Gifts received in memory of Edna H. Todd
- Alma H. Potter
- Gifts received in memory of Richard E. Tomac
- Shirley Tomac
- Gifts received in memory of Ruth V. Torrence
- Terry A. Torrence
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Tozzi
- Rebecca Tozzi & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Linda M. Traupane
- George and Pat Barnard
- MaryAnn Thurmond
- Gifts received in memory of Marilyn J. Travers
- Richard Travers
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas Triest
- Terry L. King
- Cheryl Shaw
- Gifts received in memory of Carolyn C. Upshaw
- Andrea Ratliff
Kathleen Rehm
- Andrea Ratliff
- Gifts received in memory of Kathleen Uptegrove
- Daniel L. Uptegrove
- Gifts received in memory of Richard C. VanAmburg
- Elaine D. VanAmburg
- Gifts received in memory of Frances Velez
- Jaime Velez
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy B. Verville
- William Verville
- Gifts received in memory of Deborah Vincent
- Caroline Stubblefield
- Gifts received in memory of Jerry Viola
- Peter, Julie and Charlie Viola
- Nancy Walsh
- Gifts received in memory of Phil Wagner
- Ronald and Mary Sue Spears
- Gifts received in memory of Carol Walker
- Willis and Anna Bodine
- Janet Stoufer
- Gifts received in memory of Harold J. Walker
- Jim and Betty Brady
- Gifts received in memory of Burton J. Walrath, Jr.
- Mike and Landa Allen
- Gifts received in memory of Homer E. Walter
- Hazel A. Walter
- Gifts received in memory of Frances P. Ward
- Jane Ward Gault
- Gifts received in memory of Ida G. Ward
- Ronald W. Ward
- Gifts received in memory of Una Ward
- Cherry Hill Lodge 12 F & AM
- Gifts received in memory of Edwin Wheeler
- Priscilla Wheeler
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald C. Wheeler
- Jan Gorman
- Gifts received in memory of William Edward Wheeler
- Kathy Redd
- Gifts received in memory of William W. White
- Gerald and Darlene White
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia B. Whitney
- Mary Jean Baney
- Zelda Joyce Gorman
- Phyllis, Rob and Rick Lotzkar
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy J. Wilburn
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn V. Wilder
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy P. Wilkerson
- Kenneth and Cindy Moore
- Gifts received in memory of Hazel Williams
- Ernest R. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Jed Hampton Williams
- RaiEtte Avael
- Gifts received in memory of Marilyn Williams
- John and Anne Danner
- Gifts received in memory of Eula Williamson
- Greg Williamson
- Gifts received in memory of Glenn Williamson
- Greg Williamson
- Gifts received in memory of Richard D. Willingham
- Jessica W. Gay
- Gifts received in memory of George “Jack” Wilson
- Margie Wilson Willard
- Gifts received in memory of Irene J. Wilson
- Tommy and Jean Cotchaleovitch
- Rachel W. Edwards
- Gifts received in memory of Theresa A. Wilson
- Linda and James Voiles
- Gifts received in memory of Virginia H. Wilson
- Margie Wilson Willard
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy A. Winther Larkins
- David Larkins
- Gifts received in memory of Jessica Lynn Wood
- Linda G. Watson
- Gifts received in memory of Opal Wood
- GRU – Wastewater Collection
- Gifts received in memory of Robert G. Wright
- Pat Woodall
- Gifts received in memory of Roberta A. Wryals
- Rebecca Ricker
- Gifts received in memory of Travis Wynn
- Edwin and Betty Ann Prevatt
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Zemon
- Carol Desautels
- Frances S. Faris
- Ron and Toni Ferguson
- Greg Tracey
- Michael and Amanda Zemon
- Mike and Sondra Zemon
- Gifts received in memory of Li Zhang
- Yun-Ju He
- Gifts received in memory of James B. Adams
- CHS Class of 1960
- Gifts received in memory of Eugene Albright
- Josh Cady
- The Fink Family
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce M. Allen
- Kathleen J. Allen
- Harry and Delores Wells
- B. P. Shelley & Associates
- Gifts received in memory of Thena C. Alligood
- Peggy A. Malphurs
- Lamar Simmons
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy C. Anderson
- Mr. and Mrs. Al Alsobrook
- David and Victoria Lucas
- Kimberly Mansur
- Shanna Vazquez
- Gifts received in memory of Yvonne Annis
- Veronica Ziegler
- Gifts received in memory of Donald Armstrong
- Guy and Betty Seago
- Carolyn Staley & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Julio Avael
- Vivian B. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Sheridan Bagwell
- Jan Alligood
- Bill and Jesselyn Beck
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- Richard and Joan Jones
- Louis Kuritzky and Virginia Sloan
- Emelyn Palm
- Elizabeth Rang
- Dawn Wooley
- Gifts received in memory of Mack Baldwyn
- Ellis Bacon
- The Erney, Cauthen, Wade Families
- Carolyn A. Howard
- Kathy Rogers
- Roy and Mary Ann Rogers
- Donna Kay Strayer
- Gifts received in memory of Robert Leighton Barber
- Mildred Barber & Family
- Sonny Tillman
- Christine Weekley
- Ft White Elementary School – Sunshine Club
- Gifts received in memory of Melinda C. Barbour
- Marge Standing
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Barron
- The Holder and Wood Family
- Janet Roberts
- Wayne and Alice Tharp
- Gifts received in memory of Sue Ann Barton
- Shiloh Baptist Church – Sewing Circle Ministry
- Gifts received in memory of Fred L. Beard
- Tony and Diane Green
- Arvin and Idelle Holsonback
- Howard and Jane Mathis
- Gifts received in memory of James O. Beauchamp
- Sherry Beauchamp
- Deborah Bulzan
- Loy Ann Mann
- Gifts received in memory of Delmar C. Berry
- Ken Connor
- Berenika Kitto
- Amy Norman
- Neal and Nancy Nydam
- Mary E. Tooke
- Florida Forest Service – Suwannee Forestry Center
- Gifts received in memory of James Bigler
- Doug and Beth Anderson
- Gifts received in memory of Luther E. Blake, Jr.
- Mrs. Alice E. Plemmons
- Gifts received in memory of Kathryn Blalock
- Robert James
- Melissa Lange
- Gifts received in memory of Larry Blay
- Dennis and Joan Blay
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Payne Bliss
- Bill and Martha Kloeppel
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret W. Blitch
- Helen and Torsten Andersen
- Roger and Linda Blackburn
- Tracy Burger
- John and Nancy Carswell
- Jeremy G. Cary & Family
- Linda H. Crews
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Buford and Sandy Davis
- Donna Elliott
- Denise Feiber
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Cindy Holmes
- E. L. Roy Hunt
- Evelyn Kirby Jones
- Richard and Joan Jones
- Kerry and Mary Kelly
- Bill and Martha Kloeppel
- Rebecca Knight
- Stephen Lind
- Barbara F. Martin
- Susan Moore
- Belinda Rice
- Joan Ruffier
- James D. Wiltshire
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Kelly Brothers, LLC
- Gifts received in memory of Charlotte G. Blount
- Kim Everett
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn R. Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gifts received in memory of Fremont Bollinger
- Jody Bollinger
- Gifts received in memory of Myron K. Brashears
- Betty C. Atkins
- Gifts received in memory of Emory L. Brown
- Paul Shinholster
- Gifts received in memory of Arthur Eldridge Bundy
- Dell and Tami Edwards
- Mark and Terri Nickerson
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia A. Bundy
- Dell and Tami Edwards
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Naughton
- Mark and Terri Nickerson
- Cathy Sams
- Gifts received in memory of Annie Jo Cain
- Jerry and Laura Smith
- Gifts received in memory of Cleveland U. Cannon
- Cedar Key Aquaculture Association, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Herman Armond Capuano
- Karen Bell
- Gifts received in memory of Barry J. Carroll
- James and Alice Wais
- Gifts received in memory of Maria T. Clark
- Dr. Lawrence Clark, Sr.
- Gifts received in memory of Simonne H. Clark
- The Abbott Family
- Audrey C. Clark
- Kenneth and Patricia Clark & Family
- Barbara C. Kabot
- Gifts received in memory of Frances Coker
- Donna Thornburg
- Gifts received in memory of Raymond L. Colley
- Suzanne C. Melton and Carolyn Miller
- Gifts received in memory of Cabard J. Colson
- George and Pat Barnard
- Gifts received in memory of Linwood E. Colson
- Jim and Bebe Austin
- Pamela McCaleb and Jim Moore
- Joseph and Lois Reynolds
- Betty Etheridge, Brooks Etheridge and Becky Todd
- George and Linda Worth
- Etheridge Furniture
- Gifts received in memory of Lee Ann Cone
- Martha A. Hewlett
- Bob Hewlett
- Gifts received in memory of Ryan P. Connor
- Nick DeCarlis
- Anne Koon & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Norman Coquyt
- Nelda Coquyt
- Gifts received in memory of Jill Court
- Jack and Shannon Court
- Gifts received in memory of Larry J. Cox
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gifts received in memory of Sylvia Cox
- Jeri Eubanks
- Bobby and Betty Golden
- Peggy Dobbs Smith and Robert Smith & Children
- Palatka High School – Class of 1996
- Gifts received in memory of Rudy Crews
- Audrey S. Bullard
- Keith and Addie Couey
- Kyle Crews
- Regal and Shirlene Dicks
- Carol Ann Giebeig
- Brian and Regina Hilton
- Dan and Rita Kaelin
- Joe and Henrietta Kirkland
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Don and Marylyn Montgomery
- Chris and Betsy Pottle
- Stephen A. Smith, P.A.
- Darryl L. Ward
- Marcello Properties, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Alice Croft
- Kathleen Croft & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Sharon L. Crosby
- Robert and Susan Wilson
- Gifts received in memory of David S. Curtis
- Aaron and Harris Enteen
- Gifts received in memory of JoAnn F. Daniel
- M. M. and Patricia Dalton
- Barbara L. Swink
- Gifts received in memory of Kimberly Daugherty
- Kristin Freeman-Lowry
- Gifts received in memory of Betty J. Daughtry
- Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell
- Lee and Debra Hatch
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald N. Davis
- Larry D. Parham
- Gifts received in memory of Aura Daye
- Laurie and Cliff Barber
- Diane Benoit
- Craig and Kathy Daye
- Dennis and Bridgett Daye
- Pete and Judy Daye
- Sharon Daye
- Alice M. Hebson
- Steve and Claudia Mackenzie
- Gloria T. Newton
- Greg and Karen Wyman
- Judith A. Wyman
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas M. Dees, Sr.
- Frank and Sue Batey
- Bill and Gail Batey
- Mr. and Mrs. John West
- Arnold and Frances Dees
- Gifts received in memory of Frances E. DeLaCuesta
- Henry Ebersole
- Ken Elder
- Laura Rieker
- Gifts received in memory of Ana G. deRojas
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Marsha T. Dolsak
- Bob and Dottie Mounts
- Gifts received in memory of Robert J. Duskie
- Knights of Columbus – Kansas State Council
- Gifts received in memory of Irma H. Elliott
- Margaret Knox
- Gifts received in memory of Valerie Elston
- Barbara Hobba
- Ponhara Po
- Gifts received in memory of Rose Fierro
- Amy Norman
- Florida Forest Service – Suwannee Forestry Center
- Gifts received in memory of Mary D. Fitzgerald
- Richard H. Coates
- Gifts received in memory of Colleen D. Flanagan
- Mike and Fran D’Arcangelis
- Ms. Michelle Dionisio
- Leonard Gill
- Lisa McCoy
- Bonnie Morice
- James Putnam and Elizabeth Enloe
- Cooley Smith
- Bonnie and Gary Wilson
- David and JoAnne Wood
- Gifts received in memory of Judith O. Foreman
- Chuck and Sharl Turner
- Gifts received in memory of Joshua Fountain
- Terry Shepard’s Class
- Gifts received in memory of James S. Frier
- Gary Avery
- Rae Chung
- Roberta Moore
- Ronnie and Renee Poole
- Poole Realty, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Richard F. Fries
- Rosemarie Fries
- Gifts received in memory of Kathy Gaff
- Mike Gaff
- Gifts received in memory of Arlene R. Geiger
- Jodi Geiger
- Martha Mallicote
- Gifts received in memory of Susan Gilmore
- Patricia Boike
- Abigail Gilmore
- Mary Gayle Gilmore
- Connie Quincey
- Gifts received in memory of Michael Gracy
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- Denise Feiber
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Richard and Joan Jones
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Scarlet Green
- CHS Class of 1960
- Gifts received in memory of Robert L. Halsey
- Jim Hess
- Marshall Pardee
- Gifts received in memory of Frankie A. Hammond
- Rick Brown
- Bonnie M. Flynn & Family
- Anne F. Gay
- Rodney and Julie Gay
- Alfred and Donna Hammond
- Deborah Malickson
- Joseph Pisani
- Margaret L. Schuler
- The Wheeler Family
- Gifts received in memory of Wayne Hancock, Sr.
- Peter and Lana Branch
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret C. Harris
- Woodlawn Baptist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Madeline Hazlett
- Palatka Duplicate Bridge Club
- Gifts received in memory of Sarah F. Helton
- Holly A. Kraig Helton
- Gifts received in memory of R. Thomas Hess
- Milton Baker
- Jeanne F. Bierman
- Jennifer Brownlee & Children
- Stacy and June Hall
- Gerald A. Hess & Family
- Thomas A. Lorden
- Richard Matthews
- Peter and Jean McCall
- Monte and Kimberly Meyer & Family
- Mary Press
- John F. Roscow III
- Ronnie and Shanna Smith
- Southern and Ching Families
- Koss Olinger
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gifts received in memory of Larry Hicks
- Ted and Tammy Henderson
- Alene Randall
- Lavern Wright
- Suwannee Farms. LLC
- Gifts received in memory of Beth Higham
- Cindy Cole
- Gifts received in memory of Mary E. Hitchner
- Mrs. Jo Petzold
- Gifts received in memory of Marilyn Holkham
- Dallas and Suzan Cadle
- Bill Holkham
- David and Linda Myer
- Gifts received in memory of Faye A. Hunter
- Billie W. Cason
- Elaine Mitchell
- Wayne and Alice Tharp
- Clay Electric – Gainesville Family
- First Baptist Church Of Newberry – Deacons
- Gifts received in memory of Paul Hunter
- Barbara A. Hunter
- Gifts received in memory of Betty L. Hurst
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Gifts received in memory of Walter E. Hyams
- Kathleen Croft & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Florence H. Isenhour
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gifts received in memory of John Ives
- Ann Ives
- Gifts received in memory of Ann H. Jensen
- Mary Olsen
- Gifts received in memory of Carmen B. Johnson
- Barbara A. Bledsoe
- Keith and Addie Couey
- Marie Haire
- Theresa Johnson
- The Proveaux Family
- Marcello Properties, Inc.
- Raymond James/Odom, Moses & Company, CPA’s
- Gifts received in memory of Dean Johnson
- Bob and Barbara Hudson
- Gifts received in memory of Logan S. Johnson
- Louis and Suzanne Benedict
- Gifts received in memory of Thelma Johnson
- Bernice Harris
- Ed and Lorraine Madden
- Gifts received in memory of Gareth A. Keith
- Nick DeCarlis
- Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Gove
- Peter and Evelyn Liffiton
- Gifts received in memory of Henry A. Kelly
- Chris P. Kelly
- Gifts received in memory of Joyce O. Lanier
- Melissa Hollis & Family
- Virginia M. Rogers
- Gifts received in memory of Sarah L. Lashley
- James B. Hughes
- Jennie Hughes
- Mary Miland
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia Lawson
- Cynthia Varnadore & Family
- Gifts received in memory of Clyde R. Leaphart
- Andy Hogshead
- Betty H. Leaphart
- Kathryn Leaphart
- Jane McDaniel
- Lynn McDaniel
- Ken and Donna Milam
- Paula Mitchell
- Clara L. Weintraub
- Gifts received in memory of Vivian F. LeBlanc
- Vivian M. Shepherd
- Gifts received in memory of Mae E. Leedom
- Mae Leedom’s Daughters
- Gifts received in memory of Dolores L. Leeper
- The Depiante Family
- Christine L. Haylett
- Gifts received in memory of Rose T. Lettera
- Linda Costner
- Gifts received in memory of Charles A. Loos, Jr.
- Alice N. Pittman
- Gifts received in memory of Lucy Lovi
- Dee and Jim Goolsby
- Gifts received in memory of Etter B. Macri
- Marge Polk
- Gifts received in memory of Robert L. Mathews
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cumens
- Martha Douberly
- Sandra Lazor, Kathy Welsh and Sheri Thompson
- Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Nevin
- Carlton Construction
- Gifts received in memory of Evelyn M. Maycumber
- Janelle Weathers, PhD
- Gifts received in memory of Dora G. McGuire
- Anthony Kwan
- Gifts received in memory of Jane H. McLin
- Juanita S. Miller
- Gifts received in memory of Patrick C. Medlar
- Ada Halliday
- Gifts received in memory of Louie H. Meredith, Jr.
- C.H. Price Middle School
- Gifts received in memory of Joan G. Midboe
- Cassandra J. Midboe
- Gifts received in memory of Ina V. Mikell
- Roger and Johnnie Pennel
- Gifts received in memory of Darothy K. Millay
- Donna Millay
- Gifts received in memory of Margaret K. Mills
- Jeri Eubanks
- Winnie Glisson
- Peggy Dobbs Smith and Robert Smith & Children
- Ted and Belle Turner
- Gifts received in memory of Kate E. Montague
- Mary Ann H. Cofrin
- Carol A. Crevassse
- Sarah D. Dickinson
- Ed and Marcia Ellett
- Barbara S. Probert
- Melia Anne Stover
- Ellett Insurance
- Gifts received in memory of Cecile Morse
- Elaine A. Phillips
- Gifts received in memory of Harold T. Mullen
- David and Renee Cobb
- Gifts received in memory of Lewis D. Murray
- Richard A. Murray
- Gifts received in memory of Noelia B. Murray
- Richard A. Murray
- Gifts received in memory of Wayne A. Myers
- Harvey and Relma Faul
- Eric and Yvette Godet
- Gifts received in memory of Wanda G. Myles
- Darrin and Silvia Caldwell
- Richard and Janice Geach
- Barbara Milford
- Mr. Ralph R. Paylor & Family
- Joan G. Valentine Payne
- Ginny and Carl Sumner
- UF – Department of Anesthesiology
- Gifts received in memory of Arlene Nichols
- Betty A. Dunckel
- Betty Jo Hodge
- Gifts received in memory of Gladys Ninmann
- Karol Wesemann
- Gifts received in memory of Alice Nippes
- Dearl Bunce
- Mark A. Conter
- Gary Nippes
- Gifts received in memory of Nancy Norling
- Jim and Linda Anderson
- Kimberly Brown
- Karen Ellingsworth
- Tom and Bobbi Ellingsworth
- Virginia Ellingsworth
- Janelle Norling
- Jon T. Tremmel
- Gifts received in memory of Joseph E. Norris
- Bob and Judy McDonald
- Gifts received in memory of Rita Olesen
- Clayton L. Olesen
- Gifts received in memory of Ross J. Oliverio
- Kara Wolf
- Health & Wellness Center – JM Family Enterprises, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Priscilla Pace
- Bill and Dorothy Colvin
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Palise
- Wen-One of Florida, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Doris Parish
- Giebeig Family Medicine, P.A.
- Gifts received in memory of Richard E. Parker
- William B. Brannon, Jr.
- Margaret Busby
- Linda H. Crews
- Bob Dale
- Hugh and Donna Giebeig
- Tyson and Kathleen Johnson
- Mike and Marie Kennon
- Dudley and Gail Matthews
- Jim and Sally Moses
- Chris and Betsy Pottle
- Mrs. John P. Ryan & Family
- Stephen A. Smith, P.A.
- Jim and Judy Spring
- Betty Etheridge, Brooks Etheridge and Becky Todd
- Betsy P. Touchton
- Etheridge Furniture
- Raymond James/Odom, Moses & Company, CPA’s
- Gifts received in memory of Peggy Parlet
- John Post
- Gifts received in memory of M.M. Parrish
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Mary B. Parrish
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Wilton “Buddy” Parrish
- Ruth L. Parrish
- Gifts received in memory of George A. Pedersen
- Harry and Margie Haytock
- Gifts received in memory of Norma Yancey Pendray
- Leah Pursley Pate
- Gifts received in memory of Jimmy L. Peppers
- Charlotte Buckham
- Gifts received in memory of Gray Perdue
- Jim and Linda Ford
- Gregory Howard
- Billie Jung
- Leslie Knapp
- Carol Milligan
- Gretchen O’Brien
- Mary H. Thrasher
- Gifts received in memory of Edward Pike
- Mrs. Marie A. Hancock
- Mr. and Mrs. P. Dennis Hancock
- Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hancock
- Lorraine Malik
- Sandy and Dale Rosenthal
- Margaret Willis
- Gifts received in memory of Rainer N. Pinkoson
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cauthen, III
- Cynthia Chennault
- Cynthia Chennault
- Mary Ann H. Cofrin
- Ed and Marcia Ellett
- Dr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Hazouri
- Gregory L. Huffman & Family
- Margaret M. Iwata
- Chris and Liz Janiszewski
- Chris P. Kelly
- John and Betty Jean Neller
- Larry and Helen Ann Noegel
- Dorothy and Winston Rushing
- Richard D. Tarbox
- Earle Taylor & Family
- LaDonna Vieweg
- Mary S. Walker
- Naomi R. Williams
- Ellett Insurance
- Pelham Place Homeowners Association
- Gifts received in memory of Charles Pinkoson, M.D.
- Richard D. Tarbox
- Mary S. Walker
- Naomi R. Williams
- Gifts received in memory of Aleta Frances Prebianca
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Emory Putman
- Mr. and Mrs. Russ Cook
- Bill and Carolyn Johnson
- Darlene Spohn
- University Air Center
- Gifts received in memory of Ann Pamela Quincey
- Steve and Mary Bird
- Mitch, Ginger and Quincey McElroy
- Gifts received in memory of Mary R. Randall
- Joyce Randall
- Gifts received in memory of Lonnie Arthur Redding
- Sandra Darley
- Gifts received in memory of Wallace A. Reichert
- Mike and Marie Kennon
- Edith Purser Vass
- Nick and Mary B. Whitehurst
- Kenneth Frenke & Co., Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Gwendoline Reynolds
- David Hudson
- E. L. Roy Hunt
- Joe and Lucille Little
- Gifts received in memory of Wade L. Reynolds, Jr.
- Tom and Norma Clements
- Gifts received in memory of Carol Bishop Rivenbark
- Julie B. Gafford
- CHS Class of 1960
- Gifts received in memory of Ethel Rivers
- The Rivers Family
- Audrey Hines
- Rachel Jackson
- Joseph Markin
- Barragan Tri-County Seniors
- Gifts received in memory of Hugh W. Roberts
- Anneta M. Andrews
- Curtis Clyatt
- Carlton Faulk
- Russell Gordon
- Terra Johnson
- Allen Parrish
- Becky Raulerson
- Cathy Sams
- Mary Lou Stanton
- Dan Webo
- Gifts received in memory of Jimmy Romero
- Sam W. Boone, Jr. P.A. – Attorneys & Counselors At Law
- Gifts received in memory of Hansel Ross
- Greg Garcia
- Deborah Y. Johnson
- Kenneth and Cindy Moore
- Robert Owens
- Phillip and Donna Rae Reid
- Arthur and Bunny Sandlin
- James and Carol Terry
- Gifts received in memory of Frank Rubinett
- The Deen Family
- Vickie & Fred’s Almost New Furniture, LLC
- Gifts received in memory of Joanne C. Russell
- Bob Valone
- Gifts received in memory of Marion L. Sanchez
- Eduardo Sanchez
- Johnson & Johnson Family – Matching Gifts Program
- Johnson & Johnson United Way Campaign
- Gifts received in memory of Clyde Sandquist
- Delton and Gail Buchanan
- Gifts received in memory of John P. Schneider
- Mr. and Mrs. James Fouraker
- Tri-State Utility Products, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Barbara E. Schollenberger
- Carla Bowling
- Richard Schollenberger
- Gifts received in memory of Dalia Serrano
- Robert deRojas
- Gifts received in memory of Gerard Setteducato
- Jim and Cindy Wright
- Gifts received in memory of James M. Silcox
- Northwood Cooling, Heating & Appliance Service, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ann Singleton
- Andre Ledgister
- Lisa Owens
- Eddie and Peggy Ricks
- Pamela A. Wadley
- Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wise
- Gifts received in memory of Theresa Slaven
- OpenJar Concepts, Inc.
- Gifts received in memory of Thelma Smart
- Grover and Pat Smart
- Gifts received in memory of Jacquelyn J. Smith
- Mark and Coral Heinen
- Gifts received in memory of William M. Smith
- Nancy and Jerry Dixon
- Stearns Financial Group
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Sowers
- Traci Wooden
- Gifts received in memory of Vidyawati Srivastava
- Prem Srivastava
- Gifts received in memory of Katie Mae Deen Starling
- Susana E. Bonetti
- Mrs. Alice E. Plemmons
- George and Pam Rollins
- Gifts received in memory of Richard Staskiel
- Richard Plummer and Candyce Plummer
- Leo Staskiel
- Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Steitz
- Nancy Steitz
- Gifts received in memory of Mary Ellen Stiles
- Mrs. Valerie D. Freeman
- Karen Haskins
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDow
- Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wise
- Gifts received in memory of Frank J. Stoppa
- Glenda Gardner & Family
- Stanley and Donna Goldy
- Elizabeth P. Green
- Thomas and Jane Hogencamp
- Dale and Deanna Houser
- Dolly Pellegrini
- Helen G. Stoppa
- Victoria M. Taddeo
- Mary Ann Tagliaferri-Rowe
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia Stotesbury
- James Anderson
- Jon Anderson
- Bill and Dodie Andrews
- John and Nancy Carswell
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cauthen, III
- Ralph and Jerry Cellon
- Dr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Dace
- James and Peggy Henderson
- Richard Ligmanowski
- Susan and Joel McCoy
- Mrs. Victoria Ortiz
- Mase and Les Wells
- Dr. B. Joe Wilder
- Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors
- Gifts received in memory of Phyllis K. Strain
- Torbit and Nancy Henry
- Judy Thomas
- Elizabeth VanSickle
- Pat Wyder
- University City Church of Christ
- Gifts received in memory of Maynard F. Swanson, Jr.
- Terre Crews
- Elizabeth J. Gude
- Wendy M. Iannelli
- Joe and Linda Southern
- Ruthann Swanson
- Ruthann Swanson
- Faye Woods
- Gifts received in memory of Ann P. Taylor
- First Baptist Church of Pomona Park
- Gifts received in memory of Pamela W. Thrift
- Iris E. Garrett
- Gifts received in memory of Wycliffe D. Toole, Jr.
- Dave and Cathy Dunlop
- Sandra M. Lester
- Helen B. Marshall
- Gifts received in memory of Blanca Torres
- Blanaca Schuknecht
- Brian Schuknecht
- Gifts received in memory of Patricia A. Trantham
- Anna Shamblin
- Gifts received in memory of Thomas Triest
- Bill and Linda King
- Sherrard Stallings
- Gifts received in memory of Paula Uhrig
- Jeanette Cheatham
- Sam and Betty Colgate
- John and Mary Dickerson
- Vivian Elliott
- Jim and Mary Henderson
- Jerry and Margaret Hodge
- Gerald and Kathryn Kidder
- Fred Lissauer & Family
- Sandra Ohanian
- Duffy Ronayne
- Karl and Joan Schnepf
- Kay Schnepf
- Maxine E. Schnepf
- Gifts received in memory of Samuel T. Viviano
- Carolyn L. Frederick
- Dave and Audrey Snyder
- Gifts received in memory of Mildred S. Wallace
- Bill and Ann Preston
- George Sanders, III, Keith Sanders, Wayne Sanders, Robin Sanders, Roger Sanders
- Kaye Walter
- Gifts received in memory of Anita A. Watkins
- Barbara Kile
- Gifts received in memory of Gary Webber
- The Joy Class – Trinity Baptist Church
- Gifts received in memory of Ronald C. Wheeler
- Leah Powers
- Gifts received in memory of Sonia White
- Pam Ford
- Adrienne Sentowski
- Gifts received in memory of James R. Whitehead
- Ruth Alexander & Family
- Helen W. Klicker
- Patricia P. Newman
- Marian E. Page
- The Frank Norman Families
- Linda K. Santana
- John and Geri Sapp
- Gene and Mary Taylor
- Lane Tenly
- Darlene Watson, Douglas Watson & Joan Watson
- Cynthia R. Watts
- Gifts received in memory of Leroy J. Widman
- Teresa Widman
- Gifts received in memory of Ashley Justine Wiggins
- Amy Norman
- Florida Forest Service – Suwannee Forestry Center
- Gifts received in memory of Anne Wisniewski
- Nick DeCarlis
- Gifts received in memory of Raymond A. Wittenaur
- Samantha Wittenauer
- Gifts received in memory of Lois Wood
- Mary M. Dunnam
- Richard Mankin
- Gifts received in memory of Opal Wood
- The JT Harris Family
- The Holder and Wood Family
- Wayne and Alice Tharp
- Gifts received in memory of Mary M. Young
- Marilyn Heflin
- Ruth Westbrook Henderson
- Ron and Cheri Jackson
- Heather H. McNeill
- J. Moye
- Gizelle Turley
- The Young, Resciniti and Black Families